Daffodil City

'The Rising...'

The Four Great Kingdoms... Avalon, Camelot, Alnwick, Wormelow. These four Great Lands that were crafted by the first King, King Arthur Pendragon...

A war that raged on since the final battle of Arthur and Lancelot.

Strange Beasts, that some would even label as Monsters... Vast wealth, and all the gold you can carry... Treasures long since buried and forgotten by the world... Evil Ghosts, and Foul Devils... Unexplored lands, filled with uncharted territory. Vast Quests and all the world's Mysteries. Those who find themselves determined enough to go through the trials of hell and discover all the secrets this world holds, and the true secrets of Arcane Energy go by a single title...

They are called...

The Arcane Hunters! Warriors wielding powerful mystical energy, who came together joining groups known as Guilds!

Within this world nearly 45% of the Population has access to a resource known as Mana. A powerful substance found within them that allows them to bend the will of the world in various ways... For many this is nothing more than a way to make life a little bit easier, but for others... It is a gift.

Those who wish to uphold the title of an Arcane Knight set out banding together and forming Guilds, working for the King and Queen of the Country serving the world by going on various quests, and exploring vast dungeons. They are the heroes of this land... Many people celebrate the many Guilds hailing them as saviors and they are vastly popular.


This isn't the story of any of those well known, and liked Guilds...

This is the story of Phoenix Flight!

The worst Guild.


Daffodil City, was a small city. It could barley even be called a city. More like a large town. A few trains came in and out and all the buildings were fairly small some being made out of stone and others being made out of metal. At the very back though, was a strange sight.

A large wooden fence with a single massive building. Not skyscraper level but far bigger than any other one. It was large and foreboding and had a large spike covered wooden fence. Past the fence was also a stone like wall.

Neither of our heroes really noticed it though as they stepped off the train...

"We finally made it to Daffodil City!" Davi announced punching his right arm up into the air.

Tori stood next to him reading the note that Tallest Tree had given them. "So we just need to find this Sam Roch fellow huh... Finally... We'll get one of your ten stones." He smirked. "One step closer to getting my wish granted. And it'll all be thanks to that Sam Roch guy."

"Thats right." Davi nodded reaching up to his back where the Guitar is. "As agreed. If you help me with everything I need I'll let you get any wish you want from the Blade of Wishes."

"Right. We just need to find eight more of those damn rocks. Here's hoping this Sam Roch guys doesn't leave us hanging and can actually do what we were told." Tori grinned more smoke slowly funneling off of him.

"S... Sam Roch." The two teens turned finding a woman was staring at them now. "T... The two of you are looking for Master Roch?"

"Yep." Davi nodded throwing his arms behind his head in a casual manner as Tori frowned. He noticed the worry in the womans voice. It sounded almost like fear...

"I'm sorry to inform you but... Well..."

"He's dead!" Davi said in shock. "Seriously! We just got here! Come on! Damn my luck."

"N... No." The woman shook her head quickly. "Not that... He's... Well..." She slowly pointed to the large wall covered building. "He's in there..." Davi and Tori both turned to look at each other each giving a confused look before they both turned and walked towards the wall covered building ignoring the panicking woman. "W... Wait! You can't just walk up and enter in! It belongs to-"

"Yeah we don't really care." Davi said waving her off.

"We're pretty durable so don't worry about us." Tori sighed waving his hand as well. "No need to panic miss."

"T... Thats not it! You could-"

They didn't stop both getting out of ear shot as they simply let the woman standing there, her eyes wide with fear as she watched the two boys head to what she feared might be their doom. They just didn't seem to get who it was they were going to be dealing with. Monsters. Monsters that were the worst kind. People. Monsters that looked like people who would kill any normal person in mere seconds. Of course... Neither Davi nor Tori were normal... As they walked they got many strange looks and whispers could be heard though everyone seemed to avoid getting near them. Nobody was around the wall either. Like they were avoiding it.

Davi and Tori both quickly climbed over the small wooden wall craning their heads past it and the stone wall and seeing what might lay beyond their view. Past the wall was a simple sand covered field. The massive building was obviously there as well. Only a single person could be seen past it. A large metal cross was stabbed into the ground with strange symbols on it and a man was nailed to it...

He had pitch black hair and dull looking black eyes. Both his hands and feet were ran through with nails keeping him stuck to the metal cross. Dried blood covered his hands and feet and he was in a fancy yet dirty suit. A pair of sunglasses hanging off his pocket.

"Is that him?" Tori questioned raising an eyebrow. "Geez... Poor bastard. Why'd they leave him hanging up like that..."

"I don't know... But... In this heat being nailed to a cross... He must have done some serious crime to get this punishment..." Davi noted. "It must be a death penalty..."

"Death... Penalty..."

"Have you never heard of that?" Davi asked.

"No I haven't. It sounds metal as hell though."

"I see... My Sister told me about them once. In Avalon, and Alnwick, some crimes are given the Death Penalty. Usually bad ones. The penalty can vary from being hung, crucified, burned, depicted, drowned, or riddled with arrows. It always varied. That man must have done something pretty bad to get it. Like murdered a church full of kittens or something."

"I'll kill him myself!" Tori announced. "Still... A slow painful death..." He bit his lip and shook his head. "Such a thing is far to cruel... Who would invent something like this. Just give them a quick and clean death if they've done something wrong."

"You two..." A low voice said making Davi and Tori both jump. They looked up finding the man was staring at them. He gave a small grin. "Got any food or water? I've been here for nearly a full week. If not for the fact it rained a few days ago I think I'd be..."

Davi frowned reaching into his brown bag and fishing around for some things. "Whats your name." He called out.

"Sam... Sam Roch."

"It is Sam..." Davi frowned pulling out a half eaten burger.

"I can repay you for some food and water." Sam said weakly. "I'm a pretty God damn good Treasure Hunter and know the location of some rare loot. I'll give it up for some of that food."

"I wouldn't trust him..." Tori stated frowning. "He's got to be on this cross thingy for a reason right... Plus you'd think he would ask for something more than just food for rare treasure. Like freedom... He might try to kill us-"

"It's fine." Davi said giving a large smile and showing off his fanged and jagged teeth. "He can't kill me. Because I'm strong."

Tori stared at his team mate with a blank look as he said that. Finally he let out a sigh. "You know what Davi I'm not your mother do whatever you want."

"Yay. Thanks Mom."

"I hate you."

Davi jumped the fence and began to walk to Sam slowly. Sam eyed him up like a wounded animal. Finally Davi stopped in front of the man. He held the half eaten burger in his left hand.

"W... Well." Sam asked.

"Whats the magic word."

"You... Can not be serious..."

"...I was taught manners from my older sister." Davi said flatly.

Sam let out a heavy sigh. "Please let me have some food."


Sam's eye twitched as Davi held the burger up to him. "It's... Half gone..."

"Yeah. I got this a while back and couldn't finish it and ended up stuffing it in my pocket. It wasn't very good. Didn't have enough of the things I like on it. Also it's cold and kind of hard now. Wait I have an idea." Davi reached into his bag and pulled out a water bottle. He undid the lid and held it over the burger dripping the water onto it and turning it into a soggy mess. "There. Now it'll hydrate you to."

"Good thinking." Sam nodded.

"Oh my God he's gonna eat that..." Tori said with wide eyes filled with horror.

Davi went to bring it up to the mans mouth as Sam opened his mouth up wide ready to eagerly gulp down the burger when-

"My, my..." A calm voice stated.

"Shit!" Sam cursed out. "Kid move before she can-"

"Huh?" Davi turned around just in time to see the palm of a hand pressed on his stomach. In front of him was some woman. She wore a long black coat and she had long flowing black hair and icy blue eyes as well as dark skin. Her lips curved up into a smirk for a moment. "Oh wow you're pretty will you go on a date with me-"

"Vil Ice Contain." She said in a blunt tone as a wave of ice blasted out and covered Davi head to toe freezing him in place instantly trapping him in a large block of ice and causing him to stop moving.

Tori sighed rolling his eyes. "Seriously. Mr. Badass just had to let his guard down and get himself frozen. Idiot. I should let him die like that. Teach him a lesson thats for sure. But he's worth far more to me alive. Still... That woman looks dangerous I'll sit down and see how this plays out first." Tori mumbled sliding down the wall and taking a deep breath as his beating heart began to slow down and his energy faded...

"Y... You monster." Sam spat out glaring at the woman with open hate. "He didn't have to die! He doesn't even live in this village! There was no need to cause him harm! You just did it for the sake of killing!"

"Thats not true. I didn't kill him for the sake of killing. It isn't like I take enjoyment in this kind of thing after all. In the end I killed him because his death had a purpose. A purpose of making you mad. So when you think about it... It's okay he died right? Because he died with a purpose. Thats more than I can say for what will happen to you." Slowly the pretty woman reached up and applied a small amount of pressure on the frozen ice block that held Davi, causing him to topple over. He smashed into the ground with a loud smack and remained unmoving in the ice block his eyes wide and his mouth open as he was about to say something to the pretty woman. "You know Mr. Roch... I told you this would happen if I ever saw any of those villagers helping you." She said giving a small smirk. "You could help save yourself and this village if you just gave up the location of that Dungeon."

"Bite me." Sam growled out. "I'll never tell a freak like you anything!"

"That... Was the wrong answer." The woman frowned.

"Just... A few more days. I'll die then..." Sam said weakly giving a half smirk. "And then you'll be shit out of luck."

"Hmm." The woman hissed a bit. "I'll warn you now. Dragon Dwellers aren't so easily bested like that." She said clenching her fist into a ball. She pressed a finger to his right arm and Sam howled in pain as a small finger sized hole suddenly appeared there. "Don't test me." She sighed.

"W... Whatever, you ice bitch..."

The woman scowled before turning away. Behind her were several guards all carrying small metal shields, spears, and a few rifles on their back. One of them really stood out though. He was a shirtless bald man who's tongue was hanging out. He had on a belt filled with several large knives.

"We'll be heading back inside now." The woman said letting out a sigh. "Get rid of the body Gale."

"Right Madam." The bald man said giving a bow. He gave a smirk as he pressed both his hands to the ground and a wave of wind rose up lifting the frozen body of Davi up and then threw it high into the air where it crashed down into the city below...