Bandits Or Someone Else?

'The Rising...'

A Few Years Ago...

"Tori... I have a question."

On an island Tori Kaen could be seen. He looked younger then he did in present day and his outfit was far more simpler being a white buttoned up shirt and black pants. He didn't seem to be having smoke come off of him and he looked perfectly fine.

At the edge of the island near the beach a large wooden boat could be seen. It had the flags of Dragon Dwellers on it and a group of men all from the dark guild could be seen.

In front of the boats Kuro Dawn stood.

"What do you want..." Tori asked slowly. 'Damn it...' He thought. 'I managed to convince them to leave but all of a sudden he turned back to me... Please just leave already...'

"Do you know was a Grace is?"

"...Of course I do?" Tori frowned. "A Grace is something that some rare people are born with. Its a unique magical ability. Normal magic is something that falls into types and requires verbal spells to work. A person can have one or two types of magic usually. A Grace however is something you have to be born with and breaks the rules of magic. Some of them can let a person use more magic types or have them a version of magic that you can't learn."

"Thats right." Kuro nodded raising the palm of his hand. "We came to this island looking for something you see... Devil Stones, or Enforcer Stones, as they're sometimes called. Our boss creates something you see. Dark Eaters is what he calls them. Its almost like a Grace. An item placed into us that lets us break the rules. See mine... Is a very powerful flame based ability."

A ball of flames began to seep out of the palm of his hand getting larger and larger as it began to swirl around.

"What-" Tori didn't have time to finish as Kuro gave a small smirk.

"This is gonna hurt." Kuro whispered waving his hand out as the red hot flames blasted out like a whip.

Tori screamed.

Tori screamed louder.

Tori screamed more.

Tori screamed louder and longer.

The flames burned away melting him down again and again and again and again and again and again- It burned. It burned so bad. The flames ate away at him. Hell. It must have been hell. This was hell. Hell... Hell.

He was on fire.

The flames weren't going out though. He was melted down. Burned to ash. And right before it would all end. Right before the last of his nerves stopped existing, his body would heal and it would all start over again. This cycle of burning down to ash, only to be healed at the last moment.

Over and over...

"Wow." A voice commented.

Tori looked up trying to grit his teeth but his face melted off. In front of him crouched down was Kuro Dawn. The Dragon Dweller member who stole Iris away from Davi.

"Honestly. I'm shocked your healing can keep up with my flames." Kuro hummed standing up and slowly turning away. "I guess you're stuck on fire until you either finally die, or kill me." He mused a small chuckle exiting his lips.

"K... Kill... Kill... Kill." Tori's eyes glared at Kuro even as his body was rendered to ash for the hundredth time that day. "I'll kill you. I swear I'll end you!"


Present Day...

Davi's frozen body flew high into the air being carried by the wind magic.

It flew high over the wall crashing through the city below and no doubt causing major damage to any building, or anyone, it may or may not slam into at high speeds.

With that the strange group turned and left leaving Sam hanging where he was. Sam let out a sigh as he stared down at where Davi's frozen body had been. He closed his eyes and bowed his head saying a quick prayer. "I'm sorry for bringing you into this." He muttered. "May you find peace in the next world-"


Sam's eyes shot open and he found a deadpanned Tori standing over Davi's frozen hamburger which had been left behind. He placed his hand on the frozen food causing the ice on it to melt and steam up.

"You want this right?" He asked cocking his head to the side. The burger seemed to light up in his hands as it seemed to start to cook.

"I... I mean yeah but... Your friend was just... I mean I think he might be-"

"Davi's fine."

"Uh... You sure?"

"Yeah he's alive in the future arc."


"I mean. He's taken way worst trust me... That kid lived after I hit him with a direct attack. He's fine."

"In that case... I'll take the Hamburger."

"Okay." Tori held it up and slid it down Sam's throat as he slurped the item down. He shuddered a bit as Sam seemed to actually enjoy the strange meal making Tori sick to his stomach. Then again it was likely anything would have made him happy. Once it was done he folded his arms up. "Mind telling me what exactly is going on..."

"Thanks for the food, and sure... That bitch of a woman... She moved in here recently and brought all those guys with her. Took over. She had magic... Powerful magic. I couldn't keep up with my tricks." The man sighed. "She wanted to know the location of a rare Dungeon. I'm a master Treasure Hunter so I knew obviously where it was, but like hell I would give its location up to her. Sadly I don't have magic myself so... At first she was going to try and torture me for it. Then torture the town but... It would seem she is a bit sadistic... She hung me up here to taunt me... Without food or water. She thinks it'll break me but I refuse... I'll die first. In fact. You could just kill me now to get it over with." He half joked half begged.

"No." Tori said blankly. "I could care less if you want to die but don't try dragging me into hell after you like a coward. Either give up and let death take you yourself or cling to life and keep on living. As humans its our jobs to not fall into madness when faced with pain and cruelty that this world offers us. This is battle you have to fight."

Sam let out a low chuckle. "I guess my statement could be taken as rude. Well... Whatever the case. I'm a man of my word. I will tell you the location of the Dungeon in exchange for feeding me. I'd much rather someone like you get it rather than any of those other bandits."

"No thanks..." Tori said as he shook his head. "I'm not interested in hidden treasure such as that. Though there is something I'm looking for. It's called an Enforcer Stone. Know about it?" Tori waited but Sam didn't say anything. He looked at him cocking his head to the side. His eyes were closed. He reached up to his neck and let out a sigh of relief. "He's still alive... He must have blacked out from exhaustion. In that case I should hurry up and leave. I need to find Davi before those other guys come back... I'd hate to lose by them ganging up on me..." Small steam flowed off of Sam's neck from where Tori had touched him making Tori remove his hand showing burn marks on Sam's neck.


"Ahh!" A young woman screamed out falling back. "W... What the hell happened!"

Several people could be seen all staring with wide eyes. There was a large line of destruction, several buildings having been torn down, when a massive ice block was hurled through the town at high speeds. The block of ice had finally stopped when it slammed into a metal building massively denting the building but still unable to break through. Inside of the ice block they all found a frozen man.

"D... Damn it..." An elder man cursed biting his lip. "Those bastards killed someone again... Poor person. They look like an outsider to. They likely had no idea about the Dragon Dwellers group which broke in-"


Everyone instantly went silent as a large crack slowly began to spread across the ice block. Seconds later another crack began to appear. Than another one. And another one. Then in a flash the entire block of ice exploded as Davi kicked his way out with his left leg tumbling out of the block of ice and wiping himself off as everyone stared at him in shock.

"Whoa! It's chilly in there! I might be resistant to Tori's fire but it seems ice is something that can do me in-"

"What the hell!"

Several people screamed out in terror at him most turning off and bolting away as fast as they could. When it was all said and done only a single girl remained. The same woman they had bumped into at the station and the one who had screamed first when she saw his body.

"Hello again." Davi said giving a light bow.

The woman simply didn't run because she seemed to be in total shock staring at him with wide eyes. "H... Hi..."

Davi climbed out of the block of ice and let out a sigh as he began to dust himself off. "Man... I could have at least reacted to her. My Gramps would be so mad if he saw me get hit by such a weak attack. Hey listen. You know whats going on with the town? I'm guessing its a bad case of bandits right? Though these are the first ones that I've seen with magic."

"You uh... You seem pretty calm for someone who was just frozen?"

"Oh no I'm livid." Davi laughed giving a smirk which showed off his shark like fangs. "But my Grampa taught me that it's way more annoying for the bullies, and less fun for them, if you simply smile. So I just repress anything that doesn't make me happy and keep it bottled up and laugh to trick myself into thinking its fun."

"That... Doesn't sound healthy."

"Maybe not. Now about these bandits? I want revenge. Who are they."

"They aren't really bandits." The woman said sadly looking down at the ground. "If they were just bandits we'd be able to deal with them. But... They are way more than that. That woman. She goes by Irene. She's a powerful Ice wizard. Her second in command is that Gale guy. He's a powerful wind mage. A normal human can't stand a chance when faced with a Mage. And those two are so powerful. I doubt most Mages could keep up with them. Our Guards were slaughtered instantly. And... She took Sam." The womans lip quivered for a moment. "My brother... She... She wants to know the location of some magic Dungeon but only Sam knows the location but he's to suborn to tell them. We've tried getting contact to the Guilds but haven't been able to... Without an Arcane Hunter we... We're doomed."

"These people..." Davi's tone seemed to have changed now. That energetic nature of his was gone and for a moment his smile seemed to have faded but it quickly came back though it was faint. "Do they have a name?" He asked as he grabbed his bandaged right arm.

"Y... Yeah." The woman nodded. "They go by... Dragon Dwellers."

'You know... Normally this would be the part where I'd kill you. But... Well it isn't to often I meet a Finder. And to make it even better you're the child of Orion as well. A Finder who has the forge, and can use two Devil Stones even at such a young age. Even the old man over there, took years before he could even use two and yet here you are. Honestly it'd be a shame to kill you so soon. Besides... Your sister is watching... It's bad enough we killed her precious grandfather, but I feel like it would be impossible to get her to join if I killed you in front of her... And... I mean... I'm certain you'll join our side.'

"I see." Davi nodded. "You hear that to right Tori? Dragon Dwellers. How does that make you feel?"

"What?" The woman asked only to jump when Tori stepped off of the roof crashing down. The look in his eyes was filled with so much hatred. Davi still had a smile on his face but his eyes were a little darker now. Tori though. He had a scowl on his face and was practically oozing hatred out of his flaming orange eyes.

"Let's go." He ordered marching past Davi as he took his gloves off showing his badly burned hands.

Davi gave a half wave to the woman. "Hey. You said your brother was that Sam guy right. Well don't worry. Davi Hawker, Hero of Justice, will get him back. I swear."

"W... What?" The woman turned to look at them both but they were gone.

"What do you think?" Davi asked standing on the roof of a building that faced the tower and walled area.

"Well. That Irene girl is certainly not a Captain of the Dragon Dwellers there for I should be able to handle her." Tori said coldly. "Plus... If I find out she knows Kuro... I'll..."

"Cool. I'll take the weaker one then."


"Tactics aren't cowardly." Davi grinned. He held his right hand out and Tori jumped into the air holding one leg up and landing in Davi's hand with his other foot standing on his hand. He held him up with one hand with ease. "You've gotten heavier."

"Shut up or I'll kill you. Throw me at the building as hard as you can."

"Alright then I'm all set." Davi closed his eyes as he pulled his right arm back and took a deep intake of air. Then he slammed his left foot on the roof as hard as he could sending a shock wave through the building and shattering it, the force of throwing him into the air as he threw his right arm out. "World Wide Pitch!" He announced.

There was a loud booming sound as Tori blasted forward at a fast speed flying through the air and ripping the wind around him flying so fast there was a loud snap as the sheer force snapped his head back and shattered his back in half. Davi spun landing back on the ground down below and began to run towards the wall as he would have to take the normal way up.

Meanwhile at the very top of the building...

"Still no progress with the Dungeon ma'am." Gale said giving a light bow to Irene who rested on a throne. They were all on the roof of their massive sky scraper.

Irene let out a sigh. "Figures as much." She hissed out. "I had a feeling it would have been to easy if we just so happened to stumble across it. Still. We can't give up. Kuro would never allow me to quit." She bit her lip a scowl crossing onto her face. "Damn that man to hell." She grunted. "Making a woman such as myself do all this grunt work..."

"Should I result to more extremes." Gale asked cocking his head to the side. "I could kill a villager in front of him until he finally decided to stop playing this heroic act and willingly gives it up."

"Thats not a bad idea... We'll try it later. I want to wait until he is on the very verge of death. When he thinks that him dying will allow him to avoid our wrath. Only then will we heal him and force him to watch as we massacre the village. If that doesn't break the man then we give up on trying to use him to find the Dungeon as clearly he will steel."

"I assume we'll have no more need for the village then?"

"That's right." Irene nodded. "I wanted to look for this dungeon quietly so the Guilds wouldn't notice but if we can't find it by the time he dies then I'll simply start wiping the forests and near by villages out so we can easier look for it. The Guilds will certainly notice and Arcane Hunters will come running though so this is a last resort option that I would like to avoid if possible."

"Of course." Gale nodded. "I'll let Captain Kuro know that we need a little bit more time and that we will surely find it before the end of the Month."

"Good." Irene sighed. "In that case get back to work before-"

A low whistling sound could be heard stopping the woman as a heavy frown crossed onto her face. "What in the world is that noise-"


The entire building shook as Tori slammed into the roof of the building so hard he exploded on impact limbs, bones, and blood, spilling out everywhere, as well as a wave of fire. It was so fast several of his bones stabbed into everyone around him as his body was reduced to a red mush.

"W... What the hell." Irene said in horror her eyes staring in horror at what could barley be called a body.

"S... Some... Some person just slammed into our building..." Gale said horrified resisting the urge to puke. "They died on impact."

"W... Who did this-"

Flames began to spill out of the red mush as it began to twitch and slowly stood back up shocking everyone. Loud breaking bone sounds could heard as the figure began to snap back into place and new limbs and flesh began to grow out of them as their body reformed showing a set of flaming orange eyes as fire spilled out covering their flesh and they glared at everyone around them.

"Dragon Dwellers." Tori hissed out.

"What the hell? Who is he?" Gale said in horror.

"One of two issues you guys have to worry about." A cocky voice announced. The ground behind Tori exploded as Davi ripped his way up with his right arm landing a few feet away from Tori as he reached up and took the guitar on his back off. "We're here."