A Red Eyed Warrior

The door to the Masters house was kicked in so hard it snapped off falling to the floor.

The old man let out a loud yell when he saw it happen. Davi strolled in giving a half wave.

"Sorry about the door. I swear I thought it was a push not pull." He announced stepping into the room. He looked around before strolling over to the table and resting his bag down. "This is a pretty small village. Reminds me of Wasteland. The island I grew up on-"

"Who the hell are you!" Master Way screamed out.

"Hmm? Oh yeah sorry. Davi Hawker. Badass traveling warrior for hire. Hey you got a dragon problem."

"W... What?"

"Oh wait. You call them demons right? Ignore me calling it a dragon. Because I'm here to fix the demon problem. Demons... Yeah."

"W... Wait? Are you saying you're an Arcane Hunter?" The elder man asked frowning.

"Uh... Sure..." Davi reached into his red tunic and pulled out a small stained and torn brown cloak. The outline of a bird of flame could be seen on it.

The elders eyes lit up. "Wait. You are one... Are you the Arcane Hunter I hired? Wait but... If you're here who the hell is that girl."


"I hired an Arcane Hunter about the demon issue. One of you already arrived claiming she was here to deal with the threat. She had the same cloak you do as well."

"...The same one... I do..." Davi glanced down at the cloak in his hands his yellow eye seeming to light up. "You don't say." He shook his head for a moment. "Anyways. Worry not. I'm here to deal with the Drag- Demon threat. I'd like to ask some questions if you don't mind."

"Of course. Ask away. But please hurry. The Guilds told me they were sending one of you, so if you're here that woman must be an imposter. Maybe she is the demon-"

"No she's an Arcane Hunter. But don't worry about that. No need to rush." Davi said picking up a cup of liquid that was on the mans desk which he then began to drink out of.

"Um sir thats bleach I was about to was clothes, thats a measuring cup..."

Davi opened his mouth the blue liquid falling out as his eye glowed a faint red. "So it is." He set the cup down acting as if that didn't happen. "I'm just going to ask you some questions. Answer as fast as you can okay."

"Of course. I'll do my best Brave Hunter."

"Than You. First question. Were the one who ordered those three foul pigs to capture human women and feed them to a Dragon?"

"I... Beg your pardon..." Master Way backed up as the tone in the room seemed to have shift with that question.

"Answer the question. One was named David right?" Davi asked opening the brown bag and turning it over as three heads fell out. "You were the one that had them do this right?"

"I... Oh my God..." Master Way felt his back hit the wall as he stared at his desk in horror. He looked back up at Davi. "You... They were human... Why would you..."

"Answer. The. Question."

Master Way let out a small gulp. "O... Okay. Yes... Yes. I'll admit it. We did. But we didn't have a choice... Last year... Last year two people were found killed. Both of them having been stabbed and drained to death. Parents of Rosco and Shelly. Rosco is a bright boy. Our doctor actually... A week later another body was found. A week later even more bodies... At this point I began to suspect it was the Demon..."

"Why did you wait a full year before acting?" Davi asked throwing his arms behind his head. He didn't look mad. Or sad. Or anything. He just stared at the elder man as if thinking of what he should do next.

"Arcane Hunters are... You are all expensive. So... So expensive. So much so that it would put us in debt a hundred years if we hired you bastards for even a simple task, much less slaying a powerful demon. With the King gone, you freaks run the Nation now... So... I looked for other ways to solve the issue... He came to me."

"He? The Dragon- I mean Demon?"

"Yes... He had already taken on a human form by then... I don't know who though as he was in a demonic form when he spoke to me. Came to me through my dreams. He mocked me for being human. Told me how he took a vessel and was here to devour us like lambs. But... He gave us an option. I could either sit by and let him eat us, or I could hire an Arcane Hunter, putting the village in debt and no doubt killing us all anyways, or... The option he gave..."

"Take people from outside the village and feed them to him?" Davi asked.

"Y... Yes. However when David and the others didn't come back I... I knew something happened. So... I was left with no other option. I didn't want to make anyone else killers. David was a solider in the war. I knew killing was in his nature. I couldn't ask anyone else to kill though. So... I sucked it up and hired an Arcane Hunter. We'll likely all die but... Theres a small chance we wont..."

"I see. I heard the same rumor in all the cities around here. Women were going missing left and right. I guess thats the Dragons preferred food choice. You say this happened last year huh. Honestly I don't understand it myself. How they're made I mean. I'm still figuring that all out. What I do know is a man comes to people who's hearts hold darkness. He goes by the Count of the New World. I've only seen and spoken to him a handful of times though so most of what I know is just what I got out of Dragons who beg me not to kill them. He places something into their soul. This... Thing. I call it Dragons Blight. It will unravel inside of them. And it changes both their body and soul. When its all said and done it turns them into a Dragon. A machine like warrior that seeks the death of people. The Dragon is able to make itself look like the person it took over and can even pretend to be them though most of its memories are all gone and its sense of good and evil doesn't exist anymore."

"I... If what you said is true then why would this man not just turn everyone into dragons?"

"I guess he can't?" Davi shrugged. "As I said I'm still figuring out all the rules. But it seems only people with weak Arcane Energy, or those who accept it can turn into Dragons. If person is infected and they manage to resists the processes something else happens."

"Whats that?"

"Their hair turns a snow white, one of their eyes become milky white and can change into a blood red, they're able to see Fate itself and follow after it chasing it, and lastly a Devil will mark them and brand that person with a curse." Davi grinned showing off his shark like smile.

"I... I see so you..."

"Any ways thanks for telling me what I needed to know." Davi nodded moving over to the fire place. "So. Hiring an Arcane Hunter would put the village in debt killing everyone. This village is small. Only about 500 to 1000 people maybe even less. There are 52 weeks in year give or take. That means a person killed every week was 52 victims. In that sense. The lives of 500 people is worth more than 52 I'll say."

"S... So you get it to right! Our little village was hard working. We had to kill those outsiders to save ourselves-"

"That said." Davi reached down picking up the fire poker that rested in the fire place. He pulled it out and turned to look at Master Way who began to back up once more when he saw Davi's shark like teeth. "Those 52 people. I'd say each one of them had a more valuable life then an old man. All young women with their lives ahead of them. All of them could marry. Live. Have fun. Someone old though. I mean you're already a foot in the grab. Say. What do you think they'd want me to do to you?" Davi said moving to the old man. "So. Why don't you ask them how valuable your life is when you get to hell." He said in a blunt tone as he raised the poker up.

"N... No... Please. Oh God I don't want to die-"

The sounds of metal tearing through flesh could be heard...

Seconds later Davi stepped out of the house rubbing his hands together. "Now that, thats been settled... I suppose I should look into the second issue. An Arcane Hunter with the symbol of Phoenix Flight huh..."


"Neat! How long have you been a Hunter thingy for then?"

"Not long." She said simply before stopping. She stared up at the sky. "It's getting late... Demons usually act then... I'd like to fight it now but I'm still a bit exhausted."

"You can stay with me and my brother!" Shelly announced.

"O... Oh there isn't a need for that." The Arcane Hunter said waving her hands. "I'm sure I'll find something. Besides. I'd like to create a barrier around the village first. It will help me keep track of them then..." She mused as she began to head out of the village Shelly following after. The Arcane Hunter stopped once she was outside. "This should be a good spot." She hummed crouching down. She held her hand out as a brown aura glowed from it. "Row Earth Mold." She muttered. The dirt moved underneath her hand and began to twitch and mold to her will forming a strange sort of map out of the dirt.

"W... Whoa! What was that!" Shelly asked with wide eyes.

"Magic. Arcane Hunters all have it. We say a spell and it happens. We must say the spells level, type, and intent. This is a rule that all human mages must follow. Casting a spell silently is impossible unless other things are met." She hummed. "I casted a level Row spell. There are five levels. Row, Vil, Ril, Vow, and Full. Row being the weakest and not requiring a lot of mana, Full being the strongest and requiring a lot. From there I said the spells type. In this case it was an Earth spell. Last was my intent. I wanted to shape the earth. So. Row Earth Mold. That was this spells name. All spells must be said like this in that order with the level, type, and intent. Anything that can cast magic without saying the spells name is using another means to cast that spell."

"So cool. So uh? What did you make."

"A Map of the town."

"So wait I was just rendered useless since I was going to be showing you around!"



"Please shush. I have to focus on the map for powerful Arcane Energy- What... That doesn't make sense?"

"What is it?" Shelly asked.

"Someone is entering the village... And they have... So much energy..."

"I... Is that bad?" Shelly asked.

"Depends on your definition of bad I guess." A voice said in between the two girls. They turned finding a snow white haired man crouched down in between them now. "Sup-" The Arcane Hunter slammed her hand out smashing it into Davi's face and sending him flying back as he crashed through the dirt and came to a roll slamming into a tree. "...Oww." Davi frowned jumping back to his feet and placing his hands in his pockets. "Why are people always attacking me mid sentence."

"I see. So you're the demon." The Arcane Knight said a scowl on her face as she placed her hand on the handle of her glaive which rested on her back.

Davi gave a shark tooth grin. "Mwhahaha! Yes. I am the evil and foul devil demon dragon lord king thingy. I need a title. Tiss I am a Ruler of all of creation and the most foul and evil being to ever live. I eat even puppies. Hahaha! Fear me mortal scum."

"A demon with a terrible sense of humor."

"Wait until you find out I leave the toilet seat up when I use it, or that I don't respect women."

The woman moved in front of Shelly. "Young Miss. Please head back to the village where it is safe. I will deal with this issue." She stated.

"R... Right." Shelly glanced at her then at the man. "K... Kick his butt." She called out before she turned and ran away.

"Good. You got rid of the kid." Davi smirked. "Didn't want her to get hurt."

"A nice demon?"



"They aren't called Demons. They're Dragons." Davi shrugged. "You should know that much if you're hunting them. Dragons. Creatures formed from the blood of the Black Beast."

"Why would a Demon like to be called a Dragon?"

"I don't know why do women want me to tell them they look young-"

"Enough talk." She announced loudly. "I will slay you Demon."

"Alright then." Davi gave another smile showing off his fanged teeth. "If you can kill me please do your best. You might be able to pull it off. I'm rooting for you."

"A demon that wishes to die? Your words won't confuse me."

She drew her blade a light shining out of it which she raised up pointing at Davi. Davi himself unwrapped his bandages shocked the woman when she saw his left arm. From the elbow down it was a disgusting black limb. It looked to be made out muscles as if the flesh on it was gone. The muscles tendrils were all wrapped together forming the same of an arm, and all the tendrils were an oil black color. The fingers were razor sharp. On the palm of the hand was what seemed to be a twisted and demonic mouth filled with razor sharp teeth much like the ones Dai had. And all along the limb were nine purple eyeballs that were attached into the muscle tendrils and looked around.

"W... What the hell..." The Arcane Hunter asked her eyes going wide.

"Shocked? Most people are when they see it. This was a curse I got from a Devil." Davi mused. "One of two." His right eye began to light up as the faded milky white iris inside of it ignited and changed into a blood red color, while the white of his eye was replaced with a black giving it a red on black look, and he closed his left eye as if would not be needed. Davi held his left arm out as the limb began to twist. "Davi Hawker." He announced. "Thats my name."

The woman stared at him then back to the arm slowly. Finally though she raised up her glaive flames igniting off of it. Squire." She said calmly.

And with the exchange of names their battle began...