
"I'll be with you in a moment." Rosco called out when he heard the door to his clinic open.

Rosco, the doctor of this small village currently stood in front of his stone table the corpse of the woman on it. He was checking over her body. Also getting it ready for her funeral. Their small town didn't have a lot of people and as such anything medical be it treating the living or the dead fell to down to him.

"Big Brother!" Shelly yelled running into the back room before he could react. She was breathing heavily as she looked up at him. "Big Brother theres trouble."

"What!" He asked with wide eyes.

"The Arcane Knight lady is fighting!"

"So what? Its her job." He sighed.

Shelly seemed to frown at that. "I... I guess it is..." She went silent replaying everything she had heard Lillian say. Finally she sighed folding her arms. "Man... I wish she had been more like the naive superhero type. I also wish that man never showed up. What are you doing."

"What does it look like." Rosco sighed.

"You're preparing her body?"

"Yeah I'm... No... God damn it."



Rain casted down as the sounds of bullets lit up the almost night air.

In a field Squire danced on her toes her glaive slicing out at high speeds as she sliced through the bullets that came near her. Davi Hawker stood on the other side of the field his right hand holding that gun that was in his holster. The gun was a strange silver and seemed to have pink lines and heart shape symbols all across it. It was rusted and old looking but seemed to be doing its job firing out bullets.

Or perhaps it wasn't doing its job as Squire seemed to prove that the sword was mightier then the gun easily blocking the bullets.

"Guns really are quiet useless you know. Far to slow, and take to long to reload. And they're so expensive to make and run. You'd be better off using a sword, or even a bow." She sighed. "A pity. You seemed like a good warrior up and till this point." She slammed her hand down and fired towards him at a fast speed moving through the air like a blur. She twisted and turned her body as she sliced out with her blade as hard as she could.

Davi gave a smirk as he twisted the gun around and slammed his leg out in a kick. "Got ya!" He announced as his kicked sent out a powerful gust of wind.

"~To slow~" The wind seemed to go through Squire as she suddenly appeared behind him slicing out with her sword that was at her belt leaving the sheath on it.

Davi's smirk only grew as he whipped around and slapped his left arm out. "Or maybe that was another trick!" Squire gritted her teeth holding her glaive up and blocking his strike the strange limb pressing down onto her blade and pushing her back. Her feet dug into the ground as she tried her best to stay standing.

"I... Will... Not... Fall!" She pushed back forcing Davi back as she raised her glaive up in one hand her other hand holding her still sheathed sword, flames forming out of the metal glaive which she then used to stab forward. Davi used the fact that he was pushed back to his advantage using it to back flip into the air as he spun around and landed on Squires blade her teeth gritting and her arms shaking as she held her glaive out with one hand out as Davi stood on the flat end of the blade.

"Whoa." Davi mused staring at her. "You're pretty strong for a girl. You can hold me up? Cute, Strong, and Fast."

"G... Get the hell off my weapon. Stop goofing off." She sliced out again but Davi hopped off the blade landing on the ground a few feet away. She placed her sword back on her belt and held her glaive with both hands.

"You can't blame me for not taking it seriously. I mean you aren't either are you. You've been holding back as well." Davi mused. "You haven't even used your magic. Instead you use that magical glaive. Unlike a spell which must verbally be said, that sword has been infused with flame magic allowing you to cast low level flame spells out of it without saying the incantation or using your own mana. Sort of like you already imbued magic into it. Where as normal magic is like a bow that must be reloaded with arrows over and over again that weapon is like a repeating crossbow thats been pre set with bolts, in this case spells."

"You're quiet knowledgeable." Squire sighed. "That arm was a give away on you being a demon though, so I should expect nothing less."

"If you calling me a demon can keep this fight going then sure."

"Oh... Do you like fighting?"

"It depends. Speaking of questions. You said your name is Squire? I'm guessing thats a false name."

"T... That it is. I'm sorry to have given it out even though you gave me yours. It's just that my name is... It is something that I can't allow anyone to know." She stated shaking her head.

"Fine by me. Now about this 'you holding back' issue. You'll never kill me if you don't come at me with full power."

"Well then..." Squire raised her glaive up as rain began to fall. "Allow me to make a deal. I'll take you seriously if you also stop holding back."

"Oh trust me. If you get stronger I'll be forced to as well. Part of my curse."

"Your curse?"

"Not to important. But go ahead. I'm getting all excited now." Davi smirked.

"Very well. I'll show you just how far I can go. Please try to keep up. I'd hate for all this magic to be used on a worthless enemy." She said closing her eyes. She stabbed her glaive forward as the water began to bend and twist around her forming together the rain moving to her will and making Davi raise his open eye. "Vow Water Snake." She announced the water firing forward and bending around as it morphed into a massive water snake and slammed itself towards Davi. Davi jumped to the side the attack slamming past him and nearly hitting him. The snake of water twisted around coming back at him but before he could even attempt to dodge it Squire was behind him raising her glaive up. "Vil Wind Blade." She announced slashing the weapon down.

The wind slammed into Davi's back slicing through his shirt and back splitting it open, and causing him to stumble as the water snake slammed into his body throwing him back. before he even hit the ground Squire was already casting a second spell stabbing her sword down as her mana burst out of her.

"Vil Earth Spike." She announced the ground underneath Davi stabbing out like a blade, the ground itself bending to her will.

Davi fell towards the spike and closed his eyes as if ready for it to stab through him and end him.


His right eye burst open the red glow seeping out as it glowed even bright and seemed to ignite like flames. He slammed his left hand down as one of the eyes on it glowed and the limb was overtaken by a pitch black light the spike exploding from the force of his punch. Davi landed on the ground and raised his left arm up the limb now something else. It was no longer an arm. From the elbow down it had formed into what looked like a curved sword formed from bone and metal, the blade a pitch black and curved, a blood red 'two' painted on the side of it.

"The limb changed?" Squire said with wide eyes. "But he never said a spell-"

Davi sliced out with his new arm as a massive explosion blasted out of the blade slamming into Squire and throwing her back sending her tumbling her eyes wide as she hit the ground. "Blast Caliber." Davi said his shark like smile growing. "One of the ten Demon Swords forged from the Devil Stones, or Enforcer Stones as they're sometimes called. This is the second blade. The sword that explodes with every strike."

Squire slowly stumbled back to her feet using her sword to prop herself up. "A magical weapon infused into your very flesh... You really are quiet something aren't you."

"I could say the same to you. After all you have a Grace right? A blessing of the Gods or so they say."

"Indeed I do." Squire nodded. "I was blessed with the Grace, Loved By The World. Most Wizard only have one or two magical types, however my Grace allows me to use Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, and Lightning Magic. It is quiet handy wouldn't you say."

"I wonder which is better." Davi grinned holding his sword arm out. "Our sword skills I mean. They say when a person becomes good enough with a blade it might as well be an extension of themselves. Well. In my case it is."

"Sadly I'll have to stick to the glaive. To draw this sword would be... Bad."

"Really. Well then thats fine. Blade on blade is the same be it sword, glaive, or axe."

Squire took a deep breath as an aura of lightning began to form around her. "Ril Lightning Enhancement." She muttered out her body igniting with lightning. She crouched down and seconds later blasted forward at top speeds blowing the area around her to bits.

She reached Davi in the blink of an eye his red glow getting brighter as he stepped forward and slashed out with his sword sending out a blast but Squire was to fast dodging past it. The two engaged each other with their blades both slashing and dodging at high speeds. Every strike either sending out a gust of wind, flames, or lightning, from Squire, or simply massive blasts from Davi, their two weapons clashing over and over again both hitting each other with everything they had. Davi's body was soon littered with a wave of cuts and bruises, and Squires arms shook blood dripping down as the flesh on her hands gave away and her bones in her arms became cracked from the shock wave that was produced each time she used her blade to block Davi's strike.

It all came to an end with one final strike.

Davi spun his body around so fast the very wind itself seemed to whip around as he slammed his hand down a massive blast exploding out of the back of his blade and launching his arm down at high speeds. Squire slammed her arms up as hard as she could slamming her glaive into his her entire blade cracking as she used all her might to parry his strike up. With a loud crack her blade shattered but before Davi could bring his arm down she pressed what was left of her blade to his throat stopping him in his tracks her glaive having both its handle and blade split in half leaving it a broken and mostly useless weapon.

But even a useless weapon could kill...

"I win." She stated her black eyes staring into his single red one.

"So uh... Then why am I alive?" Davi asked raising an eyebrow as he opened his other eye.

"Because." Lillian shook her head. "You're not a demon are you."

"Uh... Yeah I am. Totally. So... Stab me. Do it."

"No. I don't know why but you're a guy pretending to be one." She sighed. "Like me you have Arcane Energy. You arm changed but if you were really a demon your whole body would have changed as well. As it stands you're just a human with weird teeth, an arm, and an eye. Now... Answer my question. Why were you pretending to be a Demon?"


"Keep talking like that and I will kill you."

"Okay, okay, okay." Davi threw his arms up in defeat his smile still not leaving. "Truth. I wanted to see what you could do." He said reaching into his tunic and pulling out his Guild symbol. Her eyes lit up when she saw it.

"You're a member of Phoenix Flight as well?"

"Used to be yeah."

"So you aren't anymore?"

"Nope. Got curious. Wanted to see what a member was like now." Davi said folding the flag up and putting it back.

"So then... What Guild are you in now?"


"Really? You know hunting Demons-"


"-is illegal unless you're an Arcane Hunter right?"

"Yeah. Speaking of which..."

Squire's eyes once again lit up. "Wait. If you're not the demon then who is!"


Shellys back hit the wall as her eyes went wide and she stared up at Rosco who stood above her raising his knife up.

"Brother please!"

"Don't call me that!" Rosco screamed slicing down at her with the knife.

Shelly managed to turn her body at the last moment dodging the strike as his knife slammed into the stone floor shattering and snapping off. He was back to his feet moments later and marched towards her with the broken knife a crazed look in his eyes.

"Die!" He screamed stabbing down with his shattered knife.

Blood splattered out as Rosco's hand was torn clean off Squire standing behind him and slicing out with her shattered glaive. Rosco didn't even have time to turn around as she slammed her broken weapon through his heart making him gasp her eyes staring at him coldly. Davi stood behind her his arms folded.

"Uh... Kind of expected that to be harder?" He hummed.

Rosco gasped spitting up a glob of blood. "S... She got... Sick around... Gore."

"What?" Squire asked frowning.

"M... My sister always got sick around gore but this demon... It didn't even bat an eye when it saw me working on a corpse-"

Squire felt an arm grab onto her as Davi pulled her back right as a massive clawed hand struck out splitting Rosco in half making Squire's eyes go wide with horror. "Ahh. So thats the Dragon."

Shelly slowly stood back up to her feet a dull look in her eyes. "Damn. I tried to play the part of a helpless little girl when I sensed you two coming towards me. I had hoped you'd buy it and attack Rosco and I could take at least one of you out when I had the chance." Her right arm had morphed and grown becoming much larger and gaining long claws and being made out of a black metal.

"S... Shelly..." Squire asked saying the name slowly her eyes wide.

"Thats who this person used to be." Shelly said giving a smile as she cocked her head to the side. "But you can just call me Imp. Loyal Dragon of our Lord, the Black Beast." She giggled her flesh being to be torn away as the beast broke out of its shell...