
'How cruel of a God to allow such things to exist in his world.'

The life of the Marked is truly a hard one. Forced to follow fate, an ever elusive creature never reaching it. Those who are Marked are those who have taken in the Dragon Blight, fighting it off, and been Cursed by the five devils. It is possible to be cursed, or to fight off the Dragon Blight, but a being must do both in that order to become a marked.

'What a miserable life they live...'

Shelly's form lit up with a bright red flame her eyes changing to the same red on black that Davi had but in both her eyes. Her skin glowed and began to vanish.

In mere seconds the young fourteen year old girl grew far larger than she had been standing at nearly seven feet tall and now a metal black skeleton with a set of powerful magically imbued glowing red and black eyes. She held her arms out as they began to glow and morph. Two sets of powerful metal claws stabbed out of the monsters arms and from its tail bone a long slender blade like tail formed out. Unlike the other creatures Davi had faced this one was a little taller and slender being more female like a set of devil horns stabbing out of its skull as well.

The sight of the beast made Davi's and Squire's eyes go wide as the once kind and seemingly innocent little girl morphed into this new monster like form.

This was a creature released several years ago.

A Demon.

Or. A Dragon.

It depended who you ask.

Shelly, or rather the beast that had been pretending to be her, let out a loud shriek its voice echoing throughout the house they stood in bouncing off the walls and likely alerting everyone outside of the house they were in.

"Hmm. Its form is different." Davi hummed as he looked the beast up and down still remaining calm. "I guess this is why bodies were found..."

"W... What..." Squire asked though she wasn't really listening to him. Instead she was staring down at her body which was drenched in the blood and gore of Rosco who had been sliced in half by his sister.

"Dragons break a person down to their core elements. Their soul if you will. Once a persons body and mind are stripped away they are nothing more than a soul. This is what a Dragon eats turning the soul into mana that it uses to power itself. Its like a machine. It needs souls as a power source. And when it eats a person with Arcane Energy it gets stronger. This one. Its changing. It's in the process of evolving into a new form. The reason we were finding bodies. It wasn't eating for food anymore. It was killing for fun. Unlike an animal which kills for survival this thing is now just slaughtering people for fun." Davi announced.

"Thats right." Shelly, or rather Imp announced, still speaking in Shelly's voice and making Squire's heart ache even more. "When the Count of the New World infected this girl the first thing I did was devour anyone who had magic in this village. I ate so much that I almost evolved growing in power. Afterwards I went into hiding for a bit and had them bring me snacks to enjoy. I prefer cute young woman. I've found their organs taste the best and I can befriend them in my Shelly form making them think they'll be saved before I cruelly rip that away. It was very easy for the Count to infect this girl. After her parents died in the war."

"Speaking of which. I've asked a few Dragons but most are simple weak ones who don't know." Davi said folding his arms. "How does The Count force someone to become a Dragon?"

"Oh. He doesn't."

"What?" Davi asked raising an eyebrow.

"The Count doesn't force it. Yes he places the seed of Dragons into them, but in the end its the persons choice on rather they accept it or not. But after hearing his words of what he offers most give in and allow themselves to be taken over all in the effort to follow the next step of his plan."

"And what would that step be?"

"Sorry. But thats as much as I know. You'd need to ask a higher up Dragon."

"...I see... So your name is Imp huh." Davi said giving a smirk. "I'll write that on your stone when I-"

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Squire slammed her broken glaive into the chest of the beast as a massive explosion of flame blasted out of her broken blade pushing the creature back and slamming it into the wall. Tears streamed down Squires face as she glared at the creature. "H... How could you... How the hell could you. How could anything be so cruel!"

"Wow." Davi noted. "She's really mad isn't she." He mused to himself. "Like a raging beast. She almost reminds me of Tori..." He hummed. The image of a flaming bird came to his mind as his smile grew.

Squire held her broken blade up as the flames slowly died out showing the Imp on the other side its back now pressed to the wall. The fire attack didn't seem to do to much to it, either because flames didn't work on it, or it was simply to strong for such a weak attack, Squire didn't know. All she did know was that the creature was laughing at her now.

"He... Hehahahaha." The Imp slowly crouched down to the floor steam coming off of his body as his massive jaws twisted into a large grin. Their tail tapped back and forth on the ground. "It was actually harder then you think. Trying to get close to you so I could devour you. If that fool over there hadn't shown up I'd have done it. You said he had Arcane Energy. I was worried as a two on one could have been to much for me but look at the state the two of you are in. I don't have to worry about it now." It chuckled. A truly hellish and devilish sound.

Squire gritted her teeth rage shining in her eyes. "How can any creature ever be so cruel." She hissed slicing out with her broken blade only to once again feel a hand on her robes, Davi pulling her back roughly as the beast sliced out with its claws ripping at the spot the girl would have been at. Davi dragged her back jumping across the room and carrying Squire with him as they crashed down on the other side. "W... What the hell do you think you're doing." Squire yelled out glaring at Davi. Davi lightly reached up and flicked her across her forehead catching her off guard. "W... What was that for?" Squire frowned grabbing her forehead.

"I'll admit it." Davi gave a shrug giving a grin and showing off his fanged teeth as he closed his left eye using his milky white one to see now. "As it stands. You're stronger than me. You beat me in our battle. That said. You won't beat any Dragon in your state. Nearly out of mana, banged up, and with a broken weapon. If you want to throw yourself to your death be my guess but please do me the favor of not having to see it. I'd get jealous. Besides no need for a cute girl to die just yet. I'll handle this thing. Maybe it could get lucky and get a good hit in on me."


"I honestly don't care who I get to kill both." The Dragon announced letting out a loud twisted laugh as its face formed into a grin. It slammed its body down flames rolling off of it as it opened its mouth and fired off a fireball not even needing to say a verbal spell.

The attack blasted forward but Davi stepped forward raising his left arm up the hand on his palm opening up as he slammed it forward and the mouth expanded devouring the flames in a single burst seconds later his milky white eye changed to a red on black as he gave his typical shark like smile.

"T... That hand ate my fireball?" The Imp said in shock. "And that left eye. You're one of the Marked! Beings cursed by one of the Five Great Devils, a cursed soul placed into your body much like those who bare the seven deadly sins!" The beast snarled. "I was going to play around but if thats who you are then I'll surely get a promotion for killing you. And I now see why you'd hunt us. You likely want to kill every last one of us don't you! Filthy marked one! Your hand might be able to eat mana but you're useless without a weapon!"

The Imp jumped into the air slamming into the roof and crashing down towards Davi its back twisting as jagged fang like blades formed out of its back and it spun down like some kind of deadly weapon whirling through the air.

"You were spot on. I'm a Marked. A being cursed by one of your Masters." Davi said holding his left arm out as one of the eyes on it lit up. "But you were wrong about me not having a weapon. You can thank your boss for this." From the elbow down his arm suddenly morphed. It wasn't the same sword as before. This one was like the blade of a claymore coming from his elbow down, made of a stainless blue steel, with a black 'one' written across it shocking the beast as Davi swung up and easily sliced the arms of the Imp clean off in its shocked state purple blood splashing out of its body as it howled in pain.

It landed back on the ground gritting its teeth. "That sword is-"

"Long Caliber." Davi announced. "One of the Ten Great Demonic Blades, that were used by Lancelot, the Traitorous Knight. Ironically I've come to find that a Demonic Blade, can cut through you Dragons like a hot knife through butter."

"W... Who the hell do you think you are! I am Imp! One of the Great Demonic Beasts, who worship the Five Devils, those who will bring forth the end times, and bring back our mighty lord! The thoughts that a mere human could even have a hope of beating me makes no sense!"

"And thats the second thing you got wrong. Assuming I'm human." Davi smirked stepping forward and stabbing out with his arm sword. "I am Davi Hawker, former member of Phoenix Flight, son of Orion Law, and Echidna Hawker, Finder, of the Ten Enforcer Stones, Slayer of Dragons and Sins, and the one who was forced to hold the curse of Life!" His blade stabbed forward making Imp snarl as they jumped back.

'I'll dodge the attack and get away. While his arm is in that sword form I don't see the hand. That means he can't eat my mana. He might have taken my arms by surprise, but I'll burn him and that bitch right down to ash!' Imp thought glaring at Davi as he managed to get out of range of the blade. 'He can't fight from a distance-'

The sword glowed and in a flash of light extended growing in size and making Imps eyes go wide as the entire blade thrusted through his chest and out his back spraying out more of his purple blood as his eyes went wide. Davi twisted his body slashing out with the sword and easily splitting Imp in half his leg going one way as his torso went the other.

"I... It got... Longer." Imp barked out spitting up more purple blood its eyes wide with fear as he was forced to lay there.

Davi gave a smirk as his arm glowed and reverted back to normal. "Seven. I currently posses Seven of the ten Cursed Demon Blades. Each sword has its own magic imbued. My arm is able to turn into any one of those seven blades and use its magic. That was the ever expanding blade. Pretty handy huh? Get it. Handy? Cause I turned my arm into a- You're not laughing..."

"D... Damn you."

"I wonder. How many people did you kill before you got here?" Davi asked grabbing some bandages and began to wrap his arm up.

"Enough! It dies now!" Squire yelled jumping at it with her glaive. The blade never reached though as Davi held his right hand out her sword stabbing through his palm and coming out the back. His red eye returned back to the milky white as he opened his left eye. "Why are you stopping me!" She yelled.

"He won't live much longer." Davi said staring at her. "He's going to bleed out and die. I took out several of his organs and this Dragon isn't one of the ones who can heal. He's going to die a slow and painful death. But. Even then I wouldn't let you kill it."

"Why not." She yelled glaring at him.

"If you kill him that would mean you were doing your job. If you do your job you get paid. However If the Dragon dies at my hand then you never were able to do it. That would mean you wouldn't earn your reward and the village would keep their wealth."

"S... So your doing it to help the village out." Squire frowned.

"In a way." Davi pulled his hand off of his blade as it slumped down to his side the blood still dripping from it. The wound must have hurt a lot and yet he didn't really react to it. "Its more like my form of payment to them."

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me. Do you consider yourself a knight?"

"Of course I do." Squires frown grew at his question.

"In that case. I saved your life. Twice. Therefor you owe me." Davi announced catching her off guard.

"W... What? I owe you?"

"Thats right. A life debt. I saved you twice in one day. As a Knight it is your duty to honor that debt by doing at least two things that I ask of you to repay back both those debts, or save me twice." Davi announced.

"...You better not make me do anything weird..." Squire frowned staring at him as she backed up as he eyed her up and down. "I'm not really into guys so don't get any perverted thoughts or I'll kill you."

Davi threw his arms behind his head as he let out a sheepish laugh. "I order you to repay my debt anyway you can. My debt is simple. I command you take me to the Nation of Camelot, and to the city within that Nation known as Arthur City, the very place the Holy Sword Excalibur is located at."

"What!" Squire asked caught off guard. "Why?"

"I just have a strange hunch you're someone who could get me to reach my goals." Davi smirked. He saw something no one else in the room could. The ever floating butterfly which he had constantly been chasing. It had finally landed on Squires head. His next step to his destiny was before him.

"W... What exactly is within that city that you're so interested in..."

'If you wish to see me again Davi I know we will meet once more. At the place I long after. The Sword in the Stone. Until then. I command you. Live.'

"No reason." Davi lied cocking his head to the side.

Squire let out a sigh sheathing her broken sword. "Very well good sir. As a Knight of Avalon, and of Camelot, it is infact my sword duty to up hold the honor of the Round Table. I will repay your debt if I must. However we must first make a few... Stops along the way."

"Thats fine. Lets go whenever."

"Onward then."

The two began to move to the doorway but the Imp began to speak. "W... Wait." It coughed out likely in a lot of pain. "P... Please... I... I don't want to die by bleeding out." It gasped. "I... It hurts. It... It hurts." It sounded as if it was on the verge of tears.

The sight of it made Davi give a bit of a grin. "Very well then." He said. He raised his left arm up and placed it next to a burning candle. "You won't die by bleeding out. You'll die by fire. Burn." And with a flick he knocked the candle over igniting the carpet.

"W... Wait! Please!"

The door opened as the two left the building slowly lighting up...