"The hundred gemshorn ritual"

"What did you say?" Ezekiel could not believe it. He thought he heard wrong… No, he actually wished he heard him wrong.

But the messenger repeated, "Her Majesty Queen Raina passed away. She was attacked by a spy from Jezebel Kingdom."

"My sister… What about my sister? Is Marvella safe?"

"Yes. The Queen blocked the arrow for her, so…"

To understand the whole situation, Ezekiel had the messenger give him all the details. Everything - what happened before the Queen was killed. It turned out Marvella did a great feat protecting Marcissa Kingdom, using her wits as her strength. But the presence of the spy, who only showed himself after his comrades lost, was very unexpected.

"How is Marvella taking the situation…?"

"She only cried beside the Queen Mother's casket…"

"Poor Ella…" Everyone knew it was not Marvella's fault. If only he was there with her, he would tell her not to blame herself.

Wait. If Queen Mother died, did it mean the Goddess wouldn't be summoned anymore?