"Who owns the world?"

In Marcissa Kingdom, the late Queen's throne room was opened to anyone who wanted to pay their respects. Marvella never left the side of the casket where she laid to rest for an eternal sleep.

"How can the Queen Mother look young and beautiful, even on her deathbed?" one of the commoners questioned with teary eyes. "How can our dear Queen die like this…?"

Everytime Marvella heard such things, her tears would automatically fall. They were asking why she died like that? Well, it was all her fault. She was reckless.

"If only… if only I…" it seemed exaggerated to some people, but Marvella did feel too lonely. Even though she was expected to rise to the throne, for her, she never deserved to be Queen. Nobody could ever replace Queen Raina.

She did not know if she could say goodbye to the Queen once her casket was taken to the royal cemetery. She might become insane if she saw her being buried. What if she returns to Leoniva before her burial?