The story is about a girl who has to go some hardship in life despite having both parents and brothers who can support her. She is goes to stay with her grandmother back in the village. At first everything is good then everything changes when she bears a baby. Her education comes to a stop and she is treated harshly. She then has to stay with her eldest sister who piles her loads of work at the house while at the same time wanting her to look after both their children. She sometimes goes even for a whole day without a meal. When life becomes very unbearable at her sister's, she leaves for her mother's home. Her brother,the one whom she is after becomes her greatest enemy. He feels like the baby boy she has born will some day come of age start fighting over the land with him. She is chased away from the home by the brother more than five times but manages to come back. She becomes a greater person through her son and most of the people that never wanted her before begin to find ways of getting closer to her. Her lineage becomes great and brings forth some of the important people in the society even though she herself passes on along the way. There are some points when life is so hard but her wisdom makes her pass through them.
This is actually one of the best stories that talks about things that happen on the real world, a story based on a true story. Thanks to everyone that choose to read this and please leave a review, thanks again.