Chapter 2

Chapter 2: I Want To Live

I've been contemplating for the passed week of what was happening to me and here's what I came up with.

I've been reincarnated into a clearly unique place from the world I came from. And now, I'm a nine-day old baby with a clear vision, clear hearing, and a clear memory of my past life.

I mean ... that's freaking sick!

"Princess Deianeira~" My forehead creased upon hearing the call for me.

Urgh. That name again.

"Are you hungry, princess?"

The maid who held me first since I was born again, whose name was Giselle, picked me up from my crib.

I frowned soon as the sunlight coming from the wide opened window reached my whole face. It wasn't burning as it touches my skin, but the brightness was blinding that kept me squeezing my eyes.

Giselle gave me the usual bottle of milk she's giving me. She thought that it's my favorite. It wasn't, I just like the color of periwinkle.

She rocked me in her arms whilst humming. Her soothing voice was good to hear so I had to closed my eyes to listen carefully. It was wonderful and relaxing.

I felt her stepped a little out of the sunlight reaches. Oh, I see, she saw me still frowning like a mad duck.

The humming stopped that made me opened my eyes to see Giselle staring at me so lovingly. She's as if looking at her own child trying to make her sleep.

One thing I found out is how the people in this place loved and respected my mother so much. That beautiful lady I saw when I first opened my eyes in this life? Yes, that woman. Even I couldn't believe that such beautiful person is my mother who gave birth to me. I am nothing but a rotten potato look-a-like when a was still living.

I wonder how I looked? the maids and some servants who took a look at me said that I looked like my father. That's too bad. It was minimally described from the novel too how Deianeira resembled the features of the emperor.

"Princess, I'm so glad, that at the very least, you inherited to precious eyes of our Lady Freya." Giselle smiled at me when my gazes deepened.

I do? Really? Really?

But even after having such luxurious life, maids and servants doting on me, and being a healthy little ball of fat I am, I'm still feeling frustrated about this new life of mine.

It's annoying in every sense.

First, I was reincarnated in a place I am not familiar with.

Second, I'm certainly, hundred percent sure, that this is the world inside the book I had since I was ten.

And the most annoyingly of all, I'm in a world of a tragic story!

Well, let me tell you some. "The End I Never Wanted" was a pretty messed up story aside.

It was about a broken man who met and loved a woman so deeply that he became insane when that person died. And at the end of the story, the man couldn't bear the emptiness in his chest any longer that he committed suicide...

And that is after he executed every single person living in his palace!

Now, this! According to the story, the first person he killed was his daughter, Deianeira. And that is me! I became Deianeira! And the man I've been talking about has become my father! The emperor! The ruler of this country!

I used to sympathize with his character because I was a sympathetic reader in my past life and my masochist heart want that level of angst, but now that I'm finally here?

Noooooooo! Now that I'm finally given the chance to live again? I want to live! I want to live! I don't wanna be a target for that insane of an emperor!

"Oh, princess! Why did you suddenly cry?"

Because we're all going to die here, Giselle! We're going to die, I say!

That morning, Giselle danced me till I stopped crying and doze off with a puffy eyes.