Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Practice

NOW, here's what it is.

The character of Deianeira wasn't that big in the plot of the story aside from the emperor's anger triggers whenever he sees his daughter.

He's so furious he wants to kill her so bad that's why a lot of people, specially those who were loyal to the deceased mother of Deianeira, protected her from her father for a very long time.

The story wasn't that detailed of why does the emperor feel that way on his own child, though it was clearly mentioned that he loathes Deianeira's mother, Freya.

But the certain thing here to me is Deianeira's life is always at risk whenever she crosses path with her father.

Dear Lord, I remember wishing to live healthy and free in my next life! But what is this? My ... my father! He wants me dead!

Anyway, in the story, Deianeira and her father's first meeting was when she turned seven years old, so I positive that I still have so much time to prepare. I will utilize a great, great, plan of how to survive the tragic future of this punny place.

Yes! I will run away!

When I become old and strong enough, I will leave this place! Only then, I will achieve the life I've been wanting! To live till I'm old and gray! And I will do that just before I meet that damned emperor!

"Go! Go! Go! You can do it, princess!"

The maids who were circling around me cheered for me as I struggled to move my feet on my own. My wobbly heavy body was so hard to control. I never knew that walking was this hard of a work.

Giselle was there on the other corner of the room, waiting for me as she kneeled on the ground.

Several months have passed and the now I'm learning to walk. I am very eager and dedicated to these little sessions the maids conducted for me everyday because, to me, it's a practice to make my body firm and stronger. And it's not like I walked a lot in my previous life so I don't really remember how to move my feet. I mean, I was isolated in a hospital bed for years so I forgot.

So once I master the art of walking, I will surely run away from here! Nyahahaha!

"The princess is grinning!"

"I think she's very proud of herself even though she only had two steps up until now."

"My~ How genius of our princess!"

"Go, princess!"

Thank you for the support, folks.


"Ba ... babababa ... bebebebe ... bubu," I mumbled whilst I carefully moved to my third step this time. I was using the wall as my guide just so I can practice more of my steps.

I glared at the dark corner of my grand room as my shadow was in the way.

It's already evening by the way. I just happened to woke up and sleepiness walked out on me so I'm really bored. Since I wasn't sleeping on the crib anymore, I decided to get out of the bed to take a walk as well as practice my speech.


Ooh. That was a clear pronunciation! Now, I'm going to try saying Giselle's name!

"Gi .. Gi ... Gisheyr!" And what language did I just say?

I slid against the wall and sat on the cold floor. I felt helpless all of the sudden. I'm so weak being a kid!

The truth is, I'm not sure of what to do at this point. Because Deianeira was introduced in the story when she was seven, so naturally, I don't know what was happening to her in the previous years aside from being raised and love by all of the servants who once served her mother.

Though the emperor was a jerk of a father towards his child, she was given so much luxury to live in. That's the only good thing I know being Deianeira.

But ... urgh, I'm getting so frustrated!

I read the story so much in my past life, but I wasn't this desperate and scared for the life of the people living with the emperor. Because I was more focused on his character, I know why he became like that.

But things changed now that I'm here. I'm one of those poor souls who'll be a target for the emperor's madness. I can't justify his actions this time!


I looked pass my shoulder when I heard something thrown on the wide window. It was a loud thud. The window was closed though. The balcony was empty so I became suspicious.

What in the world—

"Princess! Why are you not asleep?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin when a voice startled me. It was Giselle with a lamp on her hand, pointing at me.

Shit! She scared me!

"Gishir! Gishiy!" I pointed out the window towards the balcony. "Boom! Boob! Boor!" A bubble came out from my wet mouth due to my saliva. I can't speak properly!

"Awe, what's this? Our princess is learning to talk, huh?" Giselle picked me up. "That's nice, that's nice. But it's already late, now sleep. Let's practice more tomorrow, okay?" She began to gently pat my thigh as she hum to make me fall asleep.
