Chapter 4

Chapter 4:  Running Away

"PRINCESS! Princess! Where are you?" Giselle's voice and the other two maids beside her echoed through the empty hall as they anxiously called for me. "Oh, my, princess! It's time for your bath! Please, come out now!"

I bit my lip to contain my giggle as I stepped back a little more backwards, hinding in a dark corner. I waited there until Giselle's voice and the retreating footsteps began to fade away.

Just when I'm finally sure that no one is around, I came out of my hiding place. It was a good thing that there's a big pot of plant in every corner of the hall of the palace, plus the hallway was dark due to the dark curtains,  I can easily fit my small body in any narrow place.

So ... there shouldn't be anyone around, right?

I started to walk on the side of the hallway, still a little wary of my surroundings.

I don't need anyone interfering with my plans today, because today is day ... I'm finally running away!

Five years have passed and I'm steady on my feet now. I can even run on a marathon ... I think. Hehe.

I doted on my feet real good for the passed years of training this little figure!

Sure, I do not know what the future holds for me outside the palace, but I'm sure it's better than this place because as long as it's not the emperor's palace, I can guarantee my safety. I will live till I'm old and gray!

I'm so sorry, Giselle, and my fellow friends, who were so doted on me they gave me lots of colorful cupcakes everyday. You already have place on my heart, I love each one of you, but I still want to live after all!

For the passed years, with the help of my memory from the past, I tried my best to memorize every routes of the palace.

Unfortunately, I, who became Deianeira, is living with the same palace as the emperor's.

It happened because originally in the novel, Deianeira, even after announcing her birth as well as the death of her mother, Freya, still wasn't recognized as an official princess as per the order of her jerk of a father, the emperor. So, she stayed in the concubine's room where her mother used to live—and that is inside of the Emperor's Palace.

Huhu... I'm just so glad that this place is almost as big as a small town, I haven't caught a glimpse of the emperor despite of living here for years!

Well, I often hear that he stays where the love of his life is, so I'm really, really, glad. Meaning, he is on the other palace. The Empress' Palace.

Right! At this time, the woman who the emperor loves so much is still alive and kicking, so the two still stay together. Haha, good for them.

Also, if my remember serves me right, that woman stayed with the emperor for many years being his partner. But as the time goes by, the empress couldn't bear an heir for the kingdom that many people began to opposed to let her stay as the partner of their ruler. Not to mention that that jerk emperor doesn't want to recognized another child that isn't the empress'.

I mean ... look at me! His own daughter! I'm as good as a rock here; ignored and forgotten. Urgh.

I just realized it, but he's such a fool for the love of his life! That scumbag! I can't believe I used to sympathize with him!

Hmm ... anyway ... I wonder how that woman looks?

As the novel described her, that woman who was greatly loved by the emperor was an elegant and sophisticated lady. Her beauty was define as fierce and strong and no one can outmatched her.

But her insecurities started at the news of her infertility, and her inferiority towards Deianeira, who was a child of the emperor with Freya, the only woman who can spar with her beauty and influence, finally began to matter to her.

But as I always remind myself, Deianeira met these people when she turned seven that's why it shouldn't matter for now. I'm already five and there's still two years to go. But like what old folks said, the earlier is the better. And there's no way I'm letting that day comes!

Hehe. I was isolated for almost all of my life before, but I'm very well-informed. I've read enough books, watched TV, heard enough from radios and gossips from the nurses who used to take care of me. I know, my plan is very strategic.

If I think about it, had it not been a sure thing that I'd die in the middle of the road, I've probably ran away too from the hospital back then. Hahaha! Silly me.

Squeak ... squeak ... squeak ...

I was already in a fighting stance when I heard a slow, heavy, footsteps from the way I'm trying to go. I panicked for seconds ... did Giselle return?!