Blood, Sweat and Tears


The morning in the James house was calm, way too calm for a day that was as tense as that. They knew they were at greater risk and none more than their baby sister who was adamant in getting her revenge even though she would get hurt.

They were worried for her, but she was a determined soul. Anyone who met Amelia James knew better than to think of her any differently. She was the girl who got whatever she wanted and no matter the price she had to pay, for her, the end justified the means.

Today she was going back to the company to start over, or rather to lynch them form the inside out. She knew Alexander would protect her no matter what and she was banking on that. She would use his love for her to get what she wanted.

Consequences be darned, she was either getting her revenge or her love. It didn't matter but at the end of the day, she would win. Her blood, sweat and tears wouldn't be in vain and she would make sure of that.