Family, The Ultimate Solution


They knew there was nothing they could do. She had made up her mind. So they served breakfast and sat to listen to her. They loved her so much, and the best part of it was that she knew it and appreciated it. She cared for them too.

"Okay, I will keep her informed. And you also need to be careful. The Garners are probably ready looking for a way out of this" Nik said to Lia.

He didn't want her hurt, so did everyone on this table. This was the family that could point guns at each other like some fucking twisted reunion and still not hurt each other. 

Family made them who they were. Family had broken them but family would fix them, that was the power of family.

"of course, they are, but I'm still Alex's girl remember? He will do everything to keep me safe. I am more important to him than the company" Lia argued confidently and there was no lie there. Alexander loved this beautiful girl.