06 - The “Unforgettable” Last Days

Students. At a specific time which is set the moment they are admitted to their own school, their graduation day. Most would cherish that day and put other priorities aside, since it might be the last possible time for them to bond and create distinctive memories. However, for individuals similar to me, this is indeed a very joyful day but we celebrate for different reasons. We rejoice at the separation from the clowns (classmates), and the ability to finally not be bound to any groups.

This was suppose to be a day like any other day. I definitely did not sign up for this element of surprise that was uncalled for.

I do not miss my class at all, however, I would thank them. (Though I don't consider them as friends, obviously.) Now, why would I thank a bunch of idiots? You see, even on some occasions we can learn from the idiots or them helping you to fade out from the eyes of others. Famous examples are cracking jokes in the class, putting on a dramatic display etc. You get it, basically "monkeys". With that, you can play the mob role effortlessly.

Now, what is the purpose of a mob? A mob does what he does best. (Do keep in mind an authentic mob chooses the role himself, not designated by anyone.) Since no one will be paying attention to you as the existence of yourself you have skillfully manipulated it to be non-existent. How? Planning of leaving the class at the schedule time of release and disappearing straight away without anyone knowing what are your after-school activities etc. However, this will be discussed in another chapter.

Anyways, because of those monkeys, you were able to plan and execute the plan smoothly. So, why would someone like me thank a bunch of idiots? Honestly, even I'm not sure. It might be guilt, thankfulness, who knows. I'm not the God of Feelings. Wait, is there even any? I know of Aphrodite though.

Well, even if I thank them, trust me, it will be done in a splendid way of how they have been useful to me while they would think, "Wow, that guy remembered this or that". Well, memorizing past events are a must if you are living the life I am. Anything can be a weakness and when I gather sufficient information to the point of you being vulnerable, I'm not a merciful person. There is a reason why there is a saying of "Knowledge is power" and knowledge is derived from the dissemination of information.

Anyways, I love last days of school in graduating years albeit I'm going on intern after this but I've been excited about this since I will be in a new environment, which means not seeing the bunch of monkeys in class so it's a win.