Why do people take someone's politeness as love? A common example - Why is it that when you find a female to chat with, they would response but never the first to take initiative to chat with you? (Assumption here is females like any human being would mostly respond when someone strucks a conversation and engager is Male)The reason is simple. So simple that most males would disregard because of their ego. She has no interest towards you and yet people don't understand and can come up with millions of lies to comfort themselves.
You see, we humans always find comfort. Negative emotions and feelings are always avoided because everyone wants to avoid being affected by it. No one wants to be that person that ends up failing at the start straight away without even trying. Hence, we only see and want to read the action by our own egoistic minds.
The smarter individuals know this very fact and choose to not be polite to anyone - and this is seen as an unsociable or uneducated person which comes to my point. Why should anyone be polite in the first place? Just because you were taught to be polite in kindergarten and being polite is always seen as the right thing to do? In the end, it is just how the world works - controlled by hypocrites and when another party is being polite to their other half, then they see it as hostile actions.
Such a meritocracy has been carved into our very blood.
Truly ludicrous.