God Come To Save Her!

When she looked up to see the person who caught her dear life from falling, she was stunned.

'Did God personally come to save her favorite child, me? If not, then who is he who looks nothing like any ordinary mortal.' she thought. And with that, her sane mind got thrown out of the frame, and fangirl mode got activated!

'Wow!!!!!! He looks too handsome, his thick brows, beautiful deep black eyes, thin lips, long arms, by which he is holding me right now, oh! I am going to faint! Is he real? Should I touch him to check? What if I am dreaming. NoNoNo! Even if it's a dream, then let it be. I have all day to dream about being in the arms of such a God-looking man.' she kept pondering inside.

When Somya was busy with her 'important' thoughts, Varun was checking her out for the first time carefully. From the almost faded stitch mark on the top of her forehead to her pure black eyes, a proud nose, small lips to the mole on her right cheek, she wore a plain purple sleeveless top with a white Ghaghra*.

He was unknown to the fact that, in the future, he would remember this day as one of the best days in his life.

Without dreams, my eyes were living

no one was there, my life was lonely

I was quiet, I had no words on my lips

When I found you, I found the world

When I found you, moments were new

When I found you, I became far from all

When I found you, there was magic

When I found you, I learned to live

When I found you, rain smelled good

When I found you, desires awakened

When I found you, all looks colorful

When I found you, I found God!

Suddenly Somya's phone rang, and this woke her up from his beauty spell. She finally straightened up with a flushed face.

Varun was, as always, looking emotionless and waved her scarf in front of her "you dropped it."

She quickly took it and said with grace, "Thank you for the scarf and for saving me too. Just now, if you..." before she can complete, he already started walking away. Looking at his retreating figure, she stood there in a daze.

Varun reached his premises and entered his office. Rahul, as usual, followed after him.

"Hey, dude! How was your meeting with the principal?" Rahul inquired.

"Fine," he replied.

And then Rahul started reported him highlights of today's work, as a junior should report a senior. Formerly, Rahul was Varun's junior in work the second most important person in the company.

When he'd done, Varun said in a low voice, "The principal invited me for tomorrow's event in the University."

"Oho! Great, now you are going to be a fresher." Rahul said, and as expected, Varun ignored him and continued looking in his files. But that doesn't stop Rahul from speaking.

"But bro, if you ask me, then I will say you should go."

"But I didn't ask you."

"Even then, I will say you should go."

"I will see."

"You will go, and that's final!"

Varun ignored him again.

"Varun, bro! Try to understand, my precious brother. I don't want you to die from boredom by staying in this office all the time. You need time and place to replenish your energy. Just go and see those youngsters doing party like hell, maybe then you will feel excited, or maybe you can meet a young girl of your taste." he tried to cheer him up.

"Do you think I lack girls?"

"No, not at all. For 'lacking' something, you need to have some of it first. You don't have any girl near you in the first place. How can you lack them then?" he mocked him.

Varun decided to ignore this idiot friend of his and dropped his head into the file.

Somya was super excited about the party. She tossed all her clothes here and there and then finally decided to wear her new dress.

It has a white top with a black corset and a long maxi red skirt. Somya had designed this herself.

Being born in a middle-class family and being the eldest child, who shoulders the responsibility of the house, Somya is a miser who loves to save wherever she can.

Thus, most of her party wear or wedding wear clothes are design by her, and she gave her designs and fabrics directly to her neighborhood aunty, who knows how to stitch and who takes much less amount than the actual rate of the dress. It saves her a lot of money.

She has her own two reasons for doing this :

1st- There are rare chances for her to attend any party or wedding so why wasting such a huge amount of money on buying such clothes which you can wear only 2-3 times in a year, without repeating them.

2nd- She loves to design. This way, she can get what she wants. Like today's dress, she saw it in a movie and always wanted to wear the same one, so she finally made one.

When she finished doing her hair and makeup, she called Diya and decided to leave.

In the Evening, at the Party

Varun was sitting alone on a sofa chair, in a lonely corner where no one was looking. He knew this was going to happen. When the principal offered him a VIP seat with other trustees of the University, he politely rejected it because he doesn't know anything about the Indian educational system, much less about the University education system. What will he talk about with the others? The most important thing is he doesn't want to be noticed.

So he chooses a lone dark corner to sit in. He never wanted to come here in the first place, but that idiotic friend of his ordered him, asked him, and then, at last, pleaded him. He even dropped Varun himself to make sure he went to the correct place and not anywhere else.

When Somya and Diya entered the premises together, they were both very excited to see everybody dancing and chatting happily. Remembering her duty, Somya immediately got on work, which was to make sure everybody was enjoying. Diya had already done with her duty that was to help with the decoration, so she moved towards her other friends.

When Varun was sipping on his orange juice silently, a sweet, loud, and excited voice greeted her, "Hello buddy!"

~I feel this

gravitational pull towards you,

like the universe & all the galaxies

had a talk and said

"Yeah, it's time"~