Adorable & Irritating Hooligan !

"Hello, Buddy!"

He frowned and turned to see who is it now. He looked at the girl and found her to be the hooligan from yesterday. He decided to ignore her and then started reading stocks on his phone.

Somya looked curiously at this guy who was sitting alone in the party where everyone was obviously busy finding 'the one' for them.

She greeted him but what she got in return was his cold eyes looking accusingly at her, as if she has done something wrong.' Did she?'

She decided to ignore it because the man in front of him was more handsome than any other guy at this party or you can say in this entire college.

He was wearing a black tuxedo and looking damn hot in it. Without wasting any precious god-gifted moment, her old illness got triggered, which was her love for beautiful things and much more for beautiful people.

She got a chair for herself and sat in front of him.

"Hello, buddy! What are you doing here alone? Were you finding something or someone? You can tell me, I will help you.

Don't think I am flirting with you, it's my duty for today to ensure that every newcomer is enjoying this evening.

You are a newcomer, right? You must be, I had never seen you here before. Now when I think about it, I haven't seen 70% of the students here. But what to do, it's such a big University. Haha..." she kept blabbering.

Varun looked at this beautiful hooligan accusingly, who is continuously chirping like a bird. He wants to tell her that he wants to be alone but it's too hard for him to open his mouth so he decided to ignore her, then maybe she will leave.

But that doesn't work at all. Seems like she is hellbent on her duty.

Even when Somya saw him ignoring her she kept speaking because now she got that he is an introvert and that's what motivated her to talk more. Haha, funny right?!

Most people ignore an introverted person but she isn't one of them. She has confidence in her talent of speaking, she believes she can make them talk openly to her because she understands not every introvert wants to be alone, sometimes the situations made them stay quiet, and eventually with time they become like this, who wants to say so much but don't know how to.

"Hey, buddy why do I find your face familiar? Have we met before?" She suddenly asked and then raised her chin by her fingers and gazed at him while making a face of deep thinking.

"oh! I remember" sudden realization struck her. "You are that Chocolate Boy from yesterday who...." remembering yesterday's scene she blushed.

"who helped me" she finally said and continued "Yesterday I wasn't able to thank you well because you were in thank you mister ...?Fresher.

But please don't tell anyone that you saw a girl with a yellow scarf yesterday otherwise my priceless life will be at risk. You don't want your new friend's life to be at risk. Do you?" She pleaded while making her puppy dog eyes face.

Varun sighed. Seems like this girl isn't going to stop until he replies to her. So he opened his mouth " First of all I am not your so-called 'fresher'."

Before Varun can complete Somya instantly interrupted him "So you are a senior?"

"No" he replied.

"But you look too young to be a professor!" Suddenly another thought popped in her mind.

"Oh My! I am not chit-chatting with my professor right now, am I?" she said while standing up with terror from her chair for showing her respect towards him.

Just before she can continue this misunderstanding he said " I AM NOT YOUR PROFESSOR!"

"Then who are you?" she asked him while innocently blinking her eyes.

"I....." he thought but he wasn't sure what to say.

"I am .....not someone related to this University, I came here with my friend." he lied. Actually half of it is true as he really came here with his friend so he half-lied.

"Oh" she believed his lie. " By the way, I am Somya, computer science 2nd-year student." she placed her hand in front of him for a handshake.

"Varun," he said while ignoring her hand.

Somya just took her hand back and she didn't felt hurt because if he is not even willing to shake his hand with a beautiful girl then it means he is a gentleman.

The inside fangirl of Somya yelled happily 'I am gonna take this Chocolate Boy home!'. But Somya ignored that stupid voice which will be the death of her one day. She doesn't have any other motive towards least for now..... she just wanted to be friends with him.

"So then why are you sitting here alone? I mean where is your friend?" Somya asked but before he could reply she facepalmed herself and said " Oh I got! He must be doing what everyone else is doing. Aren't you jealous then?"

Varun slightly raised his right eyebrow questionably.

"That your friend is enjoying with her date or maybe girlfriend but yet you are here, sitting alone," she explained.

Varun was thinking about how to reply to this 'Foolish Hooligan' when he heard her say,

"Okay, I got it! Such a fool I am! How can I think a beautiful man like you can be still single. You must already have a girlfriend but because she is not here so you are sitting alone, hiding from all those fawning girls ." 'Aww, such a loving boyfriend!' she concluded and beamed proudly at herself.

"Don't worry as a good friend I will help you out if any of those unwanted girls tried to flirt with you. You just have to ask. Let me tell you, I am really good at problem-solving, all of my friends contact me for their problems' solutions. You can rely on this new friend of yours."

"When did we become 'friends' ?" he asked, 'irritated' was written all over his face.

"Aren't we? We are talking with each other for some time. You even told me about you having a girlfriend. Is it a public matter which you can just tell anyone?" She said while pouting.

"when?" he asked.

but she didn't get "huh?"

He sighed "1st thing - I never told you that I have a girlfriend and 2nd- it's not 'We' who are talking it's just 'YOU' who is talking for a long time."

" But even if only I am the one talking here you are still listening, isn't it's called a good conversation. A good friend always listens to his friend. And did you just tell me YOU DON'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?" she asked excitedly.