Hey Gorgeous!

Somya has a 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. job, so she was going home after ending her office work today when suddenly she saw a familiar figure standing under a willow tree, one of his legs was resting on the tree trunk, with his back on the tree trunk and his eyes closed.

Truth to be told, Somya liked talking to Varun that day, more than she enjoyed the University party. She doesn't know why but she feels happy by seeing him angry and irritated. She liked teasing him and leaving him with no other options rather than speaking to her.

She wanted to befriend him, but she knew he was already at his limits of controlling his anger that day, so she didn't push him more. Afterall she only has the motive of making him a friend and not courting him.

So when she saw him standing there, she was pleasantly surprised and spoke before thinking,

"Hey, Gorgeous! What are you doing here?"

He screamed in his mind, 'NO.'

She screamed in her mind, 'YES.'

both at the same time.

Varun opened his eyes slowly.

Varun knew if he didn't speak, he would be suffering till the end, so he decided to reply, "Why are you here too?"

"Here too? Where else am I?" she asked innocently.

Then Varun's consciousness returned after a week, and he scolded himself for spying on her in secret every day through his window.

Watching him not speaking for a whole minute Somya concluded that he is just too surprised to see her, so she decided to break the silence first, "It is too much of a coincidence. Isn't it?"

"Yeap! It's more like a Pre-Planned Torture," he muttered under his breath.

Somya heard his "yeap" but didn't hear afterward, so she stated, "Don't you think we are fated to be friends? So let's be friends."

"What do you want?" he asked.

" Nothing, I was going to my home after being done with my office when I saw you, so as a good friend, I came here to catch up with you," she said teasingly. She knows well how much he gets irritated whenever she calls him his friend, so she intentionally teased him.

"What are you doing here? There is only this Great GVAN Hospital in this street. You didn't look like you were too passing by. What were you doing here?" she said.

"None of your concern," he said, but then he felt it too rude, and before his mind can register, his mouth added on its own, "I was there," he said while pointing towards the hospital building.

"At this hospital? You were there? But why? Are you ill, but you don't look like someone who is ill more like someone who is stressed. Is any of your friends or family member in there?.... Don't worry, everything will be fine." she said with genuine concern.

Varun just quietly, expressionlessly stared at her. But he was thinking inside that how long has it been since someone showed him serious concern over the hospital. For few moments, he didn't know how to reply, because these words were new to his world. He needs some time to register them. Then he finally said, "I work there."

"Oh! Really? Wow!" she said excitedly as if the girl who was expressing sorrow over a stranger's fate a few moments ago wasn't her at all.

"What do you do here? Let me guess, hmm?" she put her fingers under her chin and started thinking.

Varun still has no plans to expose his identity in front of her "Don't use your brain too much. You already have a small brain. I am just a common working employee here." he lied with a straight face.

"Puff....."Somya started laughing her ass out.

Seeing this, Varun had an illusion of happiness, and he asked, "What? You didn't expect my position to be so low? Will you stop bothering me now?"

"What?! No, not at all. I just never thought you would have some sense of humor too. I thought you are only a robot who knows to speak only some by-defaulted lines and what's with that straight face of yours. Pff haha...," and she started laughing again.

"You dare laugh at me," he stared at her.

"I dare laugh at you," she stared back at him. Then they both started bickering like kids.

After some time of teasing him, Somya finally let him go and went home with his number.

Varun had no idea why in the world did he gave her his number? Was it because he was taking her as his friend? No, he just wanted to get rid of that troublemaker soon. Yes, that's the only reason behind it.

Days passed since the two met,

The end of the financial year was near, so Varun was super busy with his schedule. Afterall he has his own business to see as well as many patients to save. So he was working endlessly for weeks now.

It's been a while since he last saw her because he comes home late every night, so Somya was asleep and wakes up late in the morning when Somya had already left for her office. He almost forgot about her, but he still kept his window curtains open.

One day, when he was doing some work on the laptop in his study, his phone rang. He picked it without noticing the unknown number because he was sure rather than urgent or close people, no one will dare to call him. He just put his earplugs on and kept working.

Being a silent killer, you can't expect him to be the one to speak first on the phone. Right? He rarely speaks more than few sentences, let alone saying 'Hi'!

On the other side of the line, Somya waited for a total 15sec, but after not getting any greetings, she became impatient, so she started speaking with a slight change in her voice,

"Hey, My Chocolate Boy! Did you miss me?"

Varun felt like thrashing the phone. He regretted picking the call now.

"What is it?" he asked impatiently.

"Hey, aren't you interested in knowing my identity? You already guessed it? Wow! You still remember me," she was excited by this thought.

"What is it?" he asked again.

"Nothing, I just felt like talking to you, so I called you," she said, pretending to be oblivious to his irritation.

"Didn't you say you need my number for assistance in getting medical help when needed?"

"Yes, I did, but till that need comes can't I talk to you, or you really want your little friend to fall ill that bad?" she pouted.

Somya knew she won't be getting any reply, so she started talking on her own.

Varun knew there is no use in bothering with her, so he just let her speak and kept doing his work while listening to her muttering at the same time.

What?! Don't ask why didn't he hang up on her! Sometimes our heart plays smarter than us. It doesn't give us many options at that time so that we have to choose what our heart wants.

~I like her chaos

The way she blew into my life

Like a storm, tearing the nails

and windows of my soul

And opening me to the sky~