I am Hungry!

What my life was searching for,

Is this that destination

To rest here peacefully,

Why does my heart tell me that

I've found new emotions,

I don't know what is the effect

I've found new hope again

As if someone has accepted me finally....


Now Varun has to hear Miss Hooligan almost every second day. But she talks to him for 10-15 min only, which is already too little for Somya but too much for Varun. Every time she asks him, 'What is he doing,' he replies the same, 'Working.'

She always replies with a scream, 'WHO THE HELL DOES WORK SO LATE' and lectures him about how this is bad for his health and future, how he should refuse this injustice as if she is the one suffering here.

When Varun asks her, "You always brags about having so many friends, yet you disturb only me every time, cant you go look for others?"

At which she says, " Yes, I do have many friends, but I like to make new friends more and besides this, if I will not talk to you then who would be left, to talk with you, huh Angry Young Man?" at which he fumes up, but it's still the truth.

Somya was right. She has many friends, but she likes to make as many new friends as she can. She wants to spread love endlessly without holding back. She thinks of herself as a Doctor for Varun-like patients who are suffering silently inside. She always wanted to help them.

But it's her first time she is chasing someone so desperately to help. She doesn't know the exact reason, maybe because she finds him fascinating, and the fangirl inside her shrieks at her to help him. He looks too pitiful to her that she can't help but trouble him endlessly.

Today Varun forgot to check his zodiac sign, which resulted in getting a bad omen by meeting Miss Troublemaker in the alley, at the backside of the hospital.

Whatever he thinks but his actions say that now he is less vary of Somya, and he has started to accept her as a friend.

Right now, he is sitting in a café with her. He doesn't know how he ended up here. He is someone who can make any businessman shut his mouth with just a few words and his aura. But in front of this silly girl, nothing works. She only makes puppy-dog eyes tagged with her pitiful expression, and he loses immediately.

Today she said while acting to perch on the ground, "aha...I am dying from hunger. But now, when I had seen you, I can't just go and eat alone. I need to follow courtesy and at least invite you over."

He said, " No! No need for that. Just go alone."

But she dragged him along without respecting his opinion.

Now, while sitting in the café, he can only curse inwardly.

The café looks fine. It has a modest interior and few people. It is near a college, so most students work here part-time. A boy, who looks like a college guy, is singing while playing guitar softly.

From the face of her, he can tell she isn't new here.

"So, what do you want to order?" she asked while passing him the menu.

"I never wanted to eat in the first place, let alone order," he said sternly, rejecting the menu.

"Alright, I understand you are shy. So I will order for you," and Somya started ordering " Brother, one plate pav bhaji and..."

"Wait. I will order for myself," Varun hastily said when he saw her ordering Indian fast food. "I will have garlic bread."

"Alright," and the waiter left.

"I didn't know you are fond of western food."

"Yeap, just like eating something light."

"Oh! Do you like this place? I often come here after office."

"Office?" he asked

"Yeap, office."

"Weren't you just a student?"

"Varun, you are again joking with a straight face."

"NO, I am serious."

" It really hurts to know that my friends don't know that I have a job and I am a regular employee. I work in the PCB bank, the main branch, which is near your hospital," she said while pouting.

Varun already knew she works somewhere, but he doesn't know where and what does she do and he doesn't want to ask her himself, so he chooses to ask this way.

"Now, this solves the mystery of why I am so unfortunate to meet you so often."

"Otherwise, you would have thought that I am following you?" she asked by raising an eyebrow.


"Haha...Don't worry, no matter how thick-skinned I am, I won't do something like this, and I don't even need to do it because you can see yourself destiny wants us to be friends so badly," she teased him again.

He was speechless at how unreasonably reasonable she sounds.

When the dishes arrived, Somya was the one to grab them first. Then she divided her order into 3/4th and 1/4th parts and moved the 1/4th part of Pav Bhaji towards Varun. "Try it."


"Because I am asking you to."

"Why so?"

"Didn't you ever heard the phrase ' Sharing is Caring'? I care for you. That's why I am sharing with you."

"I don't need your care and your share."

"You won't know until you try."

"..." glaring at her.

When Somya saw him not moving, she started again, "Okay baba*. I won't force you to eat, tell me a reason for it first."

"I don't like it."


"It's oily."

"Chill. This much won't cause you a heart attack. Look, I am eating too."

"...." glaring.

"Please.....even you follow a strict diet, it's okay to eat freely sometimes. I won't tell anyone. I promise," and Somya showed him her little fourth finger.

~I Broke My Rules For You~