Listen, My Companion!

Now, both families living opposite to each other are busy with their own business.

Early Morning,

In the Sharma's House

"I told you to give an order of flowers to the florist Verma Family. How can you forget it? You only have one sister, so you should do the best for her," yelled Mrs. Sharma at Tushar, her son. She is yelling every day now at either Mr. Sharma or Tushar. Even Somya failed to escape from her roar.

"Mr. Sharma, what are you doing? I asked you to get ready for shopping with me, yet you are still reading the newspaper here," she shouted again at Mr. Sharma.

Somya was standing at the door this entire time. She soundlessly lowered her back and tried to escape from the scene.

"And you. Where are you going like this?" but Mrs. Sharma won't let her escape.

Somya forced a smile and tried her luck, "Mom, I'm getting late for the office. Let's talk in the evening," she turned to escape again but still failed.

"Remember to come home early. We have to go shopping," ordered Mrs. Sharma making clear by her voice that she isn't taking no as an answer.

Somya sighed accepted her fate with a nod. Mrs. Sharma busied herself again with the pair of son and father.

In the Kashyap's House

Mrs. Kashyap was busy with several envelopes since dawn.

"What's up Maa*? What are these?" Rahul asked while taking a seat next to her in the living room.

"These are all information about the girls Pandit Ji* presented for Varun. They are all from good family backgrounds and have many talents. I am sorting them according to Varun's liking," said Mrs. Kashyap with a smile while arranging the envelopes.

"Oh!" exclaimed Rahul with a mysterious glint in his eyes.

"See, if you like any of them. Then we can have two weddings together," Mrs. Kashyap offered few envelopes to Rahul with motherly love.

Alarms rang in Rahul's mind. He knew how bad his Maa* is in pestering for marriage. If he even pointed a finger at one of the girls, his Maa* will tease him till the end of the world with the same girl and other girls having the same features.

"No Maa*. Let's focus on brother Varun first. Don't forget our motto to find a perfect wife for him," he tried to dodge her questions.

"Okay. Then have a look and tell me whom you find suitable out of these?" Mrs. Kashyap took his bait and offered few envelopes to him.

In both families, almost everyone was busy with something except the two souls.

Somya and Varun were both having blank days. Staring in a daze had become their favorite hobby.

Somya tried to let the marriage thing out of her head multiple times, but she failed to do so. Ansh calls her regularly. They both used to talk like friends in the past, but things aren't the same now. Ansh turns out to be a good husband material to her. He seems like a reliable person from the few talks they had. But still, looking at everyone planning for her wedding, her worries worsened day by day.

The number of talks Varun and Somya exchange decreased. Sometimes the reasons were Somya's busy schedule, and other times it's Varun's mood swings.

Varun had often seen her talking happily to someone on the phone. Without thinking twice, he assumed she must be talking to her fiance. Little did he know that when Somya talked with Ansh, she had a soldier posture. All alert. So that any explosive information won't come rolling out of her tongue.

She had many relatives who bothered her endlessly over the phones in the pretense of congratulating her. She can't help but maintain her fake smile and laugh as they are all elder than her. She has no idea how much her fake acts irritate a handsome thief who was spying on her from the opposite side of the street.

Varun was feeling annoyed every day for no reason. He wakes up in the morning in a foul mood, and with the passing of the day, his mood only worsens.

"Hey!" Somya finally spotted whom she wanted to talk to for a long time.

"What?" he replied in his cool voice while resting his head on the willow tree in the empty alley.

For Somya, his voice sounded like calm spring water, able to dissolve all her worries in it.

"How are you?" she asked with her beautiful smile.

"Not good," his heart made him speak the truth.

"Same here," she laughs lightly and stands near him, leaning on the tree, copying him.

They both stayed silent and enjoyed each other's company soundlessly.

Varun doesn't know how he ends up in this alley every time he feels uneasy. After coming here, he only hopes to find her winking at him, calling him 'Angry Young Man.' But that never happened because Somya started leaving her office early due to her mom's nagging every day.

Today she stayed till late in her office due to a meeting. On her way back home, a Charming God's half-leaning figure over a willow tree greeted her eyes.

Her heart can't hide how much she was longing to meet him every day. Now when she finally encountered him, her inside turmoil lessened to certain degrees.

~Listen, my companion

Do you even know that

In the direction where your breaths move

I'll stay there for my entire life

As beautiful as these meetings are

More beautiful than them are your conversations

Once I lose myself in your talks

Then I don't regain my senses

My life is there in your arms

I stood there, thinking

How was a crazy one like me living

You came secretly and settled in my heart

What kind of story have you started

I've learned to smile from you

You are the way how one should be in love

I have full faith in you

I won't ever wish to regain my senses

I didn't know that I would make you as my God

That I'll come in your streets all the time

Listen, my companion

Do you even know that~