A Car Clash!

While listening to music, Somya started dozing off. But wherever she keeps her head, she feels uncomfortable and frowns. She tried using the car's glass as a pillow, but it was hard, then she rested her head back on the seat, but it was too much pressure for her neck. She was still asleep while trying all these postures. Finally, she found a nice cushion to lean. She smiles in her sleep and rests her head comfortably on that pillow.

Varun, who was quietly working before someone used his left shoulder as her pillow, rolled his eyes. Looking at the silly smile on Miss Hooligan's face, he frowned. He tried shifting her head to the window's glass with his right hand, but she wasn't willing to move at all. While being in deep slumber, Somya hugged his left arm for assurance that her pillow won't leave her. Varun felt even more annoyed now. He removed her earplugs.

"Somya, get up," he said, shaking her lightly.


"Somya, I said move away."


"Somya!" he shook her more, but she still didn't respond.

"Alright then!" he sighed.

"SOMYA GET UP!" he shouted at her.

Somya woke up abruptly. "Where? Where?! Where is fire?!" she started looking here and there like a scared little rabbit.

"There is no fire," he said, brushing his left shoulder.

"Then? What happened?" she replied, still in shock.

"Morning happened. So you better stay awake or sleep somewhere else."

Somya understood now that he disturbed her beauty sleep for no reason.

"Who wakes someone up with a shout?" she rebuked him.

"You were sleeping like a log," he spoke in a low voice while concentrating on his office work.

Somya managed to hear only half of his sentence, so she misunderstood, "Which people? I sleep like which people? And how do you know I sleep like them? Do you go out disturbing everyone's sleep?" she rained questions on him.

( English word for 'log' sounds similar to Hindi word for 'people')

He ignores her.

"I'm not talking to you," she pouted at him.

"My pleasure," he smiles slightly.

"Humph!" she turned her face to the other side.

Varun laughs lightly at her.

After 15 minutes

Somya being herself, can't keep her talkative personality inside.

"Is it too hard for someone to initiate a conversation?" she asked.

"Yes," her 'someone' replied.

"Okay. I already did it for you. Go ahead."


"Say something," she frowned at his ignorance.

"What?" he replied, still immersed in his work.

"Anything," he copied her and shrugged.

She smacks her forehead, "Oh!"

Due to the highway rush, Varun misunderstood her 'Oh' as 'Aww,' and said, "It isn't an Aww Moment."

"Then what is an 'Oh Moment' for you,"

"Forget it."

"No, I want to know now. Tell me."

"Didn't you say you're not talking to me?"

"I..." Somya got speechless. She curled her lips.

They continued their bickering and glaring all the way.

When a person gets bored, they eat endlessly to kill boredom. The same goes for Somya. Except for the time when Varun abandon his work to bicker with her, she was getting bored endlessly. So she kept munching continuously.

Varun was glancing at her from sideways for quite some time. He suddenly asked, "Aren't you afraid of bloating your stomach to death."

"No. Everyone has to die one day. So, I wish to die eating my favorite food," she replied while putting one more Potato Chip in her mouth.

"Seriously! And is there even anything else in your bag other than food?"

"Yes! It is full of my daily necessities."

"Either your daily necessity only includes food, or your bag must be Doraemon's pocket."

Before she can reprimand him, their car suddenly took a sharp turn.


A car from the right lane was coming towards them at full speed and was about to clash with them. Somya grabbed Varun and drew him near her.

Varun was confused, so he failed to maintain his balance and fell on her completely. Now his whole body was towering on her.

Somya had her eyes closed and prepared for the clash, but it doesn't happen. She frowned and opened her eyes only to see a straight nose almost colliding in her nose. Then her eyes traced his nose to meet his dark eyes. But she saw something golden shining in his eyes. She tried to figure out what it was and stared deeply into his iris.

Varun was busy observing something else. He doesn't know why but he can smell a distinct scent on Somya. He had always been picky about perfumes, but this smell was extremely enchanting to him. He felt bewitched by it.

It was his first time being so close to her. Now when he observed her closely, he concluded, other than her talkative personality this girl is quite beautiful. Her ink-black hairs were glowing by the reflection of the sunlight. Her pair of pure eyes were looking so pretty, staring in his ones.

"Are you injured?" she asked suddenly.

"No, why?"

"Alright. Then shall I kick you back to your seat?" She said with a smile.

Before she can do what she said, Varun straightened his back and adjusted himself to his seat.

~This girl is so strange

Is she a dream, a reality or a story

This crazy girl

Hasn't changed at all~