Devadev Temple 2!

In the end, as always, Varun lost to Somya's innocent pairs of eyes.

Haa...he doesn't even realize how much her eyes are dangerous for him. He told himself that he had measured all the pros and cons that's why he agreed.

He sighed and turned the car in the Temple's direction.

"Varun, you earlier said we could get lost, but looking at you, who doesn't even need GPS to locate the Temple, I think you were kidding me?!" she said while putting her chin on her knuckles.

Varun was in a bad mood since she mentioned the name of that Temple, so he ignored her.

"Tsk Tsk! Are you really furious, Angry Young Man?" she asked while poking his cheeks.

Varun felt a spark entering his body from the tip of her finger. He shifted his face to the side to prevent her from touching him. He was preparing himself internally for what he is going to court. It's been a while since he faced such a situation.

After 2 hours of drive, they reached the Temple. Parking his car to the side Varun glanced at the Temple, standing proudly in front of them.

"Do you know Varun, this Temple is more than 2,000 years old? No one knows who constructed it. It is one of the most sacred Shiva Temple of India. Someone told about its specularity and powers to my mom, and since then, she wants to visit it," she explained like an excited child.

Of course, Varun knows all this. He knows even more as this is his family's Sacred Temple from hundreds of years. Yes, this is Kashyap Family's Sacred Temple, where they come to offer prayers to God Shiva from time to time. Except for Varun, everyone must visit this Temple once in a while.

"You should be back within half an hour. If you are late, even for a minute, I will go leaving you here alone." He warned her in a voice of superiority.

"Are you sure you're not coming with me inside?" she asked, holding the handle of the car's door. They had already discussed it, that he would be staying in the car while she will go inside the Temple. He is so unwilling to go inside with her that he just told her that he is an atheist and doesn't believe in Gods.

"No. Go now and come back before half an hour." He was in a hurry to leave this place as soon as possible.

Somya sighed and waved bye to him before walking towards the entrance.

Varun decides to go through some documents to kill time.

Inside the Temple

Somya felt Deja vu after stepping foot inside the Temple. She curiously roamed here and there to find any reason behind her feeling, but she can't point the finger at anything. She shrugged and strode towards the Garbha Griha* of the Temple.

She rang the bell hanging at the door of the Temple. People visiting the temple should and will ring the bell before entering the Garbha Griha where the main idol is placed.

The bell will give sound for keeping evil forces away, and their sound is pleasant to God. However, the scientific reason behind the bells is, when they are rung, there is a resonation that creates an immediate harmony between the right and left lobes of the brain. The echo lasts 7 seconds, touching the seven chakras* of the body.

Somya entered the Temple and started praying. After offering her prayer, she saw an old elder draped in yellow clothes, standing in a corner. He was the Priest of the Temple.

She moved to greet him. Staring at the girl who is giving a different aura than the others, Pandit Ji smiled. He understood that God had chosen him to play a crucial role in the story of his beloved children.

"Little Girl, do you have some time to talk?" he asked with a smile when she greeted him.

Somya nodded and followed him towards a secluded corner of the Temple.

In the car, Varun was getting impatient as he was feeling a pull towards the Temple. He can't concentrate on any work. He can only pray to God for her to be back soon.

Yes, he believes in God. He lied to her about him being an atheist. He knows better than anyone else that Gods do exist. He just can't face them like anyone else. The moment he steps inside the Temple would be the moment his secret will reveal. His body will react to the energy of the Temple. In the presence of God, he would have to transform into his pure form. And it will only bring chaos. He only wishes for her to come back soon.

Back in the Temple, Somya was sitting on a mat in front of Pandit Ji.

"I am glad that you invited me for a talk, baba.*"

The Priest smiled at her and asked, "Child, do you believe in reincarnation?"

Somya frowned at his question and repeated, "Reincarnation?"

~You are where you need to be

And everything is unfolding exactly the way it needs to~