
"Reincarnation?" Somya softly asked.

"Yes, our Sanatan Dharma* says that death is not the end. It's simply walking out of the physical form and into the spirit realm, which is our pure form.

Reincarnation is a process in which a finite being will go through a series of transmutations and perceive different things," he slowly explained.

Somya tried to absorb these words filled with wisdom. A question popped in her mind, and she asked, "But baba* don't people claim death to be ultimate relief."

He smiles at her question and explains, "Once someone asked the same question to my Master, and he replied, 'Don't depend on death to liberate you from your imperfections. You are exactly the same after death as you were before. Nothing changes. You only give up the body.

If you are a thief or a cheater before death, you don't become an angel merely by dying. If such were possible, then let us all go and jump in the ocean now and become angels at once! Whatever you have made yourself this far, so will you be hereafter. And when you reincarnate, you will bring that same nature with you.

To change, you have to make the effort. This world is the place to do it.'"

"Hmm. I understood. But why did you ask me if I believe in reincarnation?" Somya asked him with anticipation in her eyes.

"Before it incarnates, each soul enters into a sacred contract with the Universe to accomplish certain things. It enters into this commitment in the fullness of its being. Whatever the task that your soul has agreed to, all of the experiences of your life serve to awaken within you the memory of that contract, and to prepare you to fulfill it. Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other.

So my purpose in asking you is to know if you'd find out what your soul had promised the Universe," Pandit Ji stated calmly.

Somya had a troubled expression on her face. She had no idea about his question. So she replied to Pandit Ji honestly, "Baba, I don't know and can't tell anything about my past-life or reincarnation. I'm a mere human who has no power. How can I tell!"

Pandit Ji sighed, "Then we can only wait for the time to reveal it. My purpose for telling you this much is to make you ready for your future. Remember beta*, no matter what danger comes in front of you, never lose hope. God entrusted you a big task, and you can't upset him."

Walking out of the temple with a lost expression, Somya was still in a daze. She can't grasp the meaning behind Pandit Ji's words. Which soul-contract? What is the big task he was talking about? What danger is awaiting her in the future?

Finding her finally coming back, Varun breathes a sigh of relief.

"Let's go," he said as soon as she entered the car.

"Hey, why are you here?" Somya suddenly asked after noticing the person sitting in the driver's seat.

"I came here just now as Sir wasn't feeling well," Avi explained awkwardly.

"Oh! Varun, what's wrong?" she turned to look at the gorgeous man who was leaning with his eyebrows frowned.

"Nothing. Just a slight headache," Varun replied lazily, rubbing his forehead with his fingers. His body doesn't react like this in front of any Temple. But being one of the oldest temples of Lord Shiva, the energy waves of this place are exceptionally strong for him to handle.

Avi started the car and drove towards the highway. It's already 9 p.m, so there was quite a rush in the night city Mumbai's highway.

After some time, Somya noticed that they still seem to be on the same road.

"Aren't we moving in a circle? We seem to be on the same route for almost an hour," she asked.

Varun looked up from his documents and felt that they indeed are on the wrong way.

"What's wrong? Why are we moving in the opposite direction?" he inquired.

"Uhm...Sir, I was only following GPS as I am not familiar with this place. I have absolutely no idea why we are still here!" a tensed Avi replied.

They moved forward for some more time before concluding that something is wrong with GPS. Now they were completely lost!

They tried asking people for help. But because they were in a secluded place, they hardly managed to find a few people walking back home from work. After asking to them they finally found the directions.

It was already around 12, and Somya was feeling really hungry, but she can't dare to ask them to stop. Afterall they are in this problem because of her. If she had never insisted on coming here in the first place, then they would have been resting at the hotel peacefully.

She was yelling internally while sipping water, 'Oh God! I am feeling so hungry, but I still need to be quiet. What should I do? Die from hunger while drinking this cold water!'

"Are you feeling hungry?" Varun suddenly asked her.

Somya roared in her mind, 'You are asking so politely as if you fed me a full meal before coming here! I was a big fool too to come here with an empty stomach. Now I can only suffer silently.'

"No, I am fine," she said with a fake smile.

"I think we should take a break. Everyone must be tired," Varun suggested.

Somya's face lit up instantly, "Yes, why not! And if we are checking, then let's stop by a Highway Restaurant. Let's eat something."

"But you just said you are not hungry."

" recommended taking a break yourself. I just proposed that we can have a meal while resting somewhere," Somya replied with an innocent look.

Varun saw through her mind and smirked, "See, if you are starving, then tell it directly."

"But I am not hungry, so why should I say I am," she said with an annoyed face. Her hungry stomach is making her throw a tantrum without her knowing.

His smirk deepened, and he teased her even more, "Then why should we stop by a Restaurant?"

"Because we are stopping anyway for rest."

"Then we can stop anywhere. Why stopping at an eatery?"

Somya got irritated now. She folded her arms in front of her chest and said with a humph, "Do whatever you like."

Varun knew that she reached her limit, so he invited, "At a restaurant?"

"Yes," she replied, still not looking at him.



Varun clicked his tongue at her stubbornness.

~I didn't want to fall in love

Or need someone

I really didn't

But then you appeared

And I started wanting everything~