chapter 4

Vanessa's POV

"Wh-a?" I was speechless. I couldn't understand what to do?. A minute ago I was talking to Jonathan and now this. GOD WHY CAN'T A DAY GO IN A NORMAL WAY.

" BLOODY AZKABAN, CHARLIE'S CAR" I screamed on top of my lung.

I immediately ran towards Charlie's car and was hit by a blue four-sitter car that looks expensive. I saw it everywhere from the Side mirror to the left door and then back but then the right Door was having a huge scratch that made me pray for my death. OH GOD Charlie's GONNA KILL ME.

"Hey im-I'm so sorry" I heard a masculine voice from my behind. When I turned around to meet up with the owner of the voice I saw a man that looks in his twenties, with mid-brown hair with a golden highlight, With a pair of Deep grey eyes, Good height with good body shape, clean shaved, sharp jawline. This man was wearing blue jeans shorts, a black pale t-shirt. Normal clothes you can say make him look modern. YEAH CHECK THE MAN WHO JUST SCRATCHED CHARLIE'S CAR. CHECK THE MAN THAT IS THE CAUSE OF YOUR DEATH. yeah and also by the tone of his voice HE DOESN'T SOUNDS like HE'S SORRY FOR DAMAGING THE CAR, and that made me angrier.

"What do you mean by sorry?" I was furious. Already planning his murder, already set a place to bury him. " You just Damaged MY CAR and all you are saying is SORRY"

"It happened by mistake. The road was soggy WITH MUD they didn't put up the construction warning Sign and I lost control" The man was explaining himself but I was beyond mad to listen.

"You lost control and hit the car. W-h huh! Do you even have a license? or you're a robber that expensive car? cause it doesn't look like yours". I screamed at him. I WAS LOSING CONTROL.

"Excuse me can stop your screaming, and yeah I do have a LICENSE and YES that's MY CAR". He replied with an irritating and slight raise in his voice.

"Who was that idiot that gave you the license? HUH?" I asked him again but then I felt a hand on my arm.

"Nessa calm down" It was Kova who was trying to calm me down.

"No ko I won't. Charlie will kill me," I told kova and again gaze at the man.

"And you sir cause of you and your bloody car I will get killed today" I screamed at him. My head was making all the scenarios that charlie will kill me with.

"Rest in peace then," The man said sarcastically. I was glaring at him hard. The audacity of this MAN TO PASS A SARCASTIC COMMENT after damaging charlie's car, My anger was losing limits, I HAD ENOUGH. I took slowly step toward him, narrowing my eyes.

"You are going to pay for that," I said.

I saw the side where construction work was going on and there was a hill of mud, and a smirk formed on my face, I started to walk where the mud was, When I reached there I took a handful of Mud and started to walk back, where the boy and his car were. Everyone on the beach was looking at me with a confused face. I walked in front of his car and gave him a perfect smile.

" Your car must be tired after scratching my car so Look Like your car needs a MUD massage" after saying that I placed the mud on his car, and started to spread it properly. The look on his face was priceless. Confusion, crazy, annoyed while I heard some ohhh and some laughter. Kova walked toward me.

"What are you doing? and why are you doing it alone?" Kova said that made me smirk, Kova went to get more mud, and coming back he spread it on the back of the car winking at me. That's the blonding between us we don't need to tell each other what we have to do further.

" Yeah ko. Massage it properly" I said and spread my muddy hand in the glass of the car.

The man had enough the look on his face was full of anger. The limit he was having was torn. He was walking toward us that for a moment made me afraid, but still I was rubbing my muddy hand on his glass.

"What are you doing?" The man asked with made me stare at him, I give him an innocent smile.

"Oh nothing, just giving your car a muddy massage" I replied while Jerking my muddy hand which results in his T-shirt being covered with mud pots.

"Oops, sorry for that sir" I apologized. The man was now furious or beyond furious.

"WHAT THE HECK," He said while grinding his teeth. I took a step back and kova came beside me. MAN, HE WAS SO PISSED OFF, BUT HEY HE DAMAGED MY CAR.

"What do you mean by WHAT THE HECK AND WHO YOU SHOWING THAT ANGRY TOO?" I asked him. we only Put some mug on his car and he's this angry but he put a SCRATCH ON THE CAR.


"Sorry my foot, you don't even sound like you are sorry for scratching the car" I yelled back.

"Cause that car is not worthy TO SAY SORRY AND SO DO YOU STUPID GIRL" He yelled while glaring at me.


"Bli-blind rat, you called me a blind rat?" He asked.


"Don't insult rat like this Nessa come on, EVEN rat is beautiful" Kova who stood behind me said, I was trying not to giggle. HAHAHA MY BOYS KOVA.

"OH YOU THINK IT'S FUNNY you stupid chipmunks," He said.


"Not like you BLIND SQUIRT" kova screamed.

"ENOUGH" the boy screamed, "enough of your bullshit, I'm leaving".

"Were you leaving, pay the damage squirt" I said, did he really think that is I will let him go.

"I WON'T," He said and started to walk away.

"HEY, STINKER, YOU CAN'T PAY CAUSE THAT'S NOT YOUR CAR. admit it you stole it" I said, I will trigger him and will make him pay.

"You SHUT YOUR MOUTH, and what are you fighting for, I BET that's not even your car". He said.

"Yeah BUT that's my friend's car, at-," I was cut off by him

" AHH friends, that means you can't even afford a car that you have to rent from a friend," He said with a grin. WHAT THE F-.


another chapter of 18 to 80... hehe I hope you like it.

have a nice day.