Abrasive personality

"We should buy new dresses. I bet the Ferringtons family is already contacting the best tailors of England to look for the most exquisite fabrics," commented Sharron rolling her eyes.

"The king will lay his eyes on just one of you. So I want you girls to accept the fact that in case he chooses one of you the others should be glad and not let it ruin your precious relationship." She stated gazing at all her daughters.

"It's all yours!" Florence said as she entered the house from the garden.

"Don't pretend you are not interested. Or are you still drooling behind Lord Amedeus?" Teased Abigail, raising her eyebrow, but Florence shrugged not to give her any satisfaction. During the years she learned that ignoring her sisters' jokes was way better than talking over.

She walked in front of the mirror, all of them had a mirror on their own and a maid who would provide them with the best clothes to do justice to their unique beauty.

Kathy walked behind and stared at Florence's reflection through the mirror for few seconds, examinating which dress she could make her wear for the ball.

That's all their days consisted of, preparing and then going to balls and banquets. Not many other things could fill their days rather than that, it seemed like nothing else crossed their mind, like if they couldn't afford to dream big or they didn't care at all to do so.

Florence, on the other hand, wished she could do more different things and experiment. She didn't felt the urge of having a man by her side, books taught her enough about romantic love, and warned her enough about the consequences it involved.

"This one?" Asked Kathy holding a long dress handmade in pink with a sewed collar filled with white lace and some pear and floral details on Its puffed short sleeves.

"Hmmm" Rose showed an expression of distaste as her nose scrunched.

They had to attend a tea with the Vanbushells and had to be introduced to their sons. Such, a perfect coincidence that they were exactly three brothers, just like them.

"Shall we tell them about the King invitation?"

"No way! We can talk about it just with the people we meet at the castle. But girls, don't forget that each one of the ladies out there is potential competition, so never reveal too much."

They all nodded to assimilate their mother's wise tip.

"That one." Florence pointed at a dress that she peeked from the opened wardrobe.

Kathy's gaze followed the direction pointed, then whispered: "You wore it two months ago."

"There are few news ones, try to satisfy your desires with what we already own. We must save to buy new fabrics for the ball."

"That one is excellent, then." Commented Florence as she nodded to the dress she first rejected.

Kathy slipped the dress through Florence's body and managed to shape the corset from her back, making sure to tighten it enough to give her the best hourglass figure possible.

Florence held her breath to fit it better and released air just once it was completely laced up.

Kathy then went to tie her long hair in a lateral braid that kept it all together in a classy style with the help of a tiara.

"May I ask you to style my hair like that too?" Asked Sharron from the opposite side of the room.

"Braids suit better Rose's face since it's diamond shape and her hair is longer." Commented Abigail.

They knew that Florence was the prettiest of the sisters and was enough beautiful to be chosen by most suitors. If it wasn't for her difficult personality she would be already married to one of the richest men of Edinburgh who asked for her hand. This is the reason why her sisters didn't think she will ever marry, at least not before them.

"Girls hurry up we don't have time to squander."

They went to wear their pumps. And their usual bracelet that each sister wore to represent themselves and who her father gave each one of them before dying. Florence's one was a charming purple cameo bracelet and she cared about it more than anything in the world.

They got on the carriage and led to the Daringtons.

Sharron and Abigail cleared them a voice and stated in a still position waiting for the door to be opened.

After few minutes the servant went to open the door and in the hall were standing the Daringtons.

The three girls walked toward them to take a bowl in front of each one of them.

They smiled and took few seconds to check them out. Then the first guy spoke, "Welcome to our palace. You all look delightful. We're glad you accepted our invitation. Indeed, can we proceed to reach the table, perhaps it might be nice to have some tea?"

"Of course, Lord Thomas." Replied Sharron, he smiled at her and proceeded on taking her by arm.

"Shall we?" Lord David led closer to Florence who was leaning out his arm waiting for her to take him arm in arm.

Florence nodded showing a fake smile.

They reached the table which was filled with sweets of every kind, and herbal teas.

"What do you look for in a man?" Questioned Lord Ferdinand, staring at Abigail, so she replied as her usual answer "I look for love, passion, and dedication."

Did it even make any sense? Florence wondered as she tried not to roll her eyes.

"What about you Lady Sharon?""I want a man who can take care of me and protect me. I want to fall in love but at the same time have the certainty that I can live a satisfying life with."

Lord David gazed at Florence, but before he asked anything she already replied: "I don't look for a man. Nor love. But I do seek happiness, rather than falling in love with the filled pockets of a man I barely know, and I don't think a man can guarantee happiness."

Sharon coughed, hearing her answers and silence felt in the room.

Abigal giggled aloud, "she's so entertainment!" breaking the silence that felt in the room after Florence's unconventional statement.

They all joined in a common laugh as they pretended-or actually believed Florence wasn't serious.

David's didn't laugh, contrarly he was staring at her and raised his eyebrows in a hinted smirk.

"I like women who can stand out." He said, in a whisper, keeping his gaze on her as he filled his cup with tea. Florence ignored his indignant staring and went to sip the tea.

"I received the bitter new about the King's death. If I can share my concerns with you in total confidence I dare to admit that I am quite concerned about the realm's future. Prince Nathan doesn't seem worth of such a title."

"Why do you have those concerns? Because of the rumors?" Sharon asked cocking her head to the side.

"A prince shant be such a mistery like he is. What if he is not a good ruler to the reign? We know nothing about him beside his name."

"Like we know nothing about you either, yet if one of you asked for our hand we have to accept immediately."

"Miss Florence, I understand your concerns about our intentions and your distrust, but a King is different than a potential suitor." Replied Lord Ferdinand, who sounded pretty irritated and worn by Florence's spooty attitude.

"I guess all we can do is have a good faith and hope he's a good man just like his father." Abigail took the floor, smiling confidentially.

"We will find out soon, indeed."

"However, I'm glad you accepted our invitation. I would like to see you again Sharon." Lord Thomas smiled to her, causing her to blush lightly. Then she nodded, looking at him straight as he lowered down and kissed her hand softly, bowling.

"We hope you all have an enjoyable ride home." Said Lord Ferdinand.David gazed at Florence, waving with his hand with a little smirk.

When they got back home, their mother Ginevra rushed to the door to welcome them home and hear how the meeting went.

"Florence and her abrasive personality!" Abigail yelled, glancing at her sister.

"He didn't say he wanted to see me again. It's probably your fault!" She pointed a finger against Rose who rolled her eyes as a response.

"I just replied honestly, since when honesty is a crime?" Florence questioned, folding her arms.

"Since you're being honestly a foozler." Abigail spat.

"Ladies shall not scream against each other like beasts, Abigail." Their mother intervened in the quarrel.

Abigail hearing her mother scold, let out an angry yell and darted her eyes around.

She breathed in and out, gathering her fingers together as her hand lowered down, as she tried to remain calm.

"My point is, lovely sister," she showed a plastic smile to Florence "that just because you don't want a man you can't deny that possibility to us as well. Your sharp behavior affect us and our possibilities of getting married, as well."

Florence blinked unsure of what to reply to her sister's accusation. To hinder her sisters' possibilities to get marry was not her intention at all, despite this she immediately feel gulty.