Letter from the King

Yorkshire town, a small but stately town situated in northern England, was now immersed in panic when sad news were spread from Badmington House, the house in which Prince Nathan lived. A prince who was quite oddly, unlike the previous royals the country had during the years, he didn't like being seen in public nor he liked being the protagonist of petty gossip. Indeed, due to his particular despire to this kind of matters, he was considered like a ghost from the inhabitants of Yorkshire. Nobody ever saw him around, allowing everyone to make up stories about him just to create a stir. Some said he was handsome and charming yet that he had a harsh personality that made him unbearable, others said the only reason why nobody ever saw him was that he was too busy to satisfy the pleasure of women of low rank who didn't know about his existence. Lastly, the most original ones, claimed he was a mystical creature, too horrifying to be seen.

However, the only sure thing they all agreed, was that even if he was least as devotee as his father it would still be enough to reign decently and please the villagers.

The Prince Nathan, was in the forest's wood carrying his father body. The King William was using all the energies left in his body to keep his eyes open as he was trying to remain in life the longer he could, in a weak voice he spoke, "t-t-ake c-c-are o-of the K-kingdom." His breath was fatigued and his voice was so low that it was barely hearable.

"I will, father. I will. I promise."

Hearing his son's voice he smiled, curving slightly just one side of his lips, blood came out from his torso, "A-Avenge m-m-e" his last breath was taken and his eyes glazed over.

Prince Nathan felt on the ground as his legs collapsed, at the sight of his father dying in front of him. He was immerged in a pain so excruciating that he could feel his heart being ripped off, a tight in his chest left him unable to breath. He had to open his mouth to catch some air unconsciously. Tears wet his face and he screamed so strong that the underlying ground trembled. Stars winked out their lights and the night became darker. He cried for hours until with his fast run reached his home and laid the dead body onto the bed.

"Please wake up. Please. Come back."

His gaze was empty, wretched. The pain that was taking over his body was so excruciating that it was like time stopped. He felt like he left his body and was unable to feel any emotion, even the pain sank in so much that no tears were left to cry.

He opened his mouth but no voice was heard, his crying for hours left his mouth so dry that it was impossible for him even to swallow and he had to curve his back to force himself to swallow the remaining drips of spit left in his mouth.

His body was there but his soul had been ripped off from him the moment his father gave his last breath.

He shut his eyes closed, his breath fastened, the redness which surronded his eyes accentuated his pale skin. He growed revealing his sharp fangs. In a blink of an eye he reached the forest where he found his father and ripped out with his long clows all the trees that surronded that area, then the ground, trying to search for a clue of who had taken the life of the most important person of his life but nothing was found.

He felt onto the ground demoralized and worn out, blood was coming out his now chipped claws. He looked up the sky, he could see his father's face. He was calling his name, lullabying him with his sweet voice. Prince Nathan smiled to that vision, and a whisper escaped from his lips, "take me with you."

"Those earrings are so exquisite. They suit you perfectly, seems like they were made for you to wear them!" Kathy, the maid, said to Florence staring at how the emerald that filled the earrings shined and reflected a green light on the wall at each movement Florence's head took.

"I love them." Florence replied. "My ear lobes, although, don't love them much since those are so heavy." She smiled as she massaged her neck.

But as her mother repeated constantly during all her life: one must suffer to be beautiful.

The corset's tightness was surely testing her capacities of bearing the pain. It was very impressive as she never got used to the discomfort that garnment involved. Even if it had been years of wearing corsets, she still couldn't bear the hefty physical price she had to pay for the beauty they provided.

"This is the King's seal." Emma's voice echoed from the kitchen. Florence turned around and saw her mother rushing to see, she still was wearing her curls but didn't waste additional time in taking them off. "Florence!" She gestured hastily to Florence who joined her family to read the letter alltogether.

They were looking at the letter like if it was a rare object that they never saw before. Their eyes widened admiring it.

"Open it!" Their mother commanded.

Abigail unlocked the seal which was situated perfectly on the center of the letter. Then proceeded in slipping the letter out slowly and carefully like if it was made of crystal, it releaved to be a gold sheet of paper handwritten, at the bottom stood the King signature.

"It's official." Sharon exclaimed astonished. She stole it from her sister's hands to open it since it was folded and went read it aloud, after clearing her voice:

"To Clayton family, from Nathan, Prince of England. We're very sorry to inform you that the King of Edinburgh: William Waldburg, loved and devoted to the reign suddenly died. If you received this letter it means that you are one of the 50 families who were estimated by the great House of Waldburg knew as the Royal Family. We request the pleasure of the company of each lady in your house to be the possible candidates to marry the Prince, future King of England."

Her mother put her hand upon her chest as if she was having a heart attack.

"Am I dreaming?" She then asked while joy filled her eyes and she breathed out.

"I knew he remembered my amazing triple chocolate mousse. I always made it for him when he was a child, I haven't baked in years, though."

She looked thoughtful: "maybe in my notebook, I still have the recipe!"

"You knew the king and never said a thing?" Abigail asked as she was mad and in shook at the same time.

"I used to work in a local bakery before meeting your father and royal family usually ordered there sweets and cakes for special occasions. Usually, he ordered my cake, my courage and determination pushed me to write a note and put it inside the box informing him about my name. But I never had the certainty, he would read it." She said as she was barely believing it herself. "It has been 20 years yet he still remembered my cakes."

She finished her sentence keep a stood posture and a proud look on her face.

"Why are you talking about cakes, King William just died." Florence said rolling her eyes and scoffing.

"I wasn't aware of the fact, he was sick." Cassie their second maid stated who walked there to see where the voices were coming from.

"The king is looking for a wife!! I already picture myself next to him." Sharon said as she took a twirl causing her long tulle skirt to twirl harmoniously with her moving. Her small feet were clapping on the floor as she pretended to dance.

Florence scoffed, she was surely excited to meet the king, who wouldn't it be? Just not as much as her whole family or any other lady in England. She thought it was silly to revolve her life around a man and completely depend on him. All her life she has been dressed up to go to balls and banquets. Even if she liked that kind of life she would still want to take a break, like have the possibility to press a button and pause her life without all the pressure everyone was putting on her.

She looked at her sisters and mother emanating happiness and joy for such an invitation. The news of the Prince looking for a wife wiped off the sad news of the King's death.

"So the King is back from his travel?" Sharon, Florence's sister, asked.

"I guess," shrugged the younger sister, Abigail.

"I hope he's as charming as people describe him."

"Charming and problematic." Florence giggled receiving a glance from both her sisters, just her maid Kathy shared an amused smile. She was not only her maid but also the only person she fully trusted and relied on.

"If rumors are true and he had many girls then it just means he is good in bed, which I don't complain about." Replied Abigail who had a word for every matter.

"Abigail! I didn't raise you to talk like that!" Their mother complained folding her arms.

"Like if you have any chance! I will be the one to win his heart!"

Florence, meanwhile went to walk in the garden, to get fresh air, her sisters' voices were giving her a terrible headache.

Kathy reached her out, "I bet they will be baking all day until tomorrow to try to replicate Ginevra's mousse and win the King's heart!" She giggled, Florence offered a smile and added: "I hope he will get sugar out then!"

"After all, he doesn't seem so bad." Her maid admitted after few instants of silence.

"Don't side with the enemy! I don't want another person obsessed with the King around me!" Florence shook her head and giggled.

"Forget it then!" Her maid chuckled shrugging.