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Chapter 7

Continuation of chapter 6. Not yet available to Nuala. Just for your consumption and mine.


'Love, do you know where we're going to have the ceremony? Herewith the humans who hurt you or in my beautiful place with the gods and goddesses?' Anthuina asks the human while they lay on the ground.

She had been dreading this moment because no matter what he says, she would follow him. To think that she would find love, with one of the humans she created. She couldn't believe it.

It didn't make sense specifically because she couldn't remember creating such a beautiful and peace-loving being. How he always showed kindness in face of his suffering, how he listened to her and the others while they were arguing, how his eyes; golden with blue flecks would light up her world once he laid them on her. He was a mystery but one she couldn't wait to spend the rest of his human life with.

'Can we have the ceremony in the human realm? I'd love for all my friends to be there with me. Please.' He pleads turning his face into an expression he knows she can't resist. It's a shame that it works.

So they begin planning, making arrangements, scouting for a place which would be good enough and strangely the humans offer to help. She knows they have been behaving kindly to her human but something still bugs her. Makes her wary of their intentions. The human tells her to rest and celebrate their change of heart with him.

They spend 4 full moons planning the ceremony, inviting the greatest gods and humans to celebrate the first union of its kind, to witness the joining of goddess and human. Anthuina had previously voiced her disapproval at being the centre of attention but no one paid her mind.

And when the day finally arrives, so does a ton of bad luck. Killuaroth had promised that there would be no rain, only sunshine but his powers don't work and a downpour occurs, the earth experiences tremors and more things go wrong. The gods are angry, some advise to postpone the ceremony but not the two of them. Despite everything going wrong, they push through it and in the end are joined, man and goddess.

And after the ceremony was over, Anthuina whisks her human to her realm and closes the door for seven sins. All the gods who dared to venture close to her realm speak of sounds they never thought they would hear. It was no surprise to the gods that after ten moons, a cry is heard across the god realm. A bouncing baby boy, born a god and a human.

We were scared obviously but upon seeing the joy on Anthuina's face we are forced to keep our thoughts to ourselves. We didn't want to ruin her happiness, so we wait for our turn to hold the baby.

The human returned to his realm proclaiming the joyful news of how he was a father. The king asks him to bring the baby so he could be blessed and with joy, the human agrees. After twenty-five sundowns, the human and his baby set out to the human world.

Anthuina grows worried as the sun grows closer to the ground. The human should have been back ages ago, but she decided to keep calm. After all, there was no way he would not come back to her. She goes to sleep with this thought calming her but upon waking the next day, she is shocked to not find the human nor her baby.

Appearing in the human realm, Anthuina releases a great cry of anguish. Because in front of her is her human and the baby or what was left of them. Anger unknown to her or the other gods is released and before she could call it back, she had destroyed the entire civilisation.

Though she had her revenge, nothing could quench her soul of sadness. To see her husband who only saw the goodness of humans in pieces and still holding strongly to their baby. His back torn to shreds as well as a missing chunk of his head. His legs severed and thrown across him.

Hot and heavy tears fall from her eyes as she mourns the family she never got to know properly. Her beautiful baby, the humans had struck an arrow through his chest, he died instantly. Still crying, she sends a surge of power to ensure that any left human died. She wanted to destroy them all even the ones not involved in the massacre of her family.

The gods had felt the ripple of power back in their realm. Each of them from their domains teleported to the source of the power and they couldn't believe what happened. The ones who didn't like the human at first couldn't help but shed a few tears. It was sad and unbelievable how human fear could drive such creatures to do this.

It was even worse to see a goddess as old as Anthuina on the ground openly sobbing and pleading for a reversal of time. Kasali shakes his head for there's nothing he could do.

Lovina, Bathra and Killaroth carry Anthuina out of the human realm back to her domain. The rest of us wipe the town from the other humans' minds as well as seal the place to avoid suspicion.

It is this particular thing that showed the gods and goddesses how truly wicked the humans were. It is because of this sin, the gods turned their backs on humanity as a whole and plotted their destruction.

It is only the ten of them that truly know what happened and why the crusade began, for the other gods were kept in the dark.

Initially, there were murmurs of rebellion as the gods didn't fully agree, but soon they were quenched when different gods and goddesses began coming forward with their own story.

Retyual, a minor god of illusion spoke about being imprisoned in the human realm and forced to perform his acts of illusion for tiny morsels of food. And on the days he couldn't perform, he was repeatedly flogged and doused with water until he couldn't breathe.

Many goddesses came forward with stories of being used because of their beauty, touched in places that made them feel dirty as well as other things they experienced under humans.

Without saying anything, Killuaroth, Laiithu and Malaiwu join hands and chant some things in their ancient language. A pinkish purple sphere with lightning crackling in it begins growing in the middle of them. By the time they finish chanting, the sphere shut to the sky and everyone feels something shift inside of them.

Soon they cannot hear the cries of humans, neither can they teleport to the human realm.

**Ladies and gentlemen this is the story that we know and Nuala still isn't aware of. Anyone wants to say something.