After all This Time

"You weren't kiddin... You really did take the time to clean up", Fausto said as he takes a look around his apartment. It is no longer the way it was, all the pile of beer cans and old plates of takeout food that stacked up on each other. Instead of the rancid smell of old beer, the aromatic bitter smell of coffee filled the air. It was very reminiscent of when they used to live together, every morning Rachel would make coffee for both of them before work.

"Well yeah, when I first opened the door I was blasted by the ass smell of your apartment and considering that I was going stay here until you woke up, I didn't want to live in squalor", kindly says Rachel, "Plus isn't it better like this, you can actually walk around your apartment and not bump into anything." Fausto is still in awe about how his place looks like as Rachel enters before him and begins to make a cup of coffee for herself, "Do you want some?"