Project Hole Puncher

"So Augustine-", says Dr. Geering before being cut off by Dr. Gordon, "He prefers to go by Fausto instead of Augustine, Dr. Geering." Dr. Geering looks at Dr. Gordon with his dead little old man eyes and then to Fausto then back to Dr.Gordon, "What are you saying? He wants to go by name?", he says to Dr. Gordon and then twitches his old neck over to Fausto, "Why do you want to go by my name?"

Fausto just looks at him without saying anything,"Well go on, say something? Out of all the names in the world, why would you want to go and pick my name, huh?" Fausto's memories of what the old man did the night before still runs in his head and then he remembers, "Didn't a splash of the man's blood you killed yesterday land on you face, old timer? Right around your mouth? Did you get it check?"