Pieces of a Man

"10 years!?", cries out Fausto, "Are you absolutely sure that you're right? Rei... Rei... You can't be right about this! There's no way!" Looking around at his surroundings, Fausto can't seem to exactly make out where he is at. "Yes, I'm positive this is 10 years later", says Rei, "Rachel stopped following us around the 7 year mark but I had to keep going just in case. 10 years sounded like the right amount to me." 

In this dense of the forest, Fausto and Rei are left stranded in an unfamiliar place, that even though Rei says is still within the city limits of Saint Christopher, there is an air of otherworldliness. The comforting smell of the salty sea is no longer wafting through the air, neither is the sound of the nearby crashing waves. Instead, there is just a pure, uncomfortable silence. A kind of void that leaves a person to only hear their heartbeat thumping within them, it's the only signal to know they're still alive after that whole ordeal.