The Red-Colored Jade

The moment he reached the dome, his spirit ring shined and a small gap was revealed in the formation. He entered inside and the gap closed again.

"Interesting." He murmured and entered the courtyard. He saw three rooms and a beautiful fountain in the middle from where water gushed out. The room near his side was the biggest one while the rooms opposite to it were smaller.

He first checked the biggest room and found that it was suitable for cultivating and practicing spiritual spells. There was nothing inside here except a wooden puppet that looked like a human in the middle wearing metal armor. He came infront of it and saw a small hole in its stomach.

"Does this mean that I need to charge it with spirit stones?" He took out a lower-grade spirit stone and put it inside it. However, nothing happened. Seeing this he started inserting one by one. Only after he had inserted 50 lower grade spirit stones, did it move. A red light came out of its eyes and it immediately punched Davion.