Black Lightning

"Oh! You are quite smart." The Lord exclaimed and said, "I want you to become one of my subordinates."

"Do you have to take the devil's essence?" Davion asked as he had already faced this similar incident with Conard previously.

"Eh! you already know about it?" The Lord was surprised.

"So, it seems to be true," Davion replied.

"Since you understand it, you should be willing to join me, shouldn't you?" The Lord smiled.

"Hehe, why do you think so?" Davion gripped his halberd and smiled.

"Humph, why do you look so confident? Do you still think you can escape?" The Lord was annoyed.

"Why should I escape when I can beat you here?" Davion immediately jumped and neared him in the air in an instant. Then he hacked his halberd straight at his head. 

"You sure talk big for a weakling." The Lord scoffed and easily caught the blade of the halberd with his right hand.