Conard The Legendary Emperor

Inside the hall,

Conard was sitting on the throne while observing his six subordinates. They were all devil kings. Among them, the burly man in the middle had the strongest aura and was just a few steps away from reaching the Devil Emperor. He was indeed Jackson.

On his side, there were other five devil kings standing there looking at him calmly. However, one of them would frequently look down and it seemed like he was being troubled with something.

Seeing this, he asked, "Aiden, is something troubling you?"

"I…" Aiden panicked and glanced at Julia at his side. 

Recalling what she said, he made up his mind and replied, "Yes emperor, I have messed up."

"Humm, what happened?" Conard released a cold aura.

  Aiden immediately fell on his knees and said, "Emperor, like Jack, I've lost all my devil commanders."