Davion vs Olivia: Battle II

Nora reached infront of Olivia and said in a pleading tone, "Set me free."

"As you say." Olivia put her palms on her head and black smoke emerged from her which was then sucked into her mouth.

Along with it, Nora's breath began to fade. However, she didn't seem to be resisting it but rather enjoying it as one could see a smile on her face.


Outside the Secret Realm, on the top of the Sect Master's Peak,

The elders had a solemn look on their faces. They found that the identity token of many of the disciples had broken. Although they couldn't sense what was happening inside the secret realm, they would immediately know if the disciples had died. This was because the soul Qi that they had left in those tokens would dissipate.

"Liam has just fallen."

"What? How can it be?"

"Isn't he one of the strongest disciples?"

"What the hell is happening inside?"

"Why didn't they use the talisman that we have provided them?