The Bald Man

"Who are you?" She stood up and asked as she had never seen this kid. Not only that, how could she even be his mother?

"Mom, did you forget about me?" The child neared her and gazed at her with tearful eyes.

Seeing this, everybody would surely have a change of heart and melt. But for a devil like her, it was useless. Nonetheless, she didn't dare to reply harshly and create some troubles here. Who knew if his parents were somewhere else? Wouldn't she get beaten up in her current state?

"I think you've mistaken me for someone else," she tried to act kindly.

"No, no. It's definitely you." He shook his head and shed some tears.

"Damn, I'm getting irritated. I will just let it go for the time being." She thought.

"Son, I was only playing with you." She gave him a warm smile.

"Why?" He asked curiously.

Her hands shook in anger. Why was he questioning so much?

"Your mother is hurt right now. So, I was recovering here," she replied.