New Element Unlocked

"Emperor, was it the Thunderbolt Sect again?" The burly man in the middle asked with anger in his voice.

"Yes." The devil on the throne nodded. Indeed, they were Conard and his subordinates.

"Damn them." Jackson cursed and smashed his right hand on the ground.


The ground caved in and a huge shockwave was generated which immediately flung the other three few meters away.

"It seems like you are about to break through," Conard said when he felt his strength.

"Yes. But I always feel like there is something missing. I just can't take the last step." Jackson replied in a sad tone. It was really difficult to break through into the Devil Emperor.

Conard thought for a while and consoled him, "You don't need to feel bad about it. I will help you later on."

Jackson became happy inside but he didn't dare to show it. Instead, he questioned with a worried look on his face, "Won't it be tiring for you?"