Such a Waste...

"I've returned," Davion muttered and entered his new courtyard. As for the elders, they didn't create any issues for him. They simply asked some questions about the enemies and let him go.

"Hehe feels good to have a backing."

The moment he entered, he saw Danny and Ryland intently looking at the ball made from fire and wind energy levitating in the air. Currently, the size of the ball has become twice as small.

He could feel it was being sucked up by the bird inside it with his Mind-Eye.

"It will emerge soon," He thought and came behind their backs without them noticing.

Then he put his hands on their shoulders.


Danny exclaimed and jumped back in shock while Ryland flew in the air.

"Haha" Davion laughed and took off his mask revealing his newly dashing face. He didn't seem as childish as before with his colorful hair and pupils. Especially with the wild aura radiating from him made him look manly and quite savage.