The boba tea cured the parched feeling in my throat. Sweat trickled down my forehead caused by the strong amount of sun rays hitting my back. The umbrella felt useless since the day light was coming from behind me. I munched the remaining pearls before deciding to fan myself.
"You want to switch seats Cory?" Leonardo asked with a smile.
I wanted to say yes, but Laurice was quick enough to pull out her umbrella, handing it to me in the process. "Here you go, no need to switch seats. I'm always prepared." she giggled.
Laurice used to be that bubbly in our junior years, you know, ages 14-16. I was not upset about the fact that I was not able to switch seats, I was not that despicable to complain about my half-sister's kindness. I just simply wished that I don't have to hold this umbrella because it's pretty tiring.
The three of us were very good friends. Were. We enjoyed every single minute with one another, and this was no love triangle. We're not there yet. It was such a fun year that I actually forgotten how things could simply turn terrible in the blink of an eye.
Gun shots. A raid destroyed the peaceful academy where the three of us were studying. I could never forget the intimidating black helicopters and its rotors loud enough to instill fear into each civilians nearby the school. "Laurice! Cory! Get down!"
I did not notice that I was stoned, staring and confuse that a helicopter actually began firing towards our direction. Thankfully, Leonardo was quick to pull me and my sibling away. We took shelter in a nearby building.
The noise never died down, I was sure many had already lost their lives. I was hugging my sister Laurice when I heard a thunk-like metal. What was that?
"Get away!" shouted Leonardo.
He picks up the grenade, tries to throw it away, but seconds before it gets thrown it had already exploded. The nearest foundation of the building collapsed, and all three of us were buried under rubbles.
"I'm sorry..." I heard Leo whisper.
At first thought, those words seemed to have been an apology for not being able to completely save us from the damage of the explosive. But little did I know, he was apologizing for another reason.
1.2 END
"Leonardo was an informant."