Does it hurt

Jonas had been tired after watching the program and playing the card the whole day. He had been sleeping the whole evening when his parent's video call came.

He opened his eyes lazily and mumbled to himself "who is calling the great me while I am saving the princess".

Through his blurred eyes, he swept through the screen of the hologen. Pressing the connect option.

The video hologram lit up showing his mother's face who seems to be happy after the successful hunt.

"Hey baby," said Nasha with great enthusiasm while discovering that Jonas was doing sleep action.

"Wake up sleepyhead" Nasha yelled with frustration trying to wake up her son.

"Hmm" grunted Jonas in his sleep but still did not woke up.

"I will save you my princess... just wait, I am coming," said Jonas while taking his mother's voice for the princess.

"Ah, this child " Nasha sighed seeing his condition.

As if something happened in the dream, Jonas woke and sat up. After some time of recollection, he realised that someone had called him through his hologen.

"You finally woke up," Nasha said while Jonas finally looked toward her while rubbing his eyes.

"Ah.. Mom!"

"Ya I am your mom and this person is your Dad," said Nasha jokingly pointing toward Arnas.

"No no I didn't mean like that, when are you coming," said Jonas brushing off his accusation while asking something else.

"Good news for you, we will be coming this week," said Nasha giving Jonas a pleasant surprise.

"I miss you, please come back" Jonas's eyes were wet thinking about the past week experiences he went through.

"Are you still sad about that game?" said Nasha.

"Mom this week was very bad, I didn't win a single game this week".

"And just now I failed to save the princess too."


Jonas's nose got sour just thinking that he failed to even save the princess.

"Oh you are such a baby," said Nasha

"I am kid you know," said Jonas pointed out lividly.

"I know you are my small crybaby," said Nasha trying to lift a heavy atmosphere around Jonas.

"Say it, while you played there did you enjoyed being there," asked Nasha gently.

"I did, I think I was happy while I played with them" replied Jonas with a pondering expression.

"How were you feeling while you shot the ray gun," asked Nasha to Jonas again.

Just thinking himself shooting the gun he got happy and said with haste "Yes mom It was super cool. I was shooting like this."

"You were happily playing the game but you got sad due to losing the game."

"But you tell me why were you there in the first place"

"I w-was there to play with my friends." Said Jonas when it clicked to him.

"So try to feel the joy of playing the game not on winning or losing," said Nasha.

"Yes mom," he said to his mom in a dramatic manner by doing a roll in the bed.

"Mom my chocolates, don't forget it." Said Jonas going back to his silly self.

"Oh, don't worry about it I have purchased them," said Nasha while laughing.

"Where is Dad," Jonas asked about his dad as he missed him.

"Don't get scared when I show him?" said Nasha while she walked toward the nutritional cabin.

Arnas was taking a dip in his cabin. He was lying there wearing nothing except his shorts.

If you look closely toward his left shoulder you will see that the wound between the elbow and his neck is absorbing the nutritional fluid. The wound has been closed and the new skin is replacing the dead skin.

He was sleeping peacefully when a young voice screamed through the hologen.

"Dad! , W-what happened m-mom" Jonas screamed as the colour on his face drained.

He has seen wound many times on his mom and dad. Every time he would see them he would cry seeing their wound.

But it was the first time he saw someone sleeping in a nutritional cabin. And this time it was his dad at that with a dark ghastly wound on his left shoulder.

He stuttered toward his mom while tears gushed out unknowingly.

"I said not to show him, look he his crying now." Said Nasha angrily pointing at Arnas.

It was Arnas who insisted on showing him his situation. So that he would learn how tough his parents are and how dangerous their jobs are.

"Hey champs look at me," said Arnas with a smile.

"Dad what happened, what is that" asked Jonas asked his dad with red eyes while pointing at his small shoulder area.

"This is the wound I gained in the battle," Arnas said while chuckling.

"You don't have to worry, it will heal in two days." Said Arnas while looking straight into his son's eyes.

He found out that his son has calmed down so he continued in a relaxed manner.

"Don't worry I am very tough, you can ask your mom" said Arnas flexing his trimmed muscles.

"Ya baby don't cry..." Nasha was saying it to Jonas when she was cut off by Jonas question.

"Dad does it hurts badly," asked Jonas mustering his courage.

Both were stunned stupid by his question. Their lips trembled and their eyes quivered but momentarily didn't know what to say.

'Painful' don't say a word about it. It was so painful that a veteran might have fainted straight, dying on the battlefield.

The pain it was a term that was never a luxury in a battle. Some geniuses just quitted due to not being able to handle the pain that assaulted them day and night.

They didn't know what to say.

So Arnas just said the truth in a low voice "Yes, very much" looking at his son's eyes with a gentle expression.

And continued

"But we are used to it"

"Don't worry, I have faced so much pain that I have become used to it"

"You know, I am very tough" finished Arnas with an unnoticeable tear in his eyes but his whole face seemed to have shed away all his worries seeing his son with a grinning face.

"Enough of it," said Nasha taking away the hologram toward herself.

"Don't worry so much about us, we will be seeing you again," Nasha said quickly in the sweetest voice she could muster.

"Ok bye, love you mom and dad," said Jonas waving his hands

"love you too"

"You too"

The call was cut off.

Nasha looked toward Arnas and said "Well he is a crybaby alright" wiping the tears.

"Ya, he will be more than that" Arnas said resuming his sleep with a smile that hung on his face.

Jonas continued his sleep through the night. Some unexplainable feelings surged through his heart making his respect more evident towards his parents.

A seed to do something to make them proud and happy.