Power Concept

The night was good for Jonas. He had a good deep sleep taking away all his hidden worries, refreshing his mind.

Jonas woke up tumbling and rolling toward the edge of the bed. For any person watching it, this would appear quite funny.

He yawned and stretched his arms through the air.

"Quite nice, I am feeling here," said Jonas as he opened his eyes. His eyes were just like his mom's pure eyes.

A youth's eyes contain a whole world unique to them. This is the world where pure curiosity reigns, there is no blasphemy and no evil intention only pure desire to explore everything and everyone in his surroundings.

Jonas got to his bathroom to relieve and refresh himself for a new day.

Silvos the butler was busy in his own world. He was drinking his morning coffee with one hand while the other hand fiddled with what seems to be the newspaper.

Like every other technology which has been getting better day by day, the newspaper has been modified to fit with the current generation.

The current newspaper was only a single piece of paper that could change the topic or highlight an issue with a single tap toward the centre of the paper.

Silvos was reading the newspaper searching for some bizarre news that seems to fit his interest.

Martha was busy as usual in the kitchen. Preparing breakfast for the young master of the villa.

Jonas completed his morning task and got to the hall to take breakfast.

But there was something unusual about him today. His eyes twinkled toward butler as if something was cooking in his mind.

Butler Silvos seems to notice his gaze but didn't respond to it. He continued with his reading while Martha laid the breakfast on the table.

Jonas was eating his breakfast but he seemed absent-minded as his eyes twinkled like something was up with him.

Seeing his gaze for a long time, Silvos was getting uncomfortable. So he put down the newspaper, took a sip from his coffee mug which was now almost empty and asked looking toward Jonas.

"What is it this time," asked Silvos with his usual frank attitude.

He got his opportunity and asked about the question which has been bugging him since the last night.

"How much powerful are you," asked Jonas while pressing both hands on the table, standing halfway through.

Silvos was surprised for a moment but got back to his calm self and said with a chuckle

"Well I am very weak compared to your parents," said Silvos taking a sip of water after he had finished his coffee.

"I know, they are very powerful than you," said Jonas as if it was not the answer he was asking for. Silvos mouth twitched while Martha on the side was barely holding her laughter.

"Uhm" Silvos cleared his throat and asked again.

"Well, are you sure you wanna know about it, it will be very difficult for you to remember all of it," asked Silvos again fiddling with glass.

Jonas thought for a moment then replied to Silvos.

"Say them," said Jonas with an eager expression.

"Well then, look at my hands," said Silvos while showing his hands.

The ring on his middle finger shined for a moment and then resumed its dull form carved with intrinsic runic carvings.

Two pistols which looked alike came out from his ring. He took hold of the two guns and started filling them with his energy.

Yellow strings came out of his hands and started pouring in the guns almost immediately.

After almost 3 seconds a bullet appeared in the cartridge.

"Look here"

"Wow you were a pistol user," said Jonas focusing his gaze on the two pistols and praising Silvos.

"Of course I..." Silvos was feeling proud from his young master praise and wanted to say something but was stopped midway by Jonas.

"Why did you not helped me in gunslingers," said Jonas almost immediately as he remembered that he lost the game.

"I ..." Silvos did not know what to say.

Martha on the other hand who had been holding back her previous laughter almost exploded immediately seeing her husband's expression.

"Haahaa haaha..."

This continued for quite a while. Silvos continued his teachings as things slowed down a bit.

"As I was saying, did you see the yellow strings that came out of my hand"

"Yes," said Jonas nodding his head

"There are six different types of strings that comes out of a person depending on his strength"

"Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan and Blue"

"These are different strings associated with the strength of the individual"

"People who have Orange strings coming out of their hands are stronger than the ones with red strings"

"Similarly Yellow is stronger than orange and red," said Silvos as he finished his lesson for Jonas to digest the information.

After Some revision in his mind, Jonas asked some questions related to the topic to which Silvos answered patiently.

"So you are saying you can beat someone with orange and red strings," asked Jonas completing his lesson nodding from time to time.

"But why do coloured strings come out of the hand," asked Jonas as he got confused by the yellow strings coming out of Silvos.

"Good question, I was going to continue at that," said Silvos praising Jonas for the question.

"Haha don't I feel embarrassed," Jonas said as he swings back and forth on his chair.

"I will show it to you" Silvos continued through his topic while placing his finger in between the eyebrows of Jonas.

"Close your eyes and focus on my finger," said Silvos gently calming down Jonas.

Jonas closed his eyes and tried to focus on the area where warmth came through Silvos fingers

After a few failures, he saw it.

"I see it" he yelled excitedly as his focus broke almost immediately.

"Ah what happened," said Jonas with an innocent expression.

"You have to keep yourself calm to see it," said Silvos as Jonas sat on his chair closing his eyes.

When he focused on the column in between the eyebrows he saw something, he would never forget.

He saw a yellow mass of strings of different shapes and sizes. The strings kept spinning rotating and moving back and forth.

The different strings came together to form a yellow sphere. The yellow sphere was brightly lit. One could feel himself gazing toward a star made of different things keeping themselves together in a definite shape of the sphere.

Jonas opened his eyes, his mouth was agape unknowingly. His heart pounded fast. His breathing rapid. He was wholly immersed in the yellow sphere.

"This is my yellow core, it was the reason for those strings," said Silvos calmly but he was very satisfied with Jonas reaction.

"Different strings correspond to different cores"

"Red strings for red core"

"Orange strings for orange core"

"Yellow strings for yellow core"

"Green strings for green core"

"Cyan strings for cyan core"

"And finally Blue strings for blue core"

"I have a yellow core and you.." pointing his finger toward Jonas who just sat stupified by the whole experience.

Jonas looked into Silvos eyes as the butler said with a calm voice "You will have a Red Core by the age of 8"