
There was a day remaining for the competition.

A new training was taking place in the backyard of the villa. Jonas was there as he gasps for his breath.

"Mom, it's too hard," Jonas said as he tried to dodge to the side.

Small tendrils came at a high speed toward him. He dodged them when more of them came around wrapping around his waist, lifting him. It looked as if the whole forest was his enemy.

"Tomorrow, will be much harder," said Nasha calmly, she was sitting on top of a branch 7m in height.

Her hands were intertwined among the tendrils that came out from the branches.

Somehow after struggling a lot Jonas got free from the bindings that had lifted him, giving him a small break to catch his breath.

He flung higher than he already was toward the aerial root that was connected with a tree.


Another root came out from the ground jumping toward where Jonas was approaching.

'Just a little more' he thought happily as his body twisted agilely toward the root that was hanging steadily on the tree.

He didn't have an idea that another one has crossed the various plants, stalks and shoots. The root came as fast, that his body couldn't respond to it.

"No!!!" Jonas expression twisted as he tried to fling his arms and legs toward an attempt to grab something that could save him from falling and getting trapped.

But at last, any attempts were futile as he got toward the ground with a high speed, landing on the itchy bushes.

Itchy bushes, it was a new plant she had set up for his training. It was not like a dangerous one making all parts of the victim body itch. It was the one that left the victim's body tingling.

Making them have an uncontrollable urge to...

"Hahahaha, Mom remove it, haha" Jonas rolled on the ground laughing, he couldn't get away from the bindings on his foot when more and more came to lock him from escaping the area.

It made him have an urge to laugh. He was already feeling dizziness when laughter assaulted him. It was a deadly combo to him.

"Mom stop it, I admit defeat," Jonas said trying to wave his hands toward his mom. But any attempts to it were futile as his mom was not the one to be fooled easily.

He was trying to get away from the tendrils by trying to cut them.

Jonas was smart, he knew he couldn't support his Mom's hellish training so he had kept a sharp stone in his pocket beforehand.

He was buying time to get away from them.

"You think, I don't know about your little tricks," said Nasha as the tendrils and the root came tingling him on his foot.

"Hahaa haha" Jonas laughs got stronger.

Some moments passed as Jonas couldn't take it any longer. So he stopped resisting.

He looked toward his mom with a pitiful expression and twinking eyes.

"I don't feel good in my stomach," said Jonas with a grieving look.

"Mom, Let's stop for today," Jonas said as he wanted to get away from the training.

"Sure" Nasha agreed easily with a smile on her face.

"Huh!" Jonas expression was one of surprise. It was the first time in the two years that her mom had agreed to stop the training. No matter how many times he tried to show her piteous gaze, she never agrees with him.

"You have a marathon tomorrow, let's play some indoor games" as Nasha loosened his bindings. Jonas came free, he came running toward Nasha. She had given him some vitality, to restore his stamina.

"Mom, let's play bingo," said Jonas as he crashed into her, while he laughed happily.

"Ok" Nasha holds his hand, as the duo walked together towards the villa.

They played the game

Result- Nasha(5 wins), Jonas(2 wins)


Next day

Around 11:30 AM

"Hello, folks I welcome you all here," said the Host as he walked on the stage with his slow steps.

Around 200 people were sitting around the auditorium set up for the event. They were the parents of the kids participating in this marathon, their relatives or some of their neighbours coming to enjoy the event.

It was half an hour before the start of the marathon. Many people kept coming in from the entry as they buy their tickets through the ticket counter.

The order was maintained as the police, informed the citizens from time to time or they got there after seeing the signs loitered around here and there.

The Parents and the kids' voice echoed through the Hall as they cheered for the host as he came to the stage showing the beginning of the event.

"Ha, it looks you guys are pretty excited," said the host as more voices poured across the hall.

"I am Linz your famous radio jockey and I will be your host and commentator for this event," said Linz with enthusiasm.

He talked with the audience, passing the time waiting for the participants to be projected on the screen.

There was a control room that was taking in the whole footage, thoroughly analysing and sending in the best moments from players to players.

"Hmm, it seems it's time for the game," said Linz as the countdown timer that was placed on the screen counted to 10 minutes.

There were about 30secs to the start of the projection. Linz promoted the sponsors and associates as written for his script.

"This event is sponsored by Anjos Restaurant in association with Apple Valley and Viz Academy." Said Linz as a huge Logo replaced the ads.

The screen replaces with the competition participant lining toward the Track starting point.

Arnas was there among the kids standing on an ice stage he had built. It was a show of power toward the kids and the folks taking their sits in the Hall.

Nasha was gracefully standing on the woods. She had locked the entrance to the tracks with the tendrils. Looking at her the audience was mesmerised.


Voices poured in from all the parents and the other audience as they saw the kids standing there too.

The kids were there standing with different emotions some having excitement while some others stood there with nervousness.

"Everyone listens carefully, I will only be repeating the rules twice," Nasha said in an official tone without any emotion leaking her voice.

The kids' attention was drawn to voice.

"1. You have to go through the tracks, completing the competition"

"2. There will many checkpoints in between the tracks accompanied by the corresponding staff"

"3. You cannot attack anyone or obstruct anyone, the instant you do this you will be 'Disqualified'"

"4. You cannot carry any item you have brought, we will be providing water and energy bar for your journey"

"5. There will be many scary places, if you cannot confront it or if you cannot run anymore you can surrender by saying 'I Quit' the staff will come and take you away from the competition"

"If you do not feel good in between the race, you can call for the medicinal staffs by saying 'Medicine' in a loud and clear voice"

"Now if you have any questions, ask them," said Nasha finishing the speech.

The kids asked question-related about some instances that they guessed could occur to them during the race. After they finished asking their doubts and some of the rules they had missed.

"Alright, now Mr Arnas will be taking my place to tell you about some of the most important points," said Nasha finishing her part.


Arnas cleared his throat attracting the attention of the students.

"There are about 120 of you guys"

"Now let's talk about the points system as the staffs provide you guys with water and the bars," said Arnas while clapping his hands.

About 20 staffs came pinning badges on their shirt indicating their number and providing the kids with a package which could be hanged comfortably on their shoulders.

"These Badges that represent your number, you cannot remove them throughout the marathon"

Some kids tried to remove their badges curiously, but they found they couldn't take off the badge. The badges were like seal having glued to the bodies of those kids.

"The numbers provide you with the identity of the participant, they are also the surveillance cameras providing the footage of your game"

They were cameras used for scouting. They could provide the viewer with a 3D view of the wearer location.

They could also be used for providing a dynamic view to the audience.


Let's talk about points

Every checkpoint you reach -(10 points)

The distance you ran throughout the marathon - (Total distance X 10 points)

There are many badges scattered across the tracks - (Each 2 Points)

Foul play spotted - (-20 points)

1st To reach the end - (300 points)

2nd To reach the end - (250 points)

3rd To reach the end - (200 points)

Every other to reach the end - (100 points)

" said Arnas finishing his speech.

The kids were getting pumped up by the point system. They chatted with each other creating noise that reached the audience.

"Are you ready?" asked Arnas in a high voice creating an atmosphere.

*Yesssss* *Hooo*

Said the kids all together. They got to their position as Nash unbound the lock on the track.

"One last thing," said Arnas as the kids quieted down.

"You can find a toilet at the checkpoint," said Arnas as the whole audience and kids burst out laughing.
