14. Deal With The Mafia

{Marigold's perspective}

Help. I'm being sent to the gallows. Why's everyone silent? Speak something. Help me. Don't slaughter me. No! Not those blades falling....no! Not on my birthday!

"Marigold! Four plus four is eight. Not sixteen!" Mr. Phillip Williams pulled me back into my classroom. 

Um, a daydream? Shirt it! What date or day was it today...? I looked in my phone. So that's why I awoke from my zombiphication. It's because since the challenge I made to Al before almost the whole department, I had lost four days and a weekend. Today was Friday the 13th. And two more days to go for my disastrous birthday. I checked the calender thoroughly. It was the thirteenth of November in 2015.

Can there be worse circumstances?

Well, if you've known me, don't mind me. I realize too late. Always the last one to submit a project or an assignment. The slowest eater. Studies for semester exams one day before, more like, one night before. And I do it all the way knowing the deadline. No. No, this is not fearlessness. This is shamelessness. Yes. There. Now you know the difference. Lemme continue my rant, please.

These past four days had gone by in a flash. I had been busy watching anime, shows, playing games, drawing stuffs, writing poetry and my novel which I never really work on and also, studying. Believe it or not. I was studying. Shing shing. That's my defense mechanism of escaping from a task, I wish to delay just because I think I've all the time in the world. Bella stayed with me in the nights because I can't sleep alone. Ash wanted to too but Mrs. Ricardo had called her back and asked her to focus on studies. Well, that's hard.

I'm usually free and jobless. Yes. My life is sad. But I was busier than Stephen Hawkings or Steve Jobs in the past four days.

...but, why was our physics teacher asking me the sum of four plus four?

I looked at the board. He was teaching something related to motion and sound. Bla. Bla.

Next was the art class. And history was after that. No I can't take it. Today's timetable was killing me. But...what kills you makes you stronger.

So I died today and was reborn as a much stronger person.

Al hadn't been communicating with me much and nor was I. Jack was simply giving me sneaky looks and pretending he never saw me. Jane had come to know about this and was on the look-out to help me. I was really happy but Bella told it was a challenge so I'll have to do it alone. Of course she'd help but not anyone from the adult section. At least not from BPRO. So I guess it was BPRO detectives VS teen amateurs.

I don't even know if Jack and the others had found something. If they did, they're steps ahead of me. They are pro's c'mon.

Rick popped from behind me, giving me candy floss. Generosity for no reason?

"I won't tell you anything about where I am on the case. I know you've come to find out about that." I sulked, half-heartedly pushing the candy away.

He bumped his fist on my head. "I just want you to have this, silly girl."

I scrunched my eyes at him in dripping doubt, before taking the candy and melting it on my tongue. Yum. I looked for Ash and Bella. They were taking so long talking to Ava and the others. Taking notes, probably for the unit tests.

"Marigold, that photograph..." Rick began and I immediately pushed the candy to him.

"I won't give it to you even if you bribe me with candy. I love it and I want it too but I won't give it to you just because of it." I stood in a defensive samurai position as Rick sat on the wooden bench in the garden near our school, laughing.

"No. No. I d..don't want it." He said, stopping his laughter as I sat back down and continued licking it. "Goodness you... Well I wanted to tell you that the photograph that you have may have something to do with our school. Regis High. It's a class photograph of a boys school from the year 2014. Why do you think it ended up in your school in that haunted classroom?"

I turned to Rick blinking with wide open eyes, the cotton candy smudged slightly over my chin and lips.

"Be...because...our school used to be a boys school?" Rick slapped his forehead. "Or...the classroom was used for photography or maybe our school itself was used for that."

"One year ago? Do you remember any group of boys coming over to your school for any reason last year? And why would they...our school has an awesome studio for that." Rick clapped his hands as Bella came rushing in from the main entrance, panting.

Ashley is lost?

"Hey, Rick! Here, cola for you." Bella gave him a cola can. I stared at her. Is she being bullied or blackmailed by Rick? She is now an errand-girl, huh.

"C'mon. You don't have to doubt me just because I'm now a member of the BPRO. I'm definitely on your side." He beamed, adjusting his brownish hair with his wavy hair band.

Bella dragged a rock and sat on it, giving Rick a pat on the head. "Hope you have not joined us because of the photograph..., it might not have anything to do with this lost boys' case." She guzzled down her drink.

"It was only today I got to know from Al about the bet between you two. And this thought struck me...I had completely forgotten about the class photograph." Rick asked me for it, to have a look at it.

I drew back my hands. Shall I give it to him? He says he's on my team. I mean, isn't that unfair? Al has no friends his age on his team. But I have many resources. I'd hate to have a contest with unequal rivalry. I told so to Bella but she replied saying Al is experienced and Jack would help him. Also, he has Roger who's a pro hacker who helps him out on most cases.

How'd she know that?

"Overheard it from someone. Never mind." Bella threw the can in the 'use me' bin from a distance as Rick tried the same and won by an inch.

Ashley came. She had a hairpin in between her teeth as she pushed back her hair, letting some of her side bangs fall free. She secured them with the hairpin.

"I heard the absurd bet you made. How even are you gonna infiltrate the boys' school?" She greeted Rick, made a face and waited for an empty seat. Rick gave his' away. This gentleman...

"Like the guys had." I giggled.

"Really, Marigold...? They had a detective identity and all those stuff. What about you?" Ash was offered a drink from Rick. She didn't accept it and demanded for hot coffee.

Oh yeah. It was winter.

"Hmm, we don't have anything like that. But...Marigold, imagine. If you win, every member of the BPRO is gonna recognize you as the first child to unofficially solve a case. You'll be popular!"

Bella bumped my knee with her fists and stood up on the rock, stretching herself.

I drummed on the empty can with my fingernails. The can dropped from my hands. My hands flew to my head. I realized I can't do it. I attracted unnecessary attention towards me, dammit. I don't like the spotlight, oh please.

"Hey hey hey. I'll help you girls come inside the building, okay... I have a plan. Marigold, don't worry, okay?" Rick winked and Ashley pulled me away from his drawing face. Her protective mother-self is on.

"Why are you helping me though...and why not Al..." I looked at the time and hurriedly got up.

"I'm coming too." Rick rushed as all of us walked to the bus stand. "I'm not helping you. I'm just being a resource. The ones who have to solve the case are you and Bella...and Ashley... And, Al doesn't need my help. I asked him if he does. He told me he always worked alone in a team-work. Apparently, he dislikes company."

Rick shrugged as I got onto the bus with Ashley and Bella. Rick waved us a bye and said he'd text us later.

But isn't Roger his back-up? Liar. Dislikes company, my foot. He took Rick along to the farmhouse for the investigation. That Proudy Peacock.

Ashley went to her home. She asked me if I'd want to meet Kevin now that he has returned but no. I said I had too much on my head today. Bella and I got off near the BPRO. She called her dad and begged him to convince her mom to let her stay at the agency's dorms. Else, she'd run away. Wow. Her dad agreed and said he'd try his best. Poor Mr. Adler.

I called my aunt and asked again when she was returning. She said that Eva had finished her work but Mr. Hollis got caught up in some business so it might get delayed. But she promised to return before my birthday. Well, not really looking forward to it.

Bella said she'd take a short nap and wake up at five p.m. She said she'd be sleeping in our shared-room, as usual and that I could sleep easily now that she's here. But I didn't know what to do.

Should I sleep? Should I plan for what to do next? Should I think about the case now or with her? Or...what.

I asked her. I was indecisive as always.

She told me to sleep if I feel tired or sleepy or feel like there's a need to take rest. Else I can work on the case if I want to. She dropped on the bed and dozed off. A nap in the afternoon is a must for her, huh.

Well. I'll just figure out what I need to find out and sleep once I get bored.

I sat on the carpeted floor. I don't need the desk. I'm a messy human being. And the desk makes me feel claustrophobic.

Ranting aside, I need to organize my thoughts first. Ok. This case is about a group of missing boys who have been absent to school for about a week now. The boys aren't all from Al's and Rick's class but from the high school block. The criminal zone happens to be almost always be situated in the high school.

Okay, since the number of missing boys haven't been reported because the parents think their kids have gone on a study trip, I'll have to ask the class strength of each grade from grade nine to twelve, from Rick. And if possible, photographs of the missing boys too. Well, I'm doing nothing, Am I...

Hah. Okay so, as Milton told about a guy called Abel telling him what really had happened a week before, I'll have to focus on that. Partying group of schoolboys and someone spikes their drinks. They enter a dizzying mode and hell breaks lose. Chaos is created and the boys run away.

Things I can conclude from this are:

*The stranger who spiked their drinks had come with the intention of kidnapping them. For human trafficking or maybe, organ-selling. Or simply just ransom. Or for revenge. (He might not be a stranger at all.)

* The drinks weren't spiked. They were only drunk. Underage drinking.

But if there was conclusion number two, then the question raises- where had the boys gone? Did they have other reasons to not attend school? Were they just bunking classes or...did they run away from their homes because the party triggered an illegal event or resulted in a crime?

Oh my God. Did they kill someone?

What crimes can teenagers commit? Under normal news reports, what crimes do teens usually do which has them arrested....?

Why would boys go away from homes on purpose in the first place? That's the basic question. I should probably ask Rick but he has been away from home a lot number of times and the reasons don't count as applicable to all boys because unlike Rick's family who's lenient about his behaviour, not all families are.

I can't ask Al, can I... He's not the runaway type. I feel so. Roger is out of question. He's too sharp and it feels like whenever he looks at you he doubts you like you're a a suspect in a murder case. Brr.

Ah but that smile of his...didn't seem as cold and forced as Al's usually is. He never smiles happily.

What am I even saying.

Alright. Kevin. I'll ask him. He's the kindest soul.

I messaged him the question and kept my phone aside, holding back the urge to watch videos and listen to songs.

I got a call. Kevin was calling me. Drat Jingle doughnuts! Can't you just message me?!

I walked outside the room to not disturb Bella.

"Hello. Hey. Hi."

What else do I say...?

"Hey, little princess." Kevin's modulated tone of speech almost made me fall back into liking him all over again. Frock it, no!

"If you punk call me that again, I'm gonna block you and report you!" I shouted at him, keeping my voice as low as possible.

He laughed. Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny. "...I'll text you my answer but tell me why you wanna know that."

Ah. Great. He's not keen. Why's he wanting to be now, though.

"Mm, I...I...why should I tell you?" He sighed, threatening to disconnect the call and not replying. God. Fine. I thought I won't lie to you but you are begging for it. "Alright. Alright. It's cause...I...I have...a crush. Don't say that to anyone! Especially Ashley, please!"

Yep. Who was that crush anyway? None. Oh, I have one. On a ship. On someone's friendship. Al's and Rick's.

"Woo. Wow. Finally. Who's he...do I know him?"

Kevin began whistling the tune of Taylor Swift's 'love story'.

"That's the second question. I asked you only one. C'mon. Bye."

I sat in front of my door and disconnected the call.

I chuckled. I got a message. Kevin...

'Mean girl.' C'mon, he's the mean one. 'Why did u wanna no tho, 4 him?'

Hmm. Yes. For him.

'Cuz his backstory says he's run away once. I didn't want 2 ask him why. Help?'

Yep. Good going.

'Ah. Okay. Bonding. Well, generally guys run away because something did not happen according to their wishes. More like, their parents did not accept it- either their views or wishes. Rebellious teens. Not everyone does that. Some do it to prove they can be independent and live apart from their parents.'

Hmm. I should also refer to psychology here then.

'What kinda crimes do teens usually do...? Are they arrested for that all, even if it's by mistake?'

Kevin sent laughing emojis and emojis with a raised eyebrow.

'Silly. Theyre not arrested. They're sent to special centres where they're confined in schools or classes reserved for juvenile crime.'

Really?! Wow. They're not sent to jails or cells. Maybe because they're underage and still need some...counselling?

Hmm. Okay. This one seems like a serious case unlike the 'missing girl' who was found soon after I got to know she was missing and the two Spencers case. Because teens are missing altogether and there are parents who'd sue even when the school's not involved.

'K. Gotta sleep.' I texted him, yawning as I looked at the time. Lemme just sleep for a couple of minutes.

'Where r u staying now..? Mrs. Susan isn't back yet huh.'

Well, in BPRO. Let's delay it for now.

'At my friend's house. Zzz.'

I'm tired. Can I sleep please...? I'm not gonna be sleeping in the night anyways.

'I c. K sleep. Bye.'

Phew. I clicked my phone off.

Now I gotta sleep. I rocked my head on my shoulders from left to right. Some researchers or psychics, what do I call them..., well some of them passed by and stared at me until I was out of their sight. Why?

Oh. Because I'm sitting before my apartment's door like some drunk woman. What even am I supposed to call my room as? Apartment. No. Room. No. Because it has two rooms, so it should be a suite...may be? Dorm? Lodging? Ugh. Refugee home. Since I'm staying here cause got no one who wants to keep me, right?

I noticed there were a lot more people in this agency than I had imagined. It, in itself seemed like a mini FBI but with the comedic relief. Like a parody or a gag version of the original.

Someday I'd like to explore it all once I'm unburdened from this challenge I took upon myself. Really. A soon-to-be-fifteen year old girl is going on a detective round around the city, maybe even the entire country just to solve this case.

I walked inside the room ignoring Al who had come this way, seeming confused with his micro-expressionism finely looking at my messy self. If I didn't have so much interest in human psychology I wouldn't have noticed him having an expression at all.

What Rick told me about the photograph puzzles me. I had thought it might have been someone's parent's childhood class photograph. Well. I hadn't examined it because I had thought I'd analyse it later and dropped it inside my bag before giving the golden diary to Al.

Oh yeah. My diary. He said he had seen nearly all of it despite me warning him not to. He's a demon. A demon prince. You'd think he's a quiet gentleman but he's a demon in a prince's disguise.

I rummaged through my bag. Ah, my diary. I turned the pages and checked if there was anything embarrassing stuff written in it.

Hmm. So far nothing bad.

Just some analysis and theory notes about how our Psychology/English teacher could be an undercover cop due to her sharp observance skills. About how Brendan the kid next-door wore glasses to show he had bad eyesight when in reality he had x-Ray vision. Hmm. Things like how Eva was working for the alien forces because she had celestial good luck and how the dog Brendan has, is Eva's long-lost conspiratory partner who has turned into an animal because he got no human form.

Okay. These aren't bad. There were other things too. Oh no. Did he see that, too?

The theory about how Kevin is a potential candidate for a girl's crush but I was in a doubt to sacrifice him for the girls or find someone better than him which in reality wasn't possible because those that were above him or at par with him in terms of rivalry were book boys, anime boys and k-pop boys. This was the theory about how I'd rather be with an alien than with a human male. Because they had flesh and bones like me and that wasn't gonna lure me to like any.

I had written this out a few days after I had omitted Kevin's name from my crush list and it consisted only of the non-existent guys.

Alright. So these were those 'interesting' theories Al told me about. He was clearly mocking me, wasn't he!

Great now I don't have even a granule of sleep in my eyes. Thanks, Mister Robinson. I can work on the case. I'm gonna give you a party if you fail, so please do. I'm more than rich for this deed.

Bella woke up and dead-walked to the bathroom. As I did my hair, she returned after ten minutes looking fresh and pretty enough to envy her. Ah no. I'm way cuter. Not bluffing or being a narcissist. Only confident.

She gulped down some water and asked me if I had made progress. Heck, what progress. Ask me if I have started anything.

A phone call broke the pause of silence Bella gave me as a reply. I picked it up.

"Ah. Aunt Susan. You finally called me on my phone. Almost thought you forgot I had a cell."

She laughed and delivered a news which made me nearly drop the phone. As dramatic as it seems, I stood up on my toes and hunched my shoulders up, not missing a word she said.

After the call, I stared into space, blinking. Bella narrowed her eyes and made the she's-crazy hand gesture.

"Bell...bell...a. Aunt said she's coming tomorrow and she will also sign the form! I can go home now! Yay!"

I jumped in the air excitedly as Bella smiled.

"Good for you. But why are you so excited to go back, didn't you say you hated your cousin?"

"Ah. Not hate...really. She's like...like...a cartoon's villain who always gets on the hero's nerves and escapes. Also, home sweet home. And...," I said as I tightened my ponytail and walked to the dining cafe as usual. Bella laughed giving the classic example of Cinderella's step-sisters. "...I don't feel like...home...here. It did feel more than that when I first came but that's because I was sorta like a guest. But now...I've prolonged my guest-mode here. The more close you are to people, the more unwelcome you are. Not intentionally, of course."

I hopped in small bops because I couldn't contain the excitement. Bella paused, only to give me a natural smile of hers. She seemed...impressed...for some reason?

I must have made some badass comment there. Yes. Yes.

Jack was sitting on the chair as Milton was thumping his back like his friend was crying. Um, why is he though? Ah, no. Some dust particle got in his eye while he was guzzling down wine...or booze. Whatever.

I avoided Jack's gaze, taking a mouthful of spaghetti cooked by...I dunno. The food matters. I'll honor the cook later. Al was missing and Rick wasn't here. Roger was also absent. Ah.

They're working on the case. Not eating and working. Hashtag respect.

I stared at the bowl of spaghetti I so much wanted to drown into, with shame. I had no time. I should hurry, pack up and wait till tomorrow until I get back home. Or better still, start working right away after dinner.

I picked pace with my eating. No one spoke at the table. It felt comfortable to not be questioned about my progress.

Jack was eyeing me every minute. I should hurry up and go to my room, dammit. He'll scold me again if I say I haven't done anything yet. Bella finished before me and told me she'd go to sleep early because she wouldn't be able to get up for school of she doesn't.

There you go, you liar. You said you'd help me.

I got up and washed my bowl in the sink. I was happily about to leave when Milton stopped me and asked me to bring him a bottle of ketchup from the cupboard in the kitchen. He really loves the red stuff, doesn't he.

Phew. Let's just do this for him before I leave for home, Jack's gonna be so relieved though. I mean, I know I annoy the hell outta people. And while I do so without intentions for it, they are pissed off. Bad habit.

"Here. Huh, where's Milton? I mean, Dr. Milton." I looked around in the dining cafe but there was no one except Jack and me. Oh shoot. Shoot me.

"I wanted it." Jack held out his hand for the ketchup. Um, here you go.

I quietly began sliding out but he called me. Crap no. Don't scold me, please. I'll start with the work right away.

"Marigold." He called without looking up and I turned on my heels. I went to him and waited for him to speak. "Sit."

I sat opposite to him and twiddled my fingers.

"Did you start working on the case?"

"Uh, no. Not really. I know I had lotsa time but...I'll...start right away."

I gave him a look and immediately looked at my hands.

"I see. Did you have any dreams?" He asked, squeezing the ketchup bottle into his bowl until the spaghetti was soaked in it. Ugh.

"N-no. None."

Definitely none. Ain't telling him about the recent one. I'm too scared already. Hopefully I can go back quickly. Al and Roger or Milton. Somebody just come.

"Then what were you telling about some woman in a dream to Bella?" He eyed me and I blinked. He had heard? But I had changed the topic.

"Um...er...it...was a normal dream. R...really." I crouched up in my chair. Jack sighed, mixing the spaghetti until it got broken down to small grains.

He leaned closer to me.

"Look. Marigold." I didn't look. He'll scold me again. "Look at me. I won't scold you, I promise." I looked at him, barely managing to keep the invisible water in my eyes from dripping down. "Hm, good. Listen. I didn't mean to say it to you that way. That you are a kid and not a psychic. I just hated it that you at your age should be playing instead of solving cases and I might've burst out but...I didn't mean to shout at you, okay?"

I wagged my head and put my face down. He asked me to raise my head and I didn't obey. He pulled it up.

"Darn no. Aw goodness, Marigold. Why are you crying." He sprung up from his chair and came to sit next to me, pulling my chair to face him. Indeed, why am I crying. "Look. Psychics aren't accurate in their reasoning either. Also, you become a psychic usually at fifteen years or late. By your dominant abilities, at least. The recessive ones may come early or too late. I was simply worried about you and ended up snapping at you. I'm sorry, okay?"

I was breaking out in low sobs. No, dammit.

"H-hey. Stop crying. Ah, Al. Good you're here. Look, Marigold's crying..." Jack directed the statement at someone behind me. Oh Holy Geese! Al should definitely not see me crying. I'll strip myself off respect, otherwise.

I bubbled up from my chair like a soldier before his team leader. I wiped my face with my sleeve and jumped.

"So, how was my acting? I might be an actress someday. Won't I?" I wrinkled my nose, fake-laughing for humour.

Jack arched an eyebrow and breathed a loud 'ha'. He got up and clapped my head with his palm. "Good. Now, don't cry for silly and useless things like that. Be cool to criticism."

Ah. Okay but...I told him I was acting and he didn't believe it. Wow. I'm beetroot red with the embarrassment. But, Al had come and I did it just because-

"Hey, Jack! You're here and I'm searching for you everywhere. Why didn't you answer my calls?" Al thundered into the cafe, holding Jack by his arm to stare at him with wrath.

Huh? My mouth creaked open. My eyes zeroed-in on his sly smile. His eyes thinned into slits.

'Don't be angry. I did that to make you stop crying. Lying. Sorry.'

I heard his voice inside my brain. No. To be more precise, in my conscience...or...I am not sure but he talked to me, telepathically!

My mouth went round. Jack puffed his cheeks and pretended to rinse his mouth with unseen water.

"What the hell! You lied! I wanted to talk to you more!"

The corners of my lips twitched. This man is a wholesome puppeteer.

Al looked at the fan above and rubbed his temples.

"Well, we still can..." Jack stuffed his mouth with the saucy, yes, saucy spaghetti and avoided laughter like the plague.

"No. It's too late. Tomorrow my aunt's coming and I'm going home." I exposed my teeth at them, grinning like I was being photographed. Jack's happy face transitioned into grim deathly look. Al's entire self turned to me. He batted his eyelids once, tilting his head to a side showing the opposite of Jack's expression which was hardly noticeable.

I got a call. It was from Rick. Oh. Cool. He must have found out the names of those missing boys. I bid the two of them a bye, without receiving a response though..., I hopped away.

He said he'd be coming to BPRO in the morning because he had some information for me and his mom wouldn't let him go in the night so he'd be handing it over to me on his way to school, early in the morning. Darn, no. I hate to wake up so early in the morning. I asked him to either send me the info or

just give it to me after school but he said he won't be able to come later because he had to go to some martial arts class and his attendance was sent over to his mom. He had to attend it whether he liked it or not.

C'mon. It might just be the list of names...right?

Well. Gotta sleep early to wake up early. But that sheet rarely happens. Early to bed.

I lay in my bed with a snoring Bella beside, thinking of just too many things to let even an ounce of sleep penetrate my eyes. I had questions. And no one to answer them. Apart from the doubts related to why Jack scolded me, I had queries regarding my dream. Should I take it seriously or not? Was it a future prediction or a past event? Or an event which is happening right now?

I should've asked Jack but I didn't like Al being there and maybe giving Jack second-thoughts to reply me. He's my new rival. An opponent. So I should give him no mercy.

Okay, I suddenly remembered I had cried before Jack and I regret it so much. Can I just rewind the time and slap myself for that? But, what Jack said...about people becoming psychics was at ages fifteen and so..., by their dominant abilities, then...was Jack given a vaccine for the Health Induction Program? Also, I'm not yet fifteen, two days...no, now...one day to go for the sixteenth of November. It's past twelve. Well, does that mean I'm a genius for attaining psychic abilities earlier than most people? I might be a prodigy!


With thoughts buzzing around my head, I fell asleep only to be shaken awake by Bella. I hobbled on my feet and galloped to the bathroom. Sheesh, no. Rick will be here any minute. I can't believe I didn't wake up to my alarm at six a.m. Well, when did I ever...?

Rick messaged me. Oh no. I had three missed calls from him. Damn, hope he doesn't go away. It was had enough as it is, this Mafia and me having a deal. This Rick. I don't even know what the hell he has to show me.

I pulled up my pants and wore an inside-out T-shirt, not bothering to wear it the right way even after noticing it.

I dashed like an ambulance in emergency, calling Rick as I ran with fuzzy slippers in the passageway. He replied the call with a message to go to the department of C.C.

C.C? Oh. Cryptic crimes. I'm a dumbo. Baka me. Pabo me.

Rick was crunching on some fries made by Jane. Jane called me in and gave me some. Wow, no one was here except her.

My eyes sized-up at Rick who winked and continued munching. Ah, okay. I curved my lips in a fake smile. Okay, I'm leaving, bye.

"Matte!" Rick shouted with his mouth full.

Oh, Japanese eh. How long should I wait? Until you finish eating?

We began talking in Japanese to totally avoid being listened on. I asked him to show what he has but he wanted a reward. Heck, lemme first know if it's worth it. Jane batted her eyelids and walked away with the crushed oily butter-papers.

"List! Is it genuine?" I hissed, walking with Rick who had his hands full with papers and files. Studies and and all his game posters mixed up. He pulled a thin file out and presented it to me. I smiled affiliatively at him receiving the certificate of trust. He snatched it. Why!

He twisted his mouth, lighting a domineering smile. "Let me in on your case."

I gritted my teeth and stared at the ceiling giving him a forced nod. 

We departed for school. He flashed me a peace sign and we disappeared at the bus stop in separate directions.

During school hours, I barely spared myself the lunch break to study the names of the boys from Rick and Al's class. Rick had highlighted some names in neon and a question mark next to them. Oh, it's either he doesn't know them personally or doesn't know if they're absent like regular leaves from school, for skipping classes or because they had gone missing.

I turned the page over. Bingo. I was right. He wrote the same. But he mentioned that there were a number of absentees since last week comparing previous data on attendance. And he had circled the names of the few boys too. The missing report didn't exactly broach upon which grade they belonged to. And this file, given by the ever so kind negotiator Rick, didn't carry any info or names of the tenth graders and higher ups. Bravo. He doesn't know his seniors or he knows none at all? 

I had to know what all went missing, didn't I? Al definitely had an upper hand over this because it was his school. But it shouldn't be me who finds excuses instead of putting one and two together since it was me who took on the challenge and...wow.

I bit into the falafel roll we just bought from the streets. A man with grey back slick hair also bought one and smiled at me as Bella wiped something from my lower lip with a tissue paper. 

"Whats yer name, little girl?"

"Oh-f...Maefi-". My mouth was full.

Bella pulled me by my arm. Ouch.

"Don't tell your name to anyone who asks. Ashley told me...some people have been trying to find out about you. Especially your name." She dragged me away from the stall and we walked away from there.

My eyes zoomed. Me? I'm already a celeb, eh.

"Yeah...so? Isn't that awesome...like oh my God...I'm popular and..."

"Think about it first, Marigold."

"Ah...! Oh no. Will...will...they try to kill me?" 

We headed to the BPRO on a bus as Bella kept explaining to me about when I should be cautious of my surroundings and people. I know. C'mon. And as we entered the colossal agency, Bella asked me to not indulge in a stranger's queries. Else what? Dont tell me...they're tryna kill me?

Cause why else would you try to find out somebody's name if it's not your crush, idol or celeb, classmate, acquaintance...or...when there's a hitman hired for the killing.

But why do they wanna kill me?

Don't tell me Spencer had a back-up for his rescue from the prison cell and he wants to kill me before escaping. Holy Salmon, no. I knew a detective's job came with hurdles. I should have quit long before making enemies. But, aunt has already signed the form and the contract says you can't resign unless you're on your deathbed. Would I need to fake it now? My illness...

"You. Spencer ain't escaping and you aren't resigning by faking your illness, okay? Silly girl." Jack strolled to me, his brush with toothpaste in his hand. Al, Bella, Jane, Rick and the rest of the audience in the department dramatically turned their heads to look at me. Um, I should just stop thinking. Jack is a damn news channel. 

It was now afternoon and...Jack was brushing his teeth now? I wrinkled am eyebrow at him. Weird. Oh, but nothing compared to me.

"...and those hitmen are not trying to kill you. They are trying to find out the name of the girl who had asked to donate her blood for the clinic."

Ah. My mouth opened in a casual affirmative gesture. I was...over-thinking. Hee hee. Whatever.

Rick was silently banging the table as he doubled up with laughter. Jane pursed her lips, stopping her smile from breaking out.

"Really, Marigold?" Milton ruffled Al's head who turned away giving an uncaring look. Ah. I want to smack him on his cheeks. Slap one. Slap two. Wow. Feeling so great. But yes, I'd love to pluck out his hair as well. Bald Al.

"Yeah. But, Marigold...you should tell me what I should broadcast and what I shouldn't. I'm not a news channel." Jack winked at me and I banged my head with a magazine from the shelf. "Also, if you wanna hit Al...then why don't you-"

I pursed my lips, begging him with puppy eyes to stop being on the national T.V. 

"Jack." Al called out.

Your son is calling you. Obey him, Jack and stop trying to read my mind every single minute. 

Jack was drying his face with a towel and winked at me. What? You read my hecking thoughts again? Fine. Lets see how long he can hold out. I have to leave by evening anyways. 

A very visible saddened Jack stuffed his mouth with an omelette. "Jack." Al called out again in a stern tone. But he didn't pay attention. 

Al scowled. Whoa. Dude's angry. 

"Jack Jackie chan..."  I hissed, tightening my loose hair up into a ponytail. He whirled at me. I pointed at Al.

"I got something and we need to do some clownery to find out the identity of the culprit. Me and Roger have found that this is a scenario which directs our attention to one person and although Roger isn't sure about him being a culprit. I suspect him. We have some proofs and statements regarding the missing boys' case." 

Al glanced in my direction. My eyebrows tensed up. Great. He's already in the lead. Self-blaming won't do any good, it was me who started late.

Jack took hold of Al's phone, and began scrolling down with a series of variant expressions. His eyebrows creased. He got up and walked to his office-room. Al turned to me.

Oh no. Don't give me the look.  I am aware I am incompetent and regressive. Ugh, what do I do if he asks me...

"Any lead? If you've different opinions on this case or the cause of it all, tell it to Jack." He said with a straight staid look, walking over to the office. I blinked in confounded response.

Why would you say that instead of asking if I had made any progress at all. Don't you dare think I am cut out for this. I breathed out and pulled my golden lamp diary out. The old class photograph of a boys' school. Wait. This wasn't old. It was quite recent. Maybe an year old.

 Bella munched lazily on a strawberry wafer and offered me one. I gnawed on it brashly and veered over to Jane. "Don't you psychics have a magnifying glass or something?"

Jane blinked, confused. She stiffly handed me one, unblinkingly, probably intimidated by me. 

"What is Miss Merlock Holmes tryna do now?" Bella peeped at the photograph over my shoulder.

In the photograph, a boy stood out for me. What was familiar about him? Had I seen him or met him somewhere? But there was something different about him. Even if I had seen him before, I am sure he didn't look so different.

I grabbed my bag to call aunt Susan and ask when exactly was she coming back. I messaged her instead. Bella yawned and groggily used my shoulders as her cushion. "You're like a teddy bear. Can I borrow you for my nap?"

OK. So there's one way to know. The day is 14th of November today. I've got two days. Today's Saturday. School's closed. I grinned. It was five in the evening now. If I could, would it be possible to make it in time though? I darted my gaze across the open-room. No one in sight. Al and Jack are in the office. 

"Jane, I need to get some groceries from the supermarket. Aunt Susan asked me to bring home some for our dinner together. Shall I go?" I said with twinkling eyes and a small pout to buy her completely. 

"Uh...," she glanced in the direction of the office. "Well...I can't send you alone..." She bit her lip uneasily. 

"No worries! I'll take Brave Bella along!" I scooped up Bella's dangling arm who gave a five to the air.

Jane smiled affirmatively and asked us to return soon. I hopped away, dragging poor exhausted Bella along. Sorry to drag you into this, sweetie. I needed to see in person who all the boys were from the list or from the highschool. 

I received two text messages. Aunt Susan said she'll come late by midnight due to change of work plans. Yes! I can now give a shot to my crazy plan. There was another message from an unknown source that read, 'Hi. Remember me? Your old friend. C'mon Rose don't ignore me.'

Um...what? I dunno any old friend and my name's not Rose. I ignored the message. Have more things at hand than be replying to random strangers online.

Bella and I rushed to catch the evening bus to the district next to BPRO's. Well, ours was a small town and so we commuted by buses and cabs.

"Hey, is it really okay to not tell anyone were we are going?" Bella chewed like a cow on a bubblegum.

I scowled at her. Bad Bella. This is an adventure! You should enjoy it. I wiped clean my rectangular black rimmed glasses and pushed it across the bridge of my nose. I really do forget to wear glasses, don't I?

"Bella, if we don't find anything where we're going then...," I turned to her with a grim look, eyes without a glint of any mischief, "...I'll have to assort to plan B."