15. Kidnapping A Kid Napping

{Marigold's perspective}

Ashley had left me lots of texts and I left her on read. I hope I was not too late. We had to rush to catch the bus to come to the Regis Highschool. The boys' school. The sun was on the brink to set as we hid ourselves in the bushes opposite the school.

"What do you think will happen, silly? The culprit himself will show up and have a show to get arrested or an angel's gonna descend now?" Bella looked up at me as we crouched low.

"Shh. Today's a weekend. Something's bound to happen and if it doesn't then...we can ask questions."

I whispered, checking my phone's battery percentage to see if it'll last long. Forty five percent. Well, lets hold out. I adjusted my cat-hairband on my head, tightening my ponytail to not let it become a hurdle in any kinda chase we might have to run into.  

The trees canopied our presence and the sun thankfully was dissolving behind the buildings. We weren't chameleons to blend in the shrubs but the dark befriended us. Bella was barely trying to not have forty winks. Her dark textured fine bob hair rested freely on her shoulders as I played with them. 

There was no watchman at the gate. Why? Because it was not school hours? Unlike our school who has watchmen even for night duties! 

A crew of big boys traipsed out from the school gate. I quickly pulled my phone out and zoomed in on to their faces and captured their pictures. Bella snooped at me judgingly. Safe side, girl. Who knows. I gleamed.

Standing 6' 2" tall, I caught sight of a white skinned boy who had eerily an aloof feel about him. He seemed like the leader or the person whom the other guys listened to since their standing stance very much begged to be of like a minion. 

There were four boys including the leader which gave me a feeling that they were nervous and threatened. Or maybe just under dire circumstances. They seemed to be either eleven or twelfth graders.

Bella's soft coffee colored eyes met with my chocolaty brown eyes. She had a clear no in her eyes for an enquiry now. C'mon if we don't, how else are we gonna know about anything? She seized my wrist tight. Fine. I won't. I scoffed and she gave a nod, letting go off my wrist. Ouchie, strong grip.

I, at least had to make note of how this dude looked and what he talked about, right? Lemme take notes then.

He has a triangular face with a round chin, a straight nose, large ears and full lips. His light blue eyes are small, and he has a monobrow.

He has medium-length, curly, red hair that is thinning, and he has stubble.

From the looks of his outfit, the outline makes it clear that he has toned arms, a heavy torso, a straight waist, straight hips, and muscular legs.

Bella squeaked. What, girl. Shh. The guys are gonna think we're some creeps if we get caught like this. She furrowed her brows like she wanted to puke on me. Hold up. Not here.

"Some leech-like creatures are here..." 

What, ew, no. I pulled her away and we ended up exposing ourselves under the haunting streetlight. The leader kid stared at us. Um...

I hid behind Bella. She stood firm, folding her arms. I'm not scared. It was kind of like a reflex when I discovered we were gonna get reprimanded or something for lurking here. But didn't the boys come over to our school a hundred more times?  

I strutted out in the open and approached the group. Bella trodded heavily behind me. Uh, you okay girl? 

The big guy answered the description of Buzz Lightyear except he was human-sized and emanated hefty good boy vibes. 

"Hey..." Bella tucked her side fringe behind her left ear. The minions gathered around us. Are they gonna beat us up? "...Would you happen to know someone by the name, Patrick from your school?" 

My head whipped sharply to my side. Bella? Well, let's just...get along.

The human-sized toy cocked his neck at his pawns. They snickered lowly. "Well, and you're his?"

"He owes me a sum of money. I'm his debtor." Bella pushed her fringes back.

Bruh. How to not laugh? Is there a science like that? 

"No wonder...," he puckered his forehead giving an obscure smile. God. ah, to be able to slap a person without letting them know... "Adams, right? He's our junior. It's quite late right now. You girls should have come in the morning."

"We are students so we went to school. And returned home on time." I stepped in, standing in a wide stance. Bella tapped twice on my waist probably indicating me to hold my tongue. "But we had to talk to Patrick so we came to this school because we came to know he hadn't yet left. It's just...we...weren't expecting someone else."

The guy's face contorted in faint displeasure. The boys behind him nudged his elbow and muttered something in a low tone.

"Are you the girl who's always waiting for Allen Stevens at the gate? Someone with an...uh...'A'?" My eyebrows went up. He's trying to divert our attention onto this, huh.

"I am Mari-" Bella stepped up, cutting me in the middle because I'm air.

"I'm Sally. Mary and I have come here for Mr. Patrick..."

Oh? Changing names is as smooth to her like sliding in a hand for a sleeve. I peeked from behind Bella and got met by the guy's gaze who was busy dusting some fair hair off his pants. But didn't he have red hair? Oh well, it must belong to his girlfriend or yeah, anyone for that matter. 

"Oh, I'm Joshua. Twelfth graders. What about you girls?" 

Oh you know, ninth or tenth. And? What else would you like to know? I tapped my foot, biting on my lip and quite generously being quiet for the love of Bella enquiring him. 

A guy behind Joshua gave me a squint. He winked and kept looking my way. I stared back, having a deadpan look. While Bella talked to him in her charming style, I got distracted by a sound of a twig snapping under someone's foot. I whirled to glance in my far right. A skunk? Maybe...or a cat as usual. 

A white light abruptly bothered my eyes. Like one of those headlights from the car... Wait. There were no cars or transport around. Could the light have been from a flashlight? A moving dark bulky figure with a nice taut lapsed behind the darkness of the surroundings. Was it a boy from this school? Maybe from one amongst those who went 'missing'. I should get my hands on this fella. Oh, and to find a subject of distraction.

"Oh! My cat! Hey, sorry guys I need to chase after this little fella. My cat...see ya'." I bobbed up and down with my blue sneakers being gawked at by Joshua's winking minion. Bella stamped her foot as I hopped away, signalling her to ring me up if needed. 

The taut figure simply vanished. Either he could open up portals or I have begun to see the otherworldly people. Or he's a teleportation user!

But where was I...why do I have a feeling of déjà vu? Like on the Halloween night prank that backfired. Damn. 

I walked silent-footed in the empty off the beaten track. The indistinct streetlights carpeting my way to a certain alley which I had second thoughts for. Nah, I'm no lion-hearted main girl from some action series. Won't risk precious life mine. 

I should return before Bella reports to Ashley to get me killed in various ways without having to die. Honestly, I am a dork. A dumbo. Why should you follow someone or something which you merely found during an enquiry? Aren't ghosts scary enough already?

"M-m-miss M-marigold." I heard a spluttering voice from over my shoulder. I didn't budge and walked smoother than usual. Who the hell. Who the hell! I should hurry. Who's it! Don't turn. Don't. "You're Miss Marigold, right? I-I know it...you've got the same hair like your mother."

I paused, standing on the horns of dilemma. It's a trap. Don't react.

"How'd you know her? And how are you certain my name is the same as you just called? Who even are you?" I crossed my arms across my chest, tapping a foot restlessly.

Turn back. Don't talk. Just ignore. 

The man was standing on the dark side of the lane we were in. I couldn't see what he looked like. He might be short considering the distance I heard the voice at.

"I...I'm her...she...she wants to see you. You-your mother. She-she's waiting to meet you. Once you me-meet her, you'll know ev-everything." 

Amazing. Didn't he take classes in crime? I can teach him a thing or two. Lesson one, take it for free, make up a believable lie. Do I look like a three hear old? Dude says my mother's waiting for me somewhere. Well, crappy criminal skills. But, he might have an inkling to the missing boys' case. Because he was lurking around the boys' school too. 

"Oh. Is it near?" I pushed my hair strands out of my glasses' way. Let's walk into a trap.

"J-j-just walk. F-follow me."

I nodded and walked behind him. Don't go. Stop. Turn back and sprint away. Don't follow strangers. 

The path grew narrower as we zoomed in close to a shady shed located on a rocky platform. Well, this is...fishy. I kept my phone close to me. And tucked it inside the waist belt of my jeans. I felt around my neck for a tool of defense. My pen. Hell no. I don't have it.

The door to the shed wasn't particularly old or broken. It was just a simple timber door with a lock. "...so where's she? With Joshua? Haha." I teased a tricky question. If he knew the guy, he'd react. Though he merely nodded.

"W-w-wait h-here. I'll c-call..." He rubbed the bridge of his nose, turning away to hide the passcode of his phone probably. 

Yeah, right. I'll wait, huh. She's waiting, you told. Where? He sucks at nefariousness. I shook my head, pulling a chair to sit on. The guy went out for his rather 'personal' call. I should've denied him just now. He ain't reliable. I'm simply wasting my time. He pootled inside the small-ish shed, gurgling down a bottle of water. Ah, I'm thirsty now. 

Oh wait. I can test him. 

"Uh, water?"

"H-here...," He held out his waterbottle to me. Oh well. Super safe. 

"Thanks," I took it and played with the cap, keeping it beside another one on the table. "So, when's she coming?" 

"Oh-ah-I...I think in 30 minutes..." He turned away and plodded out. "C-call me i-if you want a-anything."

I blinked in approval. The door was left slightly ajar. I fell loosely on the chair. I can't figure out this dude's intentions. Just what's he up to? Should I make a run for it? He's so slow he won't even notice. I sipped some water from the bottle on the table. Well, more five minutes out of respect for this man to bring me here, I'd wait. 

Clock ticked by. Whoa. Man, what time is it, I'm hella sleepy. I peeked from the window next to the table that open on to the cold silent dark lane. Dark? It had good streetlights when I walked here. 

"Wh-what? Who? H-here?" The man outside breathed anxiously, pressing his phone to his ear.

I should just run away now. I didn't get anything outta him anyway. But why do I gotta be so sleepy now? I lay on the table. Eyesight blurring, I reached for my phone but couldn't pull it out. Why the sudden weakness.

"Th-th-the Whis-whisperers?!" 

The man yawped and no soon did I hear a clang against the ground. What? Who? Whisperers? I fell victim to slumber, realizing 'wow, so I was drugged'. 


When I regained consciousness, I found myself lying on a hard, stony surface. There was light luminating the interior from a hopper window. I looked around. Where was this. I was kidnapped? Why would someone do that though? C'mon I'm not kidnap-worthy at all. Total average person. That aside, I suppose I was in a musty basement of some sort and not even tied up. Talk about unprofessionalism. These second-rate kidnappers are below average.

I adjusted my glasses and wipes the blurriness away. These spectacles of mine, weren't crushed. Why? Don't they usually destroy stuff like this in the movies?

I checked my jeans. Ah, awesome. I've my phone. Didn't they bother to even check? It had been an hour since I was out. Poor quality drugs. 

I scanned the area. There was nothing much except for some iron bars, bricks, mud and you know...dingus with which you can maybe harm people. 

Surprising thing was there were no guards here. Why did you even kidnap me? To make my investigation of the missing boys' case slower? Oh, to buy time. I dunno.

I heard some footsteps. Welp. Time to run. 

I jumped over the open window within reachable distance and walked away. God, that was scary. I heard hoarse male voices in the background. Damn. Did they catch up! 

I don't even know where was I. Where should I run to? Oh there. I saw the main road with many cars and lights. If I'm lucky I might run into some police officer. I looked back. I couldn't see anyone but I could feel the danger of being caught.  

"Whoa!" I bumped into a little girl. She fell down. Ah shit. 

"S-sorry...!" I helped her up as she made a crying face. Please, not now. I threw my glance everywhere. "Girl, who did you come with?"

She puckered her lips and plonked my hands down as I held her small ones. Owwie. "Shut up, pest."

My jaw dropped. No kidding. How old is she. 

No time to think. I grabbed her arm and hid in a narrow alleyway when huddled footsteps neared us. The girl dusted her small yellow frock and tidied her blonde ponytail. 

Um. I'm more shocked at the way this little thing carries herself than some random jobless men trying to kidnap an unprofitable me. 

I got a call. Vibration mode. Oh right. There were a number of calls and messages too from Bella, Ashley, Jack, Aunt Susan....crap. Should I turn myself in to these rogues? 

"Oh Timmy, this little Red Riding Hood was being chased by some bad guys. She pushed me too. Please, take her to the police station." The girl told a tall boy who approached us, panicky and all sweaty. 

I'd like to go there, girlie but for other reasons. Don't frame me as a runaway fugitive.

The short quiff puffy haircut of the metallic-blond hair boy caught my eyes. He had the same height as the leader kid, Joshua. About six feet tall...and a tracksuit on. He seemed kinda buff. In a fight, he might take a few men. 

"Elina, I told you not to go running off like that. I ran a long way to find you." He chided, holding her hand compassionately. The girl puffed her cheeks up. Way to throw a tantrum, girlie. "Uh..., are you alright? Would you like me to help you?"

A kind soul. Unlike the little sister.

"Thanks, but I'd just like to know which street is this and if I could get a cab..." 

I twiddled my thumbs as the tall boy gave a nod. "I'll fetch you a cab but if you want, I could also drop you..."

"Oh no, I live in the Marington district...it'd be troublesome for you. Thanks." I forced an office smile. Nah, no favors. No IOU's.

"It's the street next to ours. This is Balmoral Drive. It's about two kilometres away from my house." He said, sniffing in a tissue paper. Oh, cold. "I'll walk you there...I had a piece of work to do there as well." 

I gave a nod. The girl eyed me furiously. Mwahaha. Sorry, I feel evil and not sorry. 

It was a long way and we talked generally about how cold the nights have gotten, the stars in the sky fewer and the like. Nothing personal. When we were nearing Regis High, I stopped. Can't give in my information.

"My-" The girl cut me in. I really am disliked by her. Bweh, don't like you either.

"Timmy, we have to go from here. This lane!" She pulled at the boy's track pants. The guy called Tim glared at her. Hehe. Girlie, I'm winning. 

"My home's just 'round the corner. You guys can go. Thanks a lot for everything. See you." I rubbed my palms together. Chilly. 

Tim rumpled his head. "Hmm, yeah. Ok. Bye. Well, uh, you know...even if you're a highschooler, it's unsafe to roam in streets like this. Pardon me, this isn't what I should ask you to do or not do but..., yeah."

Whoa. Al should take lessons from this dude. The surprising fact was that this boy was the first one to instantly recognise me by my grade. Else people always call me a kid. But, Tim that's one way to speak, boy, I was kidnapped after walking into an obvious trap so...yup, my fault.

"Timmy, don't be kind to strangers. Be kind to your sister."

Tim glared once again at her. This girl is a handful, isn't she. Or cruelly honest.

"Yeah, thanks. I'll try to keep that in my mind. Bye. See ya!"


And I turned over to a right turn, watching them fade off from my sight. Well, that was one hell of an experience. Not sure if anyone's gonna believe me though.

I rung Bella up first. She sounded nothing too anxious and I thanked the heavens for that. She only wanted to know if I got any info from the person who was 'lurking' near the boys' school. Yeah, right. I said no and she immediately asked me to return to BPRO. Apparently she waited for long but when I didn't return for an hour so she got back sneakily. She wasn't worried. Wow.

I called Ash. On the face of it, she only seemed to want to know if Aunt Susan was back. All her messages were about the same thing too. She said she thought I might have slept. Okie dokie. No one's worried. Glad.

Aunt Susan wasn't receiving my call. Her messages said nothing really. Just that I could stay at BPRO another night or day if I wished. 

I stretched my arms as I walked the moonlit streets of Marington. The windy night filtered my lungs with a strange air of freedom. Out alone on a chilly night was my first. And I must say, it wasn't uneventful.

A cat purred. I froze unintentionally. Looking back to see a normal honey colored cat hunting around for food, perhaps. One more cat appeared. A black one with yellow eyes. I'm not a believer of superstition or crap like that, but, the creature did exude an eerie aura. I smiled at it as I walked past it. It began to stride towards me. Uh, not this deja vu again. 

I quickened my pace. I felt it following me. Just why. I rung Bella up again. She wasn't receiving. She had only now called me, hadn't she? I looked for a soirce of hustling and bustling road. Okay, up ahead there were more lights and people too. I took to my heels.

Yeah, run and don't stop. Alright. Now a cab. Many cars were passing by, some which were vacation cabs as well. None stopped for me. The hell?

I looked back. Oh. No cat. 

I breathed out. God. That was creepy. Why do cats love me so much? 

A cab stopped before me. Um, no I can go back myself. It's near. Regis High is a few miles ahead and I know my way back. 

"Uh, no tha-" I paused. Someone was walking towards me, face down under a hoodie, hidden. He seemed...familiar. Joshua? 

He was on his phone talking normally. Isn't he out too late? Duh, I don't really care. The cab drove away, annoyed at my unresponsiveness. Sorry. Got a little unfocused.

He ambled inside a convenience store and I got distracted by a call. Oh. Aunt Susan. 

"Hello, Aunt!"

"Marigold, dear...would you fetch some grocery from the store when you return? We might be coming back late in the night today so for breakfast we won't have stuff to cook. You know, I asked you this cause...," she dragged on and I nodded, muttering a yes every sentence she spoke.

Grocery. Right . 

I crossed the road, rushing casually inside the grocery store just adjacent to the convenience store. I checked my phone cover. Great. I still had much change from my pocket money. I bought a couple of the usual veggies aunt generally buys.

I dashed out, hurrying to spy on the guy Joshua. It's not too late but I might land into some clue.

Uh, where did he go? I peeked into the store. Nope. No sign. Oh, there. He's going the other way? Not in direction of the school... Better make haste before he disappears off-sight or people mistake me for a creepy stalker.

Ok, for now, I'll simply watch him and note the routes if nothing more is suspicious. Although nothing was, so far.

I slurped the mango juice I bought through the straw. This is fun.

I saw Joshua walking inside a duplex house. Alright. It's a thirty minute walk uptill here...so 1.5 to 2.0 miles approx. My math isn't in the least bit impressive but that's the rough gist I got.

I headed back to the BPRO. I did so much today I'm tired.

I was greeted by Rick, flying over to me in rocket speed. He pulled me inside the building, panting as we went upstairs. 

"Hey...what's up?" I let go off my hand from his grip.

"You...where were you!" He breathed noisily, covering his mouth as he sneezed. Uh, story time? But what's he doing here? Wasn't he at his home? "We had a hard time putting on a facade for you." Huh? Why? "Your aunt's here! She's waiting for you in the open-room. It's been twenty minutes. Where were you...oh, grocery shopping. Anyway, come. I was gonna come with you for cruising the school but you guys left without me."

He made a sad duck face. I didn't know you'd be coming. And, aunt's here?

"Who else is there in the room?" I whispered, hiding behind Rick who led me to the open-room. 

"Uh..., other than your aunt..., Jack, Jane, Alfred, Bella and some pretty girl. Why though?" Rick beckoned me to go. Man, let me prepare my wallflower heart from the crowd. I breathed in, redoing my ponytail and pushing back my hairband.

"Dude. Are you going to a seminar or what?" Rick patted hard on my back. Ow. "Just go. You know them."

I blinked and showed him a thumbs-up. I walked in followed by Rick as the audience stared at our red carpet walk. Please, don't.

Aunt Susan beetled towards me enshrouding me into a hug blocking my view to the viewers' reaction. "Marigold sweetie. Ah, sorry it took too long for us to return. You're well, aren't you?" 

Strong smell of jasmine clogged my nostrils. I hate perfumes. 

"Ah, aunt Susan, I am glad you're back. See I'm all well. And...," I showed her the bag of veggies proudly, "...look, I bought what you told me to."

She smiled, releasing me from the hug.

"Hey," I pressed my temple and high-fived Evangeline.

"Oh. Hey." She slung her jacket over her arm. Her blonde princess curls rested freely on her shoulders. Man, she's Aurora from Disney for real.

I gave a relaxed scan to everyone present here. Ah, Jack...he seemed anxious and whispered something to Jane. Bella walked over to my side and nudged me. "Happy?"

Hmm. I guess so. I beamed at her.

"I signed the form, Marigold." Aunt Susan hammered my sense out. What? Did she even read it? The psychic detective or trainee form... My head instinctively whirled at Al. He shrugged. Yeah. Who else can do that huh.

"Yeah...although she needs to talk with Madam Aurora...and an official regarding some of her doubts so...you wait here, Marigold." Jack insisted. Aurora?! She's real?! Oh my god.

The adults vanished from the room. Wonder what they had to talk. Maybe they'll lie about the whole psychic thingy.

" 'Sup, Al." Eva plopped on the cushiony sofa.

"Well. Smoother than before. You've got to know how this Macaw- I mean, Marigold helped us..." Al strolled over to me. He was in a full-sleeved red sweater and the hue of red was making me lose my vision.

I pulled a part of Al's sleeves and he scooted down. Heck, he's only a few inches tall. The audacity to look down on me-! "Shh. Don't tell her. Don't involve her. It'll be dangerous for her. Stop dragging more people into this mess, you Evil Step Mother."

Al looked at my face and blinked. His shoulders went up and down. He hid his face behind one raised arm. Was he laughing? At me? Bella giggled. Please. It wasn't funny.

"So when you gonna rejoin...or will you at all?" Al asked. Nope. Stone man doesn't laugh.

"Not sure. After we track down the Whisp- I mean...yeah. Our work...after its finished." Eva yawned. What was the talk about exactly? Which work? I know she was helping Al here in some minor stuff and when she got some work to do out of the city, she recommended me to these guys. Yeah right. Didn't even ask for my consent. Oh but I like the work here now. Besides, I'm a psychic unlike Eva, right. 

What an achievement. 

Everyone returned and we bid our byes to each other. Bella was hugging me like I was gonna migrate to another planet.

"Ah, you're so squishy like a teddy bear." 

So that's what it was. I freed myself from her. Jane gave me a pat. "Be regular to BPRO from tomorrow."

"Oh. Do I get paid for this?" Jack bonked my head with a plastic glass he was drinking from.

"After your trainee days, Little Lady."

I puffed my mouth. Uh huh. "Did you dig up anything, y'know, the missing boys' case. Nothing?" Al asked in a murmur. 'Asked'? Sarcasm. He was scoffing! Al in red is a high-level demon.

"You've no idea...I even got kidnapped trying to collect information." I spilled. Well, adding extra spice isn't bad.

He raised an eyebrow and looked over his shoulder at Bella who was trying to keep it in. Girl, shose side are you on?

It wasn't long before we finally got away from the agency and reached home to be greeted by uncle. He was in his night gown and gave me a hearty smile and a high-five. Eva and I had our dinner together with uncle and aunt at the table as usual. Ah, this is normal. This is routine. I'm glad to be back.

I dropped myself on my cosy bed and cuddled the many pillows stacked beside me. Home sweet home. I dozed off.

The next day was quite uneventful since it was also a Sunday and I woke up to Eva screaming emo songs on her bed next to me. Just why. 

I sprung up scratching my bed hair. I glared at Eva who didn't seem to give two cents worthy of attention. I swiped open my phone and played a hard disco track screaming the lyrics on the top of my lungs.

Eva twisted her mouth. She increased the volume of her speakers and screamed louder. Uh huh. I doubled the volume.

"You girls stop it right there and get your asses down here if you want breakfast!" Aunt Susan's voice rang loud through her singing mic and we both scurried like rats downstairs before freshening up.

"So how was the B-PRO, Marigold?" Uncle Robert cut through the bacon on his plate and looked up at me curiously.

"Ah, good. You know..." 

I began narrating my experiences from the cases, omitting the psychic parts. They seemed fascinated by it all, Eva had even stopped chewing. "You're better than I thought," I heard her talk under her breath.


"Ah, nothing. Let's hurry up. We've to report to the agency on time."

I glanced at the clock. Right.

Surprisingly I didn't complain it was a Sunday and we had to attend some weird agency so early in the morning. I mean, it was 11 in the morning and a fun place to be in.

I chucked my bag over my shoulder before putting on a fresh pair of overalls with a blue shirt. 

I headed over to the agency. The first thing which was out of my routinely activities was this. When I hopped inside the open-room, there were barely any people here. Even on a Sunday, it's mostly bustling. Although, now? 

I dashed to the department of Cryptic crimes and was met with a few familiar faces. Other than the fantastic four, Al, Jack, Jane, Milton ; there were five highschool boys lined side by side opposite to the questioning team. 

Joshua! Why's he here? 

"You? Mary?" He blurted, half-shocked because I probably don't look the detective part. 

"Oh, you met the bloody Mary?" Rick apparated behind me like a ghost with a cola can and made me jump.

Why's Bella not here though? Ashley's been absent from most days too.

"Is he on the suspect list? That Joshua. Red hair." I spoke in an unobvious undertone to Rick.

"Uh, no. He's the host of the party. The post-Halloween or Halloween eve, I'm not sure but yeah." He rubbed his nose and rambled to Jane's side. Whoa, are the frenemies, Al and Rick, fighting now?

"Abel, you said these were the people who are left from the party's incident." Milton let out an irritated sigh, propping himself against the table. "According to you, many boys had gone missing after the party right? There were some fights with random strangers who came to have a few drinks, right? Now, Mr. Joshua Sanchez..., care to explain why had the strangers walked inside your house?"

Jack bit his lips. He frowned, pacing back and forth as Jane brought the man to a halt. 

"Seems like Milton never got angry but now when he is, Jack is nervous. This sure is hilarious to watch." Rick murmured to me, as I got near to the highschool boys to have a closer look. I feel like I have seen this dude, Abel somewhere before.

I rummaged through my bag and grabbed my diary. The class photograph. I skimmed through everyone's faces in the photograph. In the middle row right in the middle was a guy who resembled the guy called Abel.

"Isn't this you?" I pointedly showed the person in question, the photo.

He gave me a once-over. "Yeah, got a crush on me or something? Why would you have the boys' school class photograph from way back in 2013?" Rick chuckled and I returned him a disgusted look.

Al came over to me and observed the photograph. "From the Alicia Keys' murder case?" 

I nodded proudly, the corners of my mouth refusing to tone down the excitement. 

"Marigold Mc Kenzie, we can make no conclusions just from this one thing which was only found in the girls' school, Tigris High. Grab something more solid." Al placed the photograph back inside my diary, flipping through my most recent notes. I snatched it from him. How dare you. I'm still angry at you. 

"Permission, honey. Ask." I glared, shoving down the diary back inside my bag.

Al narrowed his eyes and turned to face Jane. The boys were narrating how the men had trespassed their party and forced some freshers to smoke. Jane smiled at me. Um, why?

She beckoned me to her. "The tall red-haired guys is Joshua, blonde kid you just spoke to is Abel. Milton had been in touch with him. One with the round glasses is Gordon, buzz cut is Louis. The last one is Paul, dark haired one." I stared questioningly at Jane. She giggled. "You seemed to be curious about them so I told you. Now, go work on your theories."

My eyes lit up. Angel. Can I salute you?

"You are extra nervous out of everyone, Louis. Why, do you have a hand in the crime?" Jack teased, inching closer to the nervous wreck of a boy.

"N-n-no. I'm fine." 

"Go easy on my classmate, mate...Jack, I mean." Rick laughed forcibly, whistling close to Al's ears. Al swatted his face away. 

Brooooomance. I might start singing right now.

"Oh? Afraid of your senior? So much, you'd cover for his crimes? That'd make you a criminal too, y'know..." Jack raked his fingers through his hair, pushing them back. 

"No...I'm not." Louis looked at Abel's direction.

What's this intense psychological drama? 

"Jane, I know the way to Joshua's home. We can just go there. We might be able to find clues. He's suspicious. I...me and Bella had gone to Regis High last night and we found him at the gate with his minions. Something's fishy." I hissed quietly to the woman seated on a client chair. Al casted a brief look at me and turned away. Jane gestured me to be silent. 

Ugh. Only Jack listens to me. I miss Bella and Ashley.

"Oh, keeping mute, are we? I know of some torture techniques to ooze information out of a possible suspect..." Jack winked at Milton who nodded grimly and turned to go.

"He t-told me not to sa-say! Abel said he'd pour water over my clothes in school if I t-told." Louis drew away from the boys, nervous.

Not an act, I believe. 

"Spill. Bullies will be punished." Jack thumped on a chair.

"J-Joshua. He has something to do with the missing boys. He-he is responsible for their disappearance."

Joshua clicked his tongue like he knew this was coming. He stared at Abel who avoided his gaze. My doubt's weren't wrong. Nothing's proved yet so I'll not get carried away. 

"Shouldn't you contact our parents first? We're minors and you illegally are questioning us." The bespactled boy, Gordon said, hugging his jumpsuit close.

"Minors involved in a crime. Alcohol and use of cigarettes. Do you think your parents would readily let you people be investigated?" Al folded his arms, straightening his azure blue sweatshirt. 

Claps please. Wait, we're opponents right now. Stop.

"Your house wouldn't be nearby, would it? Take us to the place where you had partied." Jack put on his dark green coat and whispered something to Milton. 

Joshua rubbed his forehead. "I'll take you there. I'll explain everything after we reach." 

"Yess, finally." I muttered under my breath and Rick bumped his head with mine, offering me a bubblegum. Ouch, thanks.

"Coming, Bloody Mary?"

"Scared, Clown?" I snickered, receiving a call as all of us stepped out except Milton. "Yeah? Oh my goodness. Is she OK now? Alright, I'm coming."

"Whats wrong?" Rick proved, pausing to help me with my unzipped bag and books which I dropped accidentally in a hurry.

"Aunt Susan slipped from the stairs and is unconscious now. I need to go. She's physically not good, dude. Please update me on the case. Bye." I flipped my bag on my arm and rushed off, not stopping to explain to others. 

When I reached home, Eva was nursing her mother. 

"How's she?" I breathed, dropping on the floor beside aunt's bed.

"Dad called a doctor. Oh, he's here." 

The doctor checked aunt Susan. He told us she got her legs sprained badly and that it'd take a whole week to recover. Just how bad of a fall was that. 

Uncle talked the fee and stuff with the doctor. Aunt had come down with a fever too. Probably the shock of the fall. It took us more than half the day to nurse her. She kept mumbling how it was important for her to recover before Monday, the working day. 

I broke my neck bones as me and Eva threw ourselves on our beds, exhausted. It was evening when uncle Robert cooked us a meal and we had have felt so hungry.

"You girls worked hard. I'm proud of you both." Uncle Robert flashed a thumbs up.

We giggled. Yeah, happy that aunt hasn't to the fever now. Wait, crap. Joshua, his duplex house and the case. Darn, I missed it all.

"C'mere, both." Aunt sat up in her bed as Eva helped her. "Thank you. I can go to work tomorrow now."

"No!" We both shouted in unison. Aunt broke into a smile. 

"Ofcourse, I can't. I'll have to be able to walk." She paused, stroking Eva's hair gently. Uh, I should get...going now. "You've grown into a fine girl, Evangeline. You too, Marigold. It was surprising to see the two of you nursing me back to health. When Eva first told me she was gonna be a detective in an agency, I was startled. But as time went by and she helped in more cases, it felt normal. And that was a proud moment." 

Eva took her mother's hand and caressed her palms. "Mom, are you showing your daughter off to Marigold now?"

Aunt laughed. "No. Just memories. Marigold has also amazed me recently. It was quite the shock fkr me and for all of us whe. We came to know you were a detective. It was hard to believe. Eva has always been the outgoing kind and clever, Marigold on the other hand, was our naive little kid. It was an even more of a big shock when Eva told me you were a psychic. God, it was really..."

My eyes sized down. What? She knows? Since when?

"When..." I couldn't complete. 

"Oh, before she recommended you, of course. She's a psychic too, y'know. Strong one. At first I didn't believe her but her achievements proved me wrong." She scanned me and loosened her face. I bit my lip hard, standing up. They knew. All along. "Aw, sweetie. Don't be upset. We were planning to not tell you until your birthday but I spilled..."

"Mom...ugh." Eva drawled, slumping against the bed.

"Why did you not tell me..." I held back my anger, as usual.

Uncle walled aunt from me. Oh, you think I'd hurt her? "Marigold, dear. You are small. We had to."

"All along! You knew. Like a fool, I was played." Why am I angry? It wasn't such a big thing to be angry about either. 

"Marigold, we were not harming you. You are still not mature..." Eva stood, trying to hold my hand. 

Ah so that's why I'm furious. Treating me like a kid, again and again. Underestimating everything I do.

"Leave me. I'm going to BPRO. And, please, don't call them to check if I've safely landed on their homeland OK?" I hauled my bag on my forearm and stormed out.

"Marigold! Hey!" Eva shouted after.

"It's the first time she's ever done that. Let her go." Uncle's voice was heard as I last saw the glimpse of the little abright room of aunt.

As I trudged down the cold pavement lined across the townhomes side by side, my phone rung. Who's calling at this hour? Agh. I let it ring for a few minutes and picked it up, agitated. 


"Ah, she picked up." 

"Oh Marigold! Were you eloping or what?" Emma spoke through the screen.

A video conference call, huh. 

"Nothing really. Just out for a walk." I lazily strolled down the road.

"Don't let spirits possess you." Ava guffawed, rocking back and forth like an old lady.

"Soph, what if Pennywise the Dancing Clown takes her away? Oh no." Emma fake-fainted.

"Please, you guys." 

"That clown isn't scary, honestly speaking." Sophia brought her camera close to her eye.

I gave a hard nod.

"I agree. Nothing's scarier than those two girls snooping around the 'haunted' classroom murmuring stupid shit like, 'we need to find that photograph or else...bla...bla'. Creepy." Ava curled her lip in annoyance.

"Right? Like, why can't they...just...just behave normal..."

Photograph? Classroom?

"Hey guys," I called out but they were too busy talking amongst themselves. "Hello? Listen!" I shouted and all turned quiet. Good.

"Which photograph are you talking about?"

"Oh, we're not sure either but I bet it's from the boys' school next to ours, I mean, near to use. Regis High. Those girls often meet up with guys of that school. Been going on for months." Emma whistled and went to switch off the lights of her room.

Hmm. So, I assumed right. One of the girls has a boyfriend from Regis High and so the photograph. That explains it. Why it was found in our school and all that.

"Hey, its twelve!" Ava whispered. Oh shit. It's that late already? I should head back. Wait, I can't.

"Happy birthday, Marigold!" Everyone chorused and lit candles in their rooms.

"Ah, guys..." I laughed, disappearing from the camera. "Seriously... Thanks." 

I blew the candles and the girls blew them off. These girls...

"Go sleep. It's late." Ava showed me her fisted hand.

We bid bye and I disconnected the call.

Ok. Now, I messaged Bella about whatever I heard my friends say and my deductions. If I get her vote on this, then we can dive right in for some inquiries. Should I tell Ashley too? Nah, let's keep her away from this for now and let her enjoy her family time.

I paused dead in my track. Where did I walk to? Oh, there's a grocery store here.

An idea struck me. Joshua lives right around the corner, doesn't he. Should I go pry on him? Just a little won't hurt. 

It was midnight and the perfect scenario for a ghost to pop up. But this was a golden opportunity. I walked into the convenience store and went to the small section of headwear. Luckily, a woman always sells small stuff like these, here. Private, I guess.

I bought a cap. That's it, right? I looked at my pouch. Hmm, I did have some money and I'm hungry too. Okay. A handful of potato chips of the best flavors, one big mango milk carton and a few other snacks. Yep, we going camping here.

I stuffed it all inside my spacious bag. Yes.

I carefully zoomed towards the duplex house. Why does everything seem so familiar to me? Have I been reborn and am beginning to recollect memories from my past life?

I took pictures for no reason at all. I peeked surreptitiously at the backyard. No one's here, right? I grabbed a rugby ball-sized rock just in case. Who am I kidding. Isn't it me who's trespassing someone else's territory? If anything, I would be the one suspicious.

There was a water tank and a wide spread of grass. Now, why this feeling of dejà vú? 

Um, no. No way. Could it be?

I pelted towards the tank. It's the same from my dream! If I am not wrong, there were multiple people hitting me too. And, cats... Was it all a precognition? A foretelling? 

I swallowed. The lid of the tank top wasn't there. It was down next to my feet. Somehow, I felt that I had to cover it up. To shackle evil like the Pandora's box. My hands were cold. It wasn't chilly either. It was so quiet, I could hear my own heartbeat. 

The lid wasn't heavy. But, the near-immobility of my hands made it difficult for me to hold it up. Ugh. Calm the hell down.

I took it back off and left it there. Forget it. I'll just go back.

I heard a cough. I didn't move. Where did that come from? As I began to walk away, I heard it again. Wait. It wasn't a cough. But a dog's yelp. A soft shrill yelp. My head angled to a side. A small puppy. It got stuck on the inside of the tank , it was quite rusty. Aw, how'd it even get here? 

I noticed muddy paw marks on the walls of the inner side of the tank. It fell in and climbed out? Brave fella. I freed its tail from the grip of some hardened cement on the insides of the tank. It was an empty tank. 

I had to bend lower to reach its tail. Ah. Got it. 

I felt two icy palms on my thighs and I was pushed inside the tank. What- Who on earth. The puppy yelped and jumped away, barking at someone I couldn't see. I hurled the rock I had, at the ambusher. A dying moan, I heard as I faded off, down the long fall in the darkness. 

Ah, I landed, it was on a bunch of hay stacks. Thank goodness. I thought I was a goner, for a second there. It hurt though,not as bad as breaking two hundred six bones of my body would.

My bag had cushioned my head, I was saved.

"M-mom..." A small voice groaned from somewhere in the pitch darkness.

Wait. Too soon to conclude I was safe. I got up to my feet. It isn't a given that things seen or unseen in the dark must be paranormal. Nevertheless, I wouldn't ask for its name. I simply froze. If it's a ghost, it'll mistake me for a statue. 

My phone beeped. Damn, wasn't it on silent mode?

"Who? H-help." The frail voice drawled. No. I know I would take a step forward to 'helping' and I'd be dragged into the devil's lair. I held my breath. The water flowing from a pipe was the only sound heard. "W-water. Please..."

Huh? I defroze myself and shone my flashlight around. A small kid, barely twelve was lying on the hard muddy ground. 
