Chapter 2 The Signal

OverClocked Chapter 2 Title: The Signal.

Time 3:16PM Monday April 23rd 2062

Ext. Front Door-Afternoon

Our story continues as we see Vincent now returning home from school, He opens the front door and enters his house.

Int. Front Door-Afternoon

He takes off his shoes and puts down his backpack.

He starts to walk into the kitchen.

Int. Kitchen-Afternoon



"Hey guys, I'm home!"

He says while walking into the kitchen with no one in it, He then hears a voice from down the hallway.


(Far Away/Yelling)

"Hey Vincent, I'm in the living room bud"

Int.Living Room-Afternoon

Vincent walks down the hallway into the living room where we see George sitting down on a brown couch. He is wearing some black work clothing with light brown overalls over them, Watching a truck show on a HTV and drinking some soda.


"Hey dad, What's going on?"


"Oh nothing much, Just watching the news. How was school today?"


"Same as every other day, Pretty boring sadly. I'm going to a spelling bee tomorrow, Most likely just to sleep while watching it."



"Oh?, The good old "wear glasses" trick I see. Ya I did

the same thing when i was young."



"So, how was your day?"


"It was good, I had to replace a floor in one of those new

houses from water damage. The job was pretty easy, Had

it finished in only a few hours."

George is a carpenter and has been for the past 20 years.


"That's good to hear."


"Your mother said she was going to be making chicken

and mashed potatoes when she gets home, So try

not to pig out on anything in the meantime."


" I'm good, I ate a good bit at lunchtime. I can hold off eating

till mom gets home. Well I'll see you a bit later, I'm going to

go check out this new game demo that just came out online.

Everyone for some reason is talking about it in school.."


(Raising A Eye Brow)

"Hmm? A game? What's it called?"


"It's called Extreme Space Fighter XZ."



"Oh? A space shooter huh? You know...You should maybe try

to become a pilot. Sign up and see if someday you can pilot

a real spacecraft."



"Well...This game. People are saying you are a flying rock

robot samurai, Fighting ninja aliens in space."



"But...Why?.....Well have fun."


"Well...I will try. I do find the description of the game to be a bit....Off."

Vincent said while turning around and starting to walk towards the hallway.

Vincent turns to his father before entering the hall.


"Ok, see ya a bit later."


"Later gator."

Int. Vincent's Room-Afternoon

Vincent goes up the stairs in his room, Sits down at his table. The table has a HPC on it and he turns it on to download the game demo.

Int. Living Room-Afternoon

We then switch our attention back downstairs as we see George flipping through the channels, stopping on the news channel.

We see an anchorman sitting down.


"Breaking news today in Kumo City. A ESDRP worker

Named Sam Furloe went hostile around 1:38PM, Assaulting his

fellow co-workers and stealing over- -$100,000 worth of

equipment in an ESDRP Company Pod Car.

Eye witnesses say he wasn't responding and didn't look

well before his outburst, Injuring 3 of his co-workers. All

victims have non-life threatening injuries and are in the

hospital. The police have issued a statement that the

Pod Car was heading south..."

George then flips the channel to a fighting show, We see 2 muscular men with MMA Gloves.

They both have Autobeats, as they are fighting we see both have small screens. One has a screen on his chest and the other has a screen on his arm.

They are going way faster than the average person, Swinging their arms and legs so fast the human eyes can barely keep up.


"This fight looks pretty good."

As he continues to watch the fight, The front door opens as Maggie is now home.



"Hey guys, I'm back and I got food!"

Int. Kitchen-Afternoon

George then gets up and walks to the kitchen as Maggie is now in the kitchen, She has 2 boxes of takeout pizza from a EizaPiza down the road. She puts both boxes on the kitchen table.


"Hey, How was work?"

George said while entering the kitchen.


"Oh it was good, I didn't want to do any shopping after work

so I just went and got pizza."

Maggie works at a grocery store, She has been working there for 8 years and is located in the south part of Denki City. The store name is FoodJungle.



"That's fine by me, You want to yell up to Vincent or should I?"


"I'll get him."

George then opens a pizza box, In a trance after looking at the pizza. George is looking at the pizza with all its topping in a trance as we go to Maggie who is about to yell upstairs to Vincent in his room.

Int. Vincent's Room-Afternoon

We see Vincent in his room playing the demo, A disgusted look on his face while doing so.



"What....Is this?"

We see Vincent is holding a controller plugged into his HPC, The image is a crappy looking rock samurai in space fighting weird looking alien enemies with lasers. Then the game crashes.



"I'm not in the slightest surprised that happened, What a piece of...."


(Yelling/Far Away)

"Vin, I'm home and I got takeout!"

She said from the bottom of the stairs.

Vincent's with a shocked and happy face rushes down the stairs.

Int. Kitchen-Afternoon

He passes his mother, Blowing her hair all over the place and entering the kitchen where we see George is still in a trance looking at the pizza. Vincent looks at the pizza, Also now going into a trance.

Maggie now enters the kitchen, looking at them in a trance she giggles. She then claps her hands together making a sharp "Clap", waking them up out of the trance.



"Ok guys, dig in."

Vincent and George snap out of the trance, Both starting to sit down and eat pizza with drunk faces as if they are getting drunk off how good the pizza tastes with Maggie joining.

As we see them eating we switch our attention 9km away on a street.

Time 3:27PM Monday April 23rd 2062

Ext. Highway-Afternoon

We see an ESDRP Pod Car. Inside we see Sam holding his right side in pain, Blood is seen coming through his white shirt.

Int. ESDRP Pod Car-Afternoon


(In Pain)

"I...I can't believe they didn't listen to me, I didn't want to hurt

anyone but they gave me…"

He said in pain, sweat pouring off his head with a pale face.


(Heavy Breathing)

"I need to patch up this wound..."

Ext. Highway-Afternoon

We zoom over the Pod Car to view the back, as we look at the back of the Pod Car we see a part of the back is damaged. In front of the Pod Car far in the distance we see tall buildings, He is now in the north part of Denki City heading South West.

Beside Sam in the passenger seat in the Pod Car we can see some equipment, taking up all of the seat beside him.

As he is driving down the road we see a Cop Pod behind him, He turns his lights on and tries to sync up with the Pod Cars autopilot to pull it over.

Sam with a shocked face switches to manual mode and starts to take the right turn, Now heading down a less busy road into a vacant parking lot.

Ext. Vacant Parking Lot-Afternoon

Sam now breathing heavy, Picks up something beside him as we see the cop exit his car to walk up to the window.

As soon as the cop gets within 5 feet from the car Sam holds his breath, Knowing his breathing would give him away.

The cop walks to his window, Sam is rolling down his window to the officer.

The officer is wearing a blue police uniform, wearing sunglasses. Is pretty muscular with orange hair and a beard, 6 foot 1 and his name tag says T.Reed.


"Hello sir."

The officer said as Sam didn't say a word but nodded yes.


"License and registration please, The reason i pulled you over was

you have a pretty bad dent in the bumper, As i was driving behind

you i could see paint chips fly from the spot. Did you just get into

an accident sir?"

Sam doesn't move or say a word but then nodded yes.



"Ok sir, IF you have your license and registration can you get it now?"

Sam, Now widening his eyes, Starts to sweat more as the officer now looks at Sam suspiciously. Sam then moves his right arm beside him and start to press a button on a small device.

Reed not noticing what he's doing, Still waiting for the license and registration gets a radio call. Now taking a few steps back Reed picks up the radio on his side, Listening to the chef of police announcing what has happened at the Sumo City ESDRP and tell all police in Denki City to be on a lookout for a stolen EDRP car with minor damages in the back.

Reed's heart skyrockets as his face turns from curious to panic. As Reed looks from the back through the glass at Sam, He now sees him playing with something beside him but Sam stops as soon as he sees Reed look at him through the rear view mirror.


(Freaking out/Thinking)

"Why isn't it working! It should have gone off by now!"

Officer Reed then puts his hand down by his gun which is on his right side and slowly moves up back to the window.



"Ok...Hands on the wheel."

Within a split second, He goes to pull his gun out.




Sam said "Sorry." to the Reed as he presses the button for one last time. We then fade into darkness while hearing a gunshot.

A few hours pass as we are now back at Vincent house.

Time 9:57PM Monday April 23rd 2062

Int. Vincent's Room-Night

We go into Vincent's room where he is watching HTV and on his HoloPhone looking pretty sleepy. He is watching a show but mainly has his eyes on his Holophone.

We see a group of people sitting down around a table on the HTV, The one in the middle, A old

looking guy in a grey suit with reading glasses.


"The news is that Matrix6 is going to be released sometime

next week. Officials say, We asked the team at Blast33

what they thought and they responded with their new

Mk.3 that should be coming out in the next few months.

No word into what new features the Mk.3 has yet so

stay toned."

We look back at Vincent on the phone, The 3-D image right above his phone shows us he is looking up some new shoes while texting Anna. We now focus back on the HTV as the camera now switches to a young woman sitting next to the man who just spoke.


"Wow I can't wait to see what the guys at Blast33 have in store

for us. But it's now time for a small documentary on how our

Autobeats have evolved and about the man who

created it, In joy.

The HTV now switches to a Autobeat documentary, We see nothing but start to hear a woman's voice.



"It was a nightmare..."

It then continues with a man's voice saying.



"If it wasn't for him...."

It then continues with a bunch of kids voices, One by one saying.


"I wouldn't be here."

We now start to see the world from space, slowly spinning in space With a man's voice saying.


"The Year was October 8th 2049, The first case of the "Repotstraeh" Virus

was seen in a hospital, After a week of no results into the cure and to

how the patient got the illness, New cases within a 100km range

spiked at a staggering rate. Over the next few months almost

half a million people are now infected, All the ages of 3 to 7.

The virus once in the body only took a few hours to take its

effect, Killing white blood cells while destroying the heart. A

group of doctors and scientists came up with an antidote 7

months after the first case.

But If an antidote was not taken within 12hrs of the first symptoms

of the virus which was heavy breathing with loss of vision, The

antidote wouldn't be strong enough once it spreads throughout

the body to a certain point.

All patients who didn't get the treatment in time either sadly passed

away or were on life support. Until a man named Newton Greval

came up with the Autobeat a battery powered mechanical heart

to replace the normal one humans have...."

Vincent shuts off the HTV as we now see him texting Anna. He Texts her saying "Ok im off the bed, I'll see you tomorrow at school." with Anna texting back "Ok, I will see you tomorrow and don't forget about the spelling bee!"

Vincent then puts his phone on the table over a wireless charger then gets ready for sleep, He changes into his green pajamas and goes to set his clock.


"Better not forget to set it an hour early for this spelling bee."

He sets the clock alarm to 6:45AM. He now turns off the lights and lays down in his bed, falling asleep.

We then zoom into his clock that has a digital timer with the alarm text showing 7:45, We see the alarm text now switches to 6:45. As we zoom out to a different clock with someone setting the alarm to 6:45 in a different location.

Int. Cop Pod Car-Night

As we zoom out we see Sam in a front seat of a Cop Pod parked somewhere in the dark with officer Reed tied up in the back. Sam looks better, He has his shirt off with a lot of bandages where he was bleeding.

We see a first aid kit opened on the dash with all the equipment in the passenger seat, The equipment looks like it's all hooked up while before it was in pieces. The equipment is

displaying an image of earth in 3-D image, Scanning the top orbit of earth. Sam while

done setting the clock says.



"Soon everything will come to light..."

We noticed Reed in the back is sleeping but wakes up, He opens his eyes then tries to move his arms but they are tied behind his back. With a scared face he then starts to struggle free but- -can't, While struggling he looks up in front of him to see Sam in the front seat looking at him through the mirror.

Reed then stops, Not saying a word while staring at Sam with a hateful look.


"Sorry about all of this, But I can't let you go...not just yet that is."

He Then turned his head to Reed.



"Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt anyone...anymore, Those idiots back at

ESDRP thought I was making up everything and wanted to ignore what

I saw. They thought I made the system glitch but no...It wasn't me, So

I escaped with this equipment to track them down."


(Frowning/Raising A Eye Brow)




"Yes! Bingo! INDEED!!. They are not from this world you see...and

in a little less than 9 hours we'll know for sure, If we really are

alone in the universe! Isn't this amazing!? You should be

thanking me for kidnapping you, This will be a once in a


Reed then cuts off Sam.



"What are you nuts!? You must be crazy thinking that! LET ME OUT OF HERE!."

Sam, now looking angry starts to type away on the equipment that now turns on displaying the earth's middle orbit.



"No one wants to ever listen...NO ONE WANTS TO LISTEN!"

Sam shouts, Making Reed look more spooked then angry.



" Here is all the proof you need, I can track whatever is coming to us

but only with special equipment. Doing that is hard enough, But long

story short after playing around with the settings on an ESDRP

satellite I finally found it while you were still sleeping.

The object that made that same signal is heading towards earth. But

it's very close to something we pick up on earth. Never before have

we got a signal like this from outer space and this object that is

emitting...well emitted that signal is virtually undetectable."

We look at the image and every 5 seconds we see an object, Moving closer and closer on a radar like a hologram to earth. The radar says its moving at Mach 7 and is 69,000 away from earth.



"You're making this up so I can go along with you, I know when

someone is going crazy and you sir are that person."



"Oh really?"

He then takes out his Holophone, showing him a video of everything that happened on the HPC and in the room.



"I was able to hack the footage before my escape, Look and

see who the crazy one is now."

We see the events that play out before as Sam is entering the room after the alarm goes off, He then shows him footage of an hour later as he is then confronted by a group of men that suddenly attack him and his co-workers as he makes an escape. As Reed is looking at the Holophones video with a surprised face..



"It doesn't matter what you think because in less than 10 hours, We will

know for sure if we really are alone in this universe."

He said looking up into the sky from within the Cop Pod.

Ext. Alley-Night

As we zoom out of the Cop Pod we see it in a somewhat hidden location in an alley, At the end of the alley we see they are about 600 feet away from the Denki City High School.

End Of Chapter 2 >>> Next Chapter 3 Title: Raining Flames >>>