Chapter 3 Raining Flames

Overclocked Chapter 3 Title: Raining Flames.

Int. Vincent's Room-Morning

We continue our story in Vincent's room, He is sleeping with the alarm about to go off.

Time 6:44AM Tuesday April 23rd 2062

We see the time hit 6:45 as the alarm goes off. Vincent wakes up and hits the stop button on the clock.



"Well Time for this spelling bee, I need to look for some sunglasses."

He then goes to his window to look outside, As he opens his window shades and sees nothing but dark skies and rain.



"Oh yeah, The weather for today was supposed to be

crappy. Dammit...I hate bad weather."

He then goes and picks out a set of clothes and goes into the bathroom while yawning.

>>> 25 Minutes Later >>>

Int. Stairs-Morning

We see Vincent walk down the stairs, Wearing a black shirt and blue pants. He then walks into the kitchen.

Int. Kitchen-Morning


(Raising A Eye Brow)

"Where is everyone...Oh right. I'm up an hour early, They wouldn't

be up for another 20 minutes. Well I better just make breakfast

myself, Some cereal should be fine."

Vincent then grabs a cereal box that says "Sugar Stars" from one of the cabinets in the kitchen and grabs some milk from the fridge, He then sits down to eat.



"I hope it stops raining before I finish eating, I'm already

regretting going to this spelling bee."

Vincent starts to eat his cereal.

Ext. Alley By Vincent's School-Morning

We go back to the Cop Pod getting rained on in an alley by Vincent's school.

Int. Cop Pod-Morning

We see Sam in the front seat, Reed is with him in the back seat and is untied.



"Reed, It should only be a matter of time before we see

this thing. If you have anything you want to say to any

of your loved would be the time. I don't

know what will happen when it lands."

Reed then takes a picture out of his wallet, It shows him holding a young boy with a woman next to him. They are all smiling, It is a family photo of his son and his wife.



"I ain't dying today, So don't even talk like that. I should still kick

the shit out of you for what you did, But you had your reasons

I guess. How did you knock me out anyway?, You were in the

Pod Car and all i remember is feeling stiff when I was about

to shoot you. Then I woke up in the back of my

Cop Pod, Care to explain?"


"All Pod Cars have a tracker unit in the back, If wired correctly it could

be used as a shocking device. I had a bunch of gadgets back at the

ESDRP that I was quickly able to make. Well anyways I wired the

tracker unit to give a burst of electricity when activated and with

a catch and release mechanism, I hooked it to the bottom of

the drivers side door. The dam catch and release device

wasn't working properly, It almost didn't work."

Ext-Vacant Parking Lot-Afternoon

We go back to when Reed was about to shoot Sam, The last time Sam pushed the button it released the tracker unit. It hits the ground as Reed was about to aim the gun at Sam, The shock hits him and he pulls the trigger. He was aiming at the front tire when he fired, Hitting it and popping, making the Pod Car now undrivable.

He then faints after the quick shock that lasted about 2 seconds, Sam then gets out. He then looks at the tire and then starts to move all his equipment in the Cop Pod, He ties up Reed and puts him in the back of the Cop Pod and takes off.

We now go back to them in the Cop Pod.

Int. Cop Pod-Morning


If you didn't hit the tire I wouldn't have taken you, Sorry...but you know how

The Cop Pods work. If a cop isn't in the Cop Pod it will not move...thanks

to the chip in your leg.


"Huh....Fair enough."



"And I still don't know why they attacked me back in ESDRP, It

was almost like they wanted to..."

Sam said but then gets cut off as his equipment is now picking up on the object now entering earth's Thermosphere. It is moving at Mach 1.4, Is about 693km from earth and its slowing down every second.

Int. Bullet Train-Morning

We now go back to Vincent, As he is now on a bullet train heading to school. We see not too many people are on the train since it is early.

Time 7:37AM Tuesday April 23rd 2062

Ext. Train Station-Morning

We see the train stop as people start to exit from all the doors, We see as people are exiting the train the side is filled with ads. Vincent gets off with an umbrella, as for most of the passengers they have a small drone that follows them with an umbrella. They are called Rain Away Bots and store themselves on top of the train while the owner is riding it.

We see Vincent walk out of the train, Opening his umbrella he starts to walk with a few other people with Rain Away Bots.

As they are walking he is looking at the robots.



"Kind of feel sorry for those little fellas...being programmed to do nothing

but follow you with an umbrella nonstop. Well at least I like to do things

myself instead of relying on robots to do everything."

We now see Vincent continue to walk down the stairs to the street level, We see him pass by stores and a few people on his way to school on the sidewalk. After a few minutes of walking we see Vincent's school come into view, It is a big school painted brown with 3 floors. It has a pool, Tennis court with one of the biggest gyms around.

As we see Vincent walking he passes by an alleyway, The same one we saw Sam and Reed in.

Vincent only a minute away from the school.



"Almost there, Was hoping the rain was going to stop at some point

before I got to the school but nope...Thanks mother nature...son of a..."

Before he could finish we heard a loud rumble with lightning now filling up the sky.



"Oh...Regrets...Why do you haunt me?"

As Vincent is walking we a small fireball comes out of the clouds, Vincent not noticing it continues to walk towards school. After a minute Vincent is about to cross the road in front of his school to enter the parking lot. We see some people stopping on the side walking while looking up in the sky while some are just walking by.

Suddenly we hear a louder "Bang", Different from the rumble he heard before. Vincent is about to start crossing the road but stops.



"Huh...Never heard thunder like that before."

Vincent is about to look up when he hears a ringtone go off for a split second, Vincent has got a text from Anna. He gets out his Holophone and reads the text, "Anna: I'm at the tryouts, are you almost at school?"

Before Vincent could text back, he notices in the reflection off a puddle something bright in the sky above. We hear a woman start to scream on the other side of the road from Vincent. We see Vincent as he slowly looks up to a see who was screaming on the other sidewalk, She is pointing into the sky in fear.




We look into the sky as we see the small fireball in the sky heading down towards the ground in the darkness of the sky, Barely lighting up the sky. Suddenly behind the dark storm clouds we start to see a faint orange glow start to emerge. As it gets brighter and brighter, It breaks through the clouds in a blazing fury. We now see a bigger fireball much bigger than the previous one, Started to emerge from the storm clouds.



"What the fuck is that? Is that a comet? I thought we had a

defense system for something like this...Where are

the alarms?"

Vincent said as people start to stop all around and start to look up into the sky. But some people start to panic, running away in a frenzy. We look down the road that Vincent had to cross and see a larger vehicle from the normal pod cars, It is a large black truck carrying a trailer with a huge tank that is filled with combustible gas.

It is heading towards Vincent school on the right side.

As the first fireball is getting closer and closer to the ground, We see the sky light up from a second one, It lights up the sky in an amazing fashion heading towards the ground, Lighting up all of Denki City with a blinding light.

The truck driver now heading down the road notices all around him starts to light up. He is an old looking man with dirty green work clothes with a yellow hard hat on. He looks in his mirror but cannot tell what is coming at him from the immense brightness. The massive mass of flame exits the cloud layer behind him, He starts to panic, setting the truck off auto drive.

He is now about 1700 feet from Vincent as he tries to drive off but starts ramming Pod Cars in front of him, Smashing his way through a few of them. After some time he is then able to notice the other smaller fireball after his eyes adjusted to the brightness. It's about to hit the ground in front of him, He slams the breaks now about 120 feet from Vincent's school.

We see Vincent and a few other people watch in terror as the first fireball hits the back of the truck, Causing it to explode. A huge explosion accrued, Sending flaming pieces and a shock wave around a 200 foot radius.

Vincent is sent backwards a few feet from the shock wave with a few other people, The truck explosion causes all buildings in the area to shake. We see a number of buildings start to crack and fall apart, One of them is the school. The roof breaks apart and starts to fall, Debris now covers some of the doors on all the floors. Parts of the explosion that were on fire hit parts of the school, Slowly it started to catch fire.

We go back to Vincent as he is now starting to stand up, Shaking his head while looking a bit dazed.


(Dazed/In Pain)

"Wow...What just happened...My head…."

As Vincent slowly regains his senses he starts to look up to see the other bigger fireball heading down, it is somehow moving slower than the other smaller one. It looks like it will hit the ground in most likely 2 minutes, Vincent now fully awake notices it is going to hit the school in a short time. He then starts to think about Anna who is in the school, He starts to rush towards the school with his phone out texting Anna. "R U OK!? GET OUT!"

Vincent rushes into the school's parking lot, He then enters the school's front doors as people are rushing out. We see flames start to curl over the roof as Vincent runs in through people to get in the lobby, He makes it to the lobby where we see smoke start to build up on the ceiling with debris everywhere.

We see Vincent run toward the stairs as the more he climbs, The thicker the smoke gets. He gets to the second floor after climbing through a gap in debris then gets a text from Anna, Vincent now in a hallway filled with smoke and debris tries to read the text but he has to get close to the ground to see his Holophone.

He starts covering his mouth with his shirt Then starts to cough, He gets a look while low to the ground at the text reading. "Anna: Trrapppd"

Vincent, Now looking more panicked than before, Rushes to where the tryouts are taking place. We see him go down the hallway and make a left. This hallway had 3 doors, The one at the end was the library. With only a minute left Vincent rushes towards the doors, It has falling debris in front of it. As Vincent runs up to the door flames start to emerge from the ceiling behind him, With loud banging noises from the door.

Vincent in front of the door hears people yelling for help while trying to bash the door open, He then starts to try to move the debris that is blocking the door. He sadly can't make it move an inch, Until he then tries to find something to use to pry it away from the door. He looks around frantically for anything he could use, He then finds a piece of metal sticking out where the debris fell. He rips it out after a few tugs and starts to get in a good position to pry the debris off the door.

The debris is a big piece of concrete that fell from the floor above. It is leaning up against the door with so much force it is starting to bend inward. Vincent puts the piece of metal behind the right side on an angle, putting himself against the right wall and with all his might starts and tries to pry the debris away from the door. We see the debris start to move little by little, The piece of metal starting to bend slightly as Vincent puts more and more effort into moving the piece of concrete.

We see flames start to come from on top of the ceiling where Vincent is standing, He then hears a voice. The voice is Anna and she is yelling in the back of other yells.



"Help! "Cough" Anyone! "Cough"."



"Anna is that you!?"


( Coughing/Afraid/Yelling)

"Vincent!?.."Cough" Please Help!"Cough"."



"Don't worry!, I'll get you and everyone out!"

As Vincent said that more and more smoke starts to pour out from the flames above him, He starts to cough while trying to open the door. The flames now catch the wall on fire, Now spreading closer and closer to Vincent. Only 30 second remain till the fireball hits the school as Vincent is now moving the debris more and more, Now making the door open up slightly. The flames now feet away from Vincent now coughing more and more, Is starting to hurt him as he pries away.

Vincent's arm starts to feel the intense heat and starts to burn, Vincent starts screaming in pain. The piece of concrete is almost straight up, The last push to opening the door is here. But the piece of metal starts to bend even more, Making the debris go back down a hair. As the fire gets closer and closer we hear Vincent crying in pain trying to open the door, He then hears Anna's voice yelling after hearing Vincent in pain.



"Vincent! Save Yourself!! "Cough" Please "Cough"Cough"."

Vincent now more in rage then pain starts to scream while moving away the piece of debris.




The piece of concrete moves up enough that it now flops over off the door and lands on the ground, It is now clear for it to be opened. Vincent out of the way of the concrete and flames is now in the middle of the hallway, Trying to open the badly damaged door. After a few pulls he opens the door to nothing but smoke, Then out of the smoke we see Anna running out the door coughing. As Vincent grabs Anna by her hand they rush out from where Vincent came from, Other shadows of people in the smoke are following behind.



"Cough" Hold on Anna! "Cough"

As Vincent is leading Anna towards the stairs, We see Flames consuming the way down. Vincent with only one other option is to turn around and use the other stairs, They are on the other side of the school. With little time left Vincent then rushes the other way towards the stair with Anna by him, As he passes debris we see part of the school is missing. We see the whole side of part of the school is missing a wall, You can see straight outside as below them is nothing but flames.

They continue through the opening in the school as Anna stops, Vincent taking a few steps in front of Anna also stops with confusion on his face. With them in the opening the smoke has a place to escape, Making where they stand have less smoke then the previous places. Vincent then turns to Anna, Quickly yelling.



"Come on! What are you doing!?"

We see Anna frozen there, Looking not at Vincent but out of the school into the sky. We see the fireball is second away from hitting the school right in front of them, Vincent runs to Anna and grabs her while standing in front of her. We see the last thing Vincent sees is the fireballs flames a few feet from impacting the school as everything suddenly goes black.

We see flashes of light and sparks in nothing but darkness, Vincent is screaming in pain while we hear a voice echo throughout his mind. The echo was "One"

End Of Chapter 3 >>> Next Chapter 4 Title: Sleeping But Not Beauty. >>>