Chapter 4 Sleeping But Not Beauty

Overclocked Chapter 4 Title: Sleeping But Not Beauty.

Our story Continues as we are now some time in the future.

Time 9:38AM Friday June 10th 2062

We are in front of Denki Hospital, A 4 floor grey building. We go through the window on the 3rd floor, down the hallway to room 47. We go into the room to see Vincent sleeping in a hospital bed, But he looks different. His hair has changed to dark silver, and is also emitting a faint orange glow from his chest under his white shirt.

Int. Hospital room 47

We go into Vincent's mind as he is sleeping, We see nothing but darkness with flashes of electricity. Suddenly he wakes up in a panic, He sits up with sweat pouring down his face.


(Waking up/Confused)

"Heavy Breathing"

He then adjusts to his surroundings, Looking around in a somewhat confused daze. Vincent gets out of the bed in a hurry, He is wearing blue and white hospital clothing. He takes off wires with monitoring pads on the ends of them from the top part of his body, One of which that is connected to his chest starts to set off a small alarm.

As he is about to exit through the door, it opens as a creepy looking doctor comes in the room.

He is a thin, short man with glasses and long black hair. He is wearing doctors clothing with a name tag, His name is Doctor Peter Aroutte. He starts to look at Vincent in amazement.




Vincent stops and looks as the door starts to fill with doctors rushing in, Making Vincent step a few feet back to his bed. Around 20 doctors now surround Vincent as Dr.Aroutte starts to get closer to Vincent.



"Well...Good morning Vincent, How are you feeling? You have been asleep for some time now, What is the last thing you remember?"



"Asleep? What do you mean?"



"You have been asleep for over a month...."


(Yelling/Freaking out)




"Calm down Mr. Welton, You are at the Denki Hospital. On the 3rd

floor, room 47."


(Worried/Freaking out)

"What about my parents? Do they know?"



"Yes, They know. They have been visiting everyday, You

are a lucky boy to have good parents. Now...Where did

you get your Autobeat?"



"Huh? What are you talking about?"


(Impatient/Creepy Gaze)

"YOU KNOW WELL...Ugh...ehss...I mean you must

know....right Vincent?"



"Look doc, If I had an Autobeat I would know..."

While Vincent said that he now notices the faint orange glow from his chest, He grabs the front top of his shirt while pulling it down and looks at his chest.


(Surprised/Freaking Out)


All the doctors in the room say nothing, As their eyes are now fixed on Vincent's Autobeat.

Vincent now starts to panic a little bit while trying to make his way out the room, But too many doctors are in his way to exit.


(Mad/Freaking Out)


As Vincent is trying to make his way to the door, Another doctor starts to enter the room.



"So, Where did you get this technology?"






"LIER!, You know where you got it! TELL US, WHO MADE


As the doctors move closer and closer to Vincent, The doctor who previously just entered the room starts to yell.




All the doctors look at him confused, Then start to exit the room. Dr.Aroutte before walking away with the other doctors looks over at Vincent.



"See you soon Vincent."

As all the other doctors are exiting the room, The one who shouted is waiting for all of them to leave. Vincent then recognizes the doctor as Anna's father, Dr. Garry Lemberg. He has short red hair, Brown eyes, Average build, 5 foot 9, 190 lbs with a short beard.

As the last doctor exits the room, Vincent starts to walk over to Dr.Lemberg.



"Dr.Lemberg, Thank god you are here. Those doctors were driving

me crazy, What is going on anyway!? Why do I have an Autobeat?"

Dr.Lemberg closes the door and walks up to Vincent, Hugging him.


(Happy/Teary Eyed)

"Thank you Vincent."

Vincent is now looking really confused while Dr.Lemberg is hugging him, Vincent is now starting to think really hard to himself what could have happened. He then thinks to the last thing he remembers, When suddenly his head starts to hurt with unbearable pain.

He moves away from Dr.Lemberg while holding his head with both his hands, In his mind he is having trouble remembering the last thing he saw. We see flames in darkness with his voice calling for Anna in his mind.

Suddenly he remembers the fireball and all that took place on that day, He then looks over at Dr.Lemberg..



"Is Anna ok? Where is she!?"



"Everyone is ok Vincent, You saved a lot of people that day."



"Oh that's great, I thought I might have been too late to

save anyone from that fire...."

Vincent replied to Dr.Lemberg but then spaced out while saying the word fire.



"I saved them from the fire, But what about this fireball? How am I

alive and how did no one else get hurt?"



"Oh right....the fire....yes....No one got hurt in the fire...but you of course."



"What about the fireball?, How did everyone not get hurt but me? I know

I opened the door and got the people out, But there was still a

giant fireball…"

Dr.Lemberg cuts Vincent off.


(Happy/Slight Worry)

"My..My..There is no need to rush into details right away...All

you need to know everyone who was in the school is ok.

You might need to rest a bit more before you can make

sense of anything."



"Well...Ok, What about this Autobeat in my chest? Why did I need

this in the first place? Was I about to die?"



"That is almost an even bigger mystery than what that fireball was.

I'm guessing some paramedic's from an unknown company put an

unknown Autobeat in you to most likely save your life. I Have been

trying to find out what model Autobeat it is but there's no matches..

..what's even stranger is we never seen anything like it before,It's

like it's not"



"That's odd, Do you think it's New or Old?"



"We don't know."



"Well did you try to look up all Autobeat's in other cities?"

Dr.Lemberg doesn't reply, Looking away he seems to be thinking about something else.


(Curious/Raising Eyebrow)




"Oh, nothing. You should get some rest Vincent, You shouldn't

be taking in too much information after your accident. I will go

contact your parents, You should be ok to go home today.

Although it would be wise to maybe stay an extra night just

to make sure, that's completely up to you."



"I feel fine, Don't hate me for it but I think I'm gonna go home

today if you don't mind."



"Ya, I thought you would say that. Well I will be back in a little

while, In the meantime try to get some rest or just lay back

and watch something on the HTV. I will try to contact your

parents at work. If you need anything while no one is

around, On the side right of your bed there is an

assistance button for your use."



"Ok, Thanks."

Dr.Lemberg makes his way out of the room while Vincent goes to lay down in the hospital bed. Before Dr.Lemberg closes the door while exiting, He peeks his head back in.



"Oh, You should also take a look in the mirror Vincent."

As Vincent was about to lay in bed he then froze, He then started to panic while feeling his face. He rushes towards the bathroom with Dr.Lemberg viewing in fear behind the door.


(Frantic/Freaking Out)


Vincent enters the bathroom, And after a few seconds of silence...




doesn't look half bad."

We see Vincent trying to pat down his dark silver hair that keeps on sticking up, We then see Dr.Lemberg walk into view behind him.



"Yeah...Sorry about that, Forgot that you might want to know why

your hair is like that. Haha...So...We don't really know. But we

think your Autobeat is displacing an abnormal amount of

electricity throughout your body...Somehow.

We are not sure but it seems most likely. The high voltage must

have made your hair lose its pigment but for some reason not

your should be as white as a ghost. But then again

your hair isn't white but dark silver, Hmm..."



"It's ok Doc, I can live with the hair."

We then see Vincent lift up his shirt again to show the Autobeat. On Vincent's chest, a small bit left from the top middle, We see a rectangle shaped white screen with dark metal edges. On the bottom right edge we see an engraved 0 on it. Vincent taps on the screen, curious on how it felt or if anything would happen. It felt like any other screen but the metal felt soft, almost flesh-like. The screen is 4 inches long and 2 inches wide, With nothing on the screen but orange.

We see Vincent looking a bit nervous as he lowers his shirt.


(Creeped Out)

"This Autobeat on the other creepy as fuck!"

.END. >>>Next Chapter 5 Title: Overclock?>>>