Chapter 6 Confusion

Overclocked Chapter 6 Confusion

Time 3:38PM Friday June 10th 2062

Our story continues a few hours after Vincent gets home from the hospital as we see Vincent on his CG7(ComputerGram7) searching on what all happened the day of the fireball.

Int. Vincent's Room



"What in the....How is there no info about the fireball incident, It only

happened a month ago. They're still most likely cleaning up after

whatever that happened, I better go check out the school."

Vincent is now getting dressed in a yellow shirt and blue plants with a grey hoodie

He starts to go make his way down the stairs as his eyes are fixed on his phone. After an hour of charging his dead phone, He has been texting and calling Anna for the past 3 hours with no reply.

Vincent now enters the kitchen with George sitting at the table.



"How are ya feelin? Do you want anything to eat? I was gonna make

something to eat but i don't know what to make."



"Not right now pop. I got to go check something out. I'll be back in

an hour or so."



"Hold on there mister. You just got out of the hospital, why don't you

take it easy for the next day or 2 and stay home. You still have i

think 2 weeks of school left so you will be seeing your school

and friends Monday. Besides your mother would have a shit fit

if she found out you went out."



"Sorry but I can't wait I'll be back before you know it. If mom comes

down stairs just say I'm still in my room sleeping ok?"



"I mean you're almost 18. I can't make you stay inside...beside I

guess you don't look that bad. but you feel any pain or anything

you call me ok?"


"Ya ya I know thanks. I'll be back later. Bye."

Vincent rushes out of the front door outside as we see him walking towards the city, George watching from the window.



10 minutes pass as he is about to enter a train to the school, but he notices something off.


"Sure is quiet. Never seen this place so empty."

Vincent looks around in the train to see no more than 6 other people are in his train car when normally there are always around 20+ people.

The train stops a few minutes later, He gets off and starts to make his way to the school.


"Almost there I wonder what's.."

Vincent then stops in his tracks while looking at the school in the distance, he sees nothing wrong or strange about the school and starts to walk faster and faster.

He then starts to jog towards the school as he passes the same alley Reed and Sam were in with nothing in the alley.

Vincent now at the school goes into the parking lot and to the side of the school where the fireball hit.



"There's nothing here. No marks...Nothing is should have

taken half the school. Why is there no…"

Vincent looks up to see there is some repairs but just on some parts of the roof


"Ok well there's something. But there's still nothing to show that there

was an impact of any kind over here, unless they did a really

good repair job..."

Vincent starts to move around the area in search of anything, A janitor exits the school and see's Vincent. He is a fat old man in blue overalls.


(Raising Eyebrow/Mad)

"Hey kid what are you doing! I just cleaned this up an hour ago!"



"Sorry I was looking for something.... HEY YOUR A





"Fireball? What are you talking about?....Are you behind the

school smoking some…"







"YOUR VINCENT!?!.....Now I remember, I think I saw you were there

that day. I had to open the back gate for people to exit who were

trapped in the backyard of the school."



"You should have focused on the people who were still in the school, I

had to open a door on the 2nd floor..."

The janitor turns away before he can finish, Making a "Tss" noise as he turns.



"I did try to get to the 2nd floor but it had too much stuff blocking

the stairway, I was going to enter from a ladder outside but that

was too damaged to climb. That's when I saw people were also

trapped in the back so I went to open the gate. I'm sorry

Vincent.....only a young fella like yourself could have

gotten through."


"Right....SO. Tell me what happened the day of the fireball"



"Kid why are you keep saying fireball? Are you sure you're not supposed

to still be in the hospital? It was a drunk driver who crashed his truck

carrying fuel that exploded causing a very big vibration that made

most structures in the area break apart in some places and

caused fire in a number of area's. You must have just seen

a big part of the truck shoot up in the air and came

back down on fire."



"No, that's not right."


"Hey kid i got some work to do but i got to go sorry. When you come

back to school Monday you can ask around all you want."

The Janitor walks away while picking up a broom that was by the door and starts sweeping the ground in front of him away from Vincent.



"I know I saw the fireball before the explosion...or maybe i

did hit my head harder than i thought...."

Vincent starts to make his way home, Pulling out his phone he checks if Anna replied but didn't.



"Why isn't she responding back? Hmm, maybe her phone got destroyed

in the fire so she got a new one....with a different number?."

Vincent travels back home and walks through the front door to Maggie and George in the kitchen.


(Raising Eyebrow)

"You were outside? Where did you go?"



"Oh I didn't go far ma. I just wanted to get some fresh air."


"Why didn't you just open your window?"


"Common Maggie, give the kid a break. He was just outside for a few minutes."


"He just got out of the hospital George, don't you tell me how to take care

of my son."

She starts to walk out of the kitchen but turns around again.



"Vincent I'm sorry but can you please just for a little while stay home?

And if not...just tell me ok?"


"Ok ma...sorry. I think I'm ok to stay inside until I go back to school Monday."



"Thanks, Sweetie."

She then exits the kitchen to go upstairs.



"So...Vincent...did you find what you were looking for?"


"No...well yes...It's nothing. I was just looking into some stuff that

I missed from school when I was in the hospital...nothing





-Vincent -

"I'll see you a bit later. I'm gonna go to my room."


"Ok see you later."

Vincent, then walks up to his room where he continues to search nonstop for clues on what happened on that day with no luck. He also trying to get a hold of Anna but somehow cannot reach her on her Holophone or HPC. He continues for 2 days.

Time 7:45AM Monday June 13th 2062

We see the alarm go off as we see Vincent with a stern look on his face getting up. He has the same look as he is showering, changing clothes, while eating with his parents, on the train and all the way to when he got in front of the school.




Vincent walked into the school wearing a green hoodie, brown pants and white shirt. He enters the school to find Anna but the bell rings after 5mins of searching.


"Dam...where is she? I'll find her at lunch."

Vincent then starts to walk to his first period class, He has had his hoodie hood up the whole time covering up his hair until he enters the classroom.

-All Of The Class-


We then skip ahead 1 hour in time to Vincent fast walking out of his first period, Avoid everyone he sees on the way to his 2nd period class. He reaches the door and opens it.

-All Of Class-


We skip 1 hour ahead again to Vincent running out the class room to his third period class that has no one in it yet.

Vincent sits all the way in the back with a big book he got off the teacher's desk in front of his face.

Students start to enter the room picking up a book from the desk, the same one he has and after a few minutes the class was full.


"Ok class, say here when I call your name."










"Mark?.....Mark Deken?..are you here? looks like he's not."






"Ok...Vincent?...Vincent Welton?...Are you here? Looks like he is still not..."


"I'm Here"

All of the class starts to look at Vincent with the book opened in front of him, covering up his head.


"Aw Vincent, welcome back. Didn't see you back there....where

have you been all this time?"


"Oh I had to visit a lot of my family overseas and the flights were

kept on getting delayed.....Nothing serious....."


"Right...well can I have my book back at least Mr.Welton?"

Vincent looks in the book and notices it's the teacher's math book with his notes in it, Every student that enters the math class gets a math book to follow along.




Vincent closes the book and starts walking to the front of the class, Everyone starts to talk and laugh while looking at Vincent.




All the class starts to quietly talk to themselves as the classroom door starts to open with Andrew coming through the door.



"Sorry I'm late... VINCENT!!!?? IS THAT YOU!?? WHERE HAVE YA BEEN?


with the tinted granny hair?"



"It's NOT granny hair...I lost my hair color... that's all.... Besides it's

not really white I find it more of a silver..."



-Don't matter what you think, you look like an old man.

"Haha"....Also your hair is sticking up like you getting



(Angry/Crazy Face)

"Good to see you to Andrew."

Vincent then turns away to go sit back in his seat in the back, Andrew picking up a math book and following behind him.


"So what happened? Where have you been?"


"I need to find something out first. Have you seen Anna?"


"Nope I haven't seen Anna since I last saw you. I thought you

two hooked up and went traveling or something. I knew she

was too good for you haha."


"What do you mean?"


"Like I said the last time I saw Anna was the last time I

saw you, Sorry I don't know anything else"

Vincent then starts to breath heavy, sweat now coming from his head


"You mean to tell me...she wasn't here…I...."


"Unless she was doing her best not to be seen. I didn't see her once

man...what's going on?...Vincent?....Yo Vincent?"

Vincent, shocked and confused, doesn't reply to Andrew and just stays sitting and looks in the math book thinking.


"Jeez...Must be something...Maybe it's all the electricity going through you that's

making you think too know what? I should call you Voltz

from now on since it looks like you can power a city."


"Hey everyone Vincent is now known as Voltz! the ol mighty city charger!"

Everyone in class starts to laugh and giggle but Vincent.



"Shit...he's not laughing...this must be really serious...I better chill

for now...i never seen Vincent like this."


"Sorry Vincent."

Vincent's expression didn't change.


"Now class, please settle down. exam's start in a few days so be ready!. Now

get out your math book and turn to page 204 and i want all of you to solve the

problem for row a to d."



"Oh come on cheer up man…"

Andrew then notices a faint glow coming from Vincent chest under his shirt


(thinking to himself)

"Is that an Autobeat?...."



"They said no one got hurt but the truck driver yet you don't show

up to school the day after the explosion till today and you have

an Autobeat. So what happened to you? Were you hurt in

the explosion?"



"I just don't know. I don't know anything.... all i know is i was in t

he hospital in a coma for over a month thanks to this stupid

fire comet shit."


(Raising Eyebrow)

"Comet? Are you ok? A truck crashed causing.."




Everyone in class hears Vincent and stops to look at him.



"Are you ok Vincent?"

Vincent while getting up from his seat replies.



"Sorry I forgot something...I have to go."

He then starts to make his way to the door.


(Rolling eyes)

"Off on another disappearing act again hmm? Well you must have

your reasons, just check in at the office and tell them you have

to go. And remember exams are in a few days you have to be

here if you want to pass Mr.Welton."


(Uneasy/trying to smile)

"Yes I'm sorry I'll be here for exam's"

Vincent then leaves the classroom.

Vincent now makes his way to the school's office, as he is on his way he is still looking to find Anna. After 15 minutes of looking through all the door windows in the school, he seems to not be able to find Anna at all. He then reaches the school's office.



"Hi, I don't feel so good."

-Office Worker-


"Aw Vincent how are you? I haven't seen you here in some time. I'm

sorry you don't feel so good, do you want me to contact your

Parents? Or you just need to lay down for a bit in the sick bay?"


(Trying to smile)

"I think I'll just stay in the sick bay and see if this passes. I just missed

a month so I need to stay if I can."

-Office Worker-

"Ok I'll let the nurse know you're on your way down to the sick bay."


"Oh that's ok you don't have to bother her. I'll just go in one of the

sick bay rooms and lay down until noon."

-Office Worker-

(Raising Eyebrow)

"...? Ok... If you feel any worse go in and see the nurse right away."


"Will do. Thanks."

Vincent starts to walk to the sick bay.



" I need to find anna...if she's not in her classes...then where is she?"

As Vincent is making his way to the sick bay, the bell rings. It's the end of the 3rd period and students are now exiting the classes.

He notices a girl with long brown hair in a ponytail that sometimes hangs around with Anna. She is walking away from him, He then walks quickly behind her and gets her attention.



"Hey you wait a sec!"

The girl stops in the hallway and looks behind her, Seeing Vincent coming towards her in a bit of a haste.



"!? What?"



"Sorry, Have you seen Anna lately?"


(Raising Eyebrow)



(Uneasy/Trying to be calm)

"Yes, Anna Lemberg. Have you seen her the past few days?"



"Oh ya Anna, Sorry I normally call her Anni for jokes. I totally forgot "hehe"."



"So you saw her recently? Where is she?"


"Well...Anna hasn't been in class for over a month now. That's probably

why I forgot, so sorry I can't help you. Anyways I got to go to the bathroom

Now, Bye."

The girl now walks away with Vincent holding his head down while people are passing him. He then starts to walk to one of the sick bay rooms and enters one of them.

Vincent, while closing the door, puts his back against the wall while sliding down it. He is now sitting on the floor with both hands covering his face, pulling at his front hair.


(To Himself/Tearing up)

"What?..... If she wasn't in school....if I....if....What is

going on.....where are you Anna...."

.END.>>>Next Chapter 7 The Search For Hope>>>