Chapter 7 The Search For Hope

Overclocked Light Novel Chapter 7 The Search For Hope

Time 3:00PM Monday June 13th 2062

Int. Train / Sunny

Our story continues as Vincent on the train with people heading west after school, Anna lives in the west part.



"I got to find start by going to her house on the other

side of the city. If she's not home il go back to the hospital and

ask her father what's going on. I don't know why she isn't

picking up her phone. There's even no reply at the

house phone."

15 minutes later we see Vincent walking on the sidewalk but then suddenly stops at a yellow 2 floor house with a brown roof and door, This is Anna's house. He goes up the door andstarts knocking and ringing the bell.


(Raising Eyebrow)

"Is anyone home!? Hello? Anna?"

Vincent stands and waits with no reply.



"Maybe she's just not home...."

Vincent notices through the window, In the back through the kitchen door on the table there is a silver milk carton with a bowl.



"Well looks like someone must have been here not long ago. I'll

try back later...i must be overthinking this maybe she just doesn't

want to go to school after what happened. I mean we almost

die. I don't blame her. Ya that must be it she must of asked for

her exam early or something and she is done with school…

...ok I feel a bit better now."

Vincent then starts to walk away from Anna's house to make his way back home on the train, Halfway to the train he passes a store and we see people buying 2 red cartons of milk.

Vincent then arrives back at the train station waiting on the train.



"...Where this dam train at. Might as well take a seat."

Vincent sits on a bench as people start to gather around for the upcoming train

A few minutes pass as the train is now arriving at the station.




Vincent stands up and moves closer to the tracks, The train pulls up but as people are going on the train there are ad posters all over the train. One of these was a health old ad about the new milk cartons that came out a few years ago.

Vincent goes to board the train but that ad catches his eye, He stops before entering the train to read it.

-(Ad Poster) Date April 9 2058-

"The Health Board as you know funded a new carton for milk

products which increase the lifespan of the milk before it goes

bad by 25% over the last ones. And with our new color scheme

on the carton's it doesn't only give them a new look but you

can tell just by the color when it expire and Each month the

carton's have their own color. He is the color list."













Vincent's face turn's white as a ghost when he realizes the milk at Anna's house is now over a month old, the train is about to close its doors as everyone is in but Vincent. As the doors are about to close, A man then holds a door open for Vincent to get in.

-Man Holding Door-

(Raising Eyebrow)

"Hey kid, You getting on or what?.....Kid?"

After a few seconds with no reply the man lets the door go, It closes as the train now takes off. We see some people are looking at Vincent as they go by in the train, Standing there lifeless.

Vincent snaps back to reality and starts to sprint towards the hospital which is also located on the west side of Denki City to hopefully get some answers from Dr.Lemberg.

10 Minutes later, We see Vincent is entering the hospital and goes to the front desk where we see a young nurse working the counter.



"Excuse me, I need to see Doctor Lemberg right away please."

-Hospital Staff-



She then starts to type then quickly replies

-Hospital Staff-

"Sorry Doctor Lemberg has been on leave for some time

now. If there is any problem I can appoint another doctor

to you."



"Leave!? He was just here a few days ago! He even told me to

check up every few weeks. What do you mean leave?

For how long?"

-Hospital Staff-


"We don't give that information here, Sorry i can't tell you when

he is going to be back. I'm not even sure he even said when

he would be back."




-Hospital Staff-


"I'm sorry sir, please settle down. What is your name? I will look up

your file and see what I can do."



"I'm Vincent Welton. I don't know how that's gonna help."

She then starts to type in his name and hits enter.

-Hospital Staff-

(Raising Eyebrow)

"...Ah, there you are Vincent Welton. You were treated

for....hmm...that's odd"



"What is?"

-Hospital Staff-


"Your file is almost blank... The only thing here is

it says you were in a coma."



"And that sums up about everything, a lot of missing bullshit

here, A lot of bullshit missing there…"

Other staff and people passing by start to look at Vincent weirdly.

-Hospital Staff-


"Settle down please sir, I'm sorry it looks like I really can't help you.

Only other thing in the file is your visitors...."





Vincent jumps over the desk to the private hologram computer, You can only see the hologram from one direction.

-Hospital Staff-


"Wow hold on a sec! I can print it out!....."

Vincent is now looking through the visitors he has gotten while staying in the hospital, It shows that Anna visited him everyday for only 5 minutes at a time.



"So she is alive and must be ok....Thank god....but where is she?"

-Hospital Staff-


"Excuse me sir, I have to ask you to GET OFF MY COMPUTER


Vincent then quickly jumps over the desk and starts to exit the hospital.



"Sorry! Everything is good I got what I have been a big


-Hospital Staff-



Vincent is now on his way back home for the 2nd time as he now exits the hospital.



"Ok so if Anna is ok where is she? The last time she visited

was the day before I woke up so she should still be around

the city somewhere. But why hasn't she been home?

Did they move?"

Vincent starts looking more and more sad every second that goes by.



"...I'll look them up when I get home."

Vincent is now walking to the train to take home with 2 shady men in the back following him.

Time Passes as Vincent has no hope of finding Anna or her father. He attended his final days of school where he got the nickname Voltz, thanks to his hair and Autobeat. He seemed happy throughout the final days of school but only a few can tell he was still hurting inside. After school finished, Vincent stayed in his room almost all the time looking for Anna and her father and whatever happened the day of the fireball online but with no luck. Until 2 months later....

Time 7:23PM August 20th 2062

Int. Kitchen, Vincent's House.

We see in Vincent's kitchen him looking a bit gloomy eating chicken and fries with his parent's.

George and Maggie are almost finished eating but Vincent only ate a small part of this food.



"What's wrong Vincent? you have been acting awfully gloomy lately."






"...It must still be about that dam accident. That's all

he thinks about nowadays."



"'s all in the past and over with you need

to move on. I'm sorry about your friend she must of

Moved away and didn't have enough time to say




"Maybe you're right... maybe I should move on....."



"I know it's not gonna be easy sweetie but I don't know what else to say."



"I just...just don't know why she didn't come visit afterwards.... she

didn't even leave an email or note....I known Anna almost half of

my life and i know she wouldn't have left without saying goodbye."



"...I'm sorry son...she must have had to move far away by

the sounds of it."







Vincent then gets up out of his chair.



"I'm done eating"

Vincent grabs his plate and throws out the rest of the food on his plate.


"Hold up can you bring the trash out for me? I'm still eating

with your mother. You should go out and get some fresh

air anyway."




Vincent then grabs the bag out of the bin and picks up another by the front door. He now walks outside.



"Oh George, what are we gonna do?"



"It's ok Maggie, he will get over it....give him time."

Vincent now outside is now noticing it is foggy, he steps down his driveway to the garbage bins.



"Maybe I should try to go out more often...I have been in that

room for 2 months doing nothing but trying to find you...

..Anna...and whatever happened that day..."

Vincent puts the cover on the trash bin and starts to walk back to his house but suddenly the 0 Autobeats IPatch starts to light up brighter and brighter. When all of a sudden a red beam of light shoots out going into the sky.

Vincent holds his hands up close to the red beam, the fog is making the light even more visible.



"What...Is this?"

We then start to hear something muffled from behind Vincent, deep in the fog on the other side of the road. We start to hear footsteps with 2 dark figures start to appear out from the fog behind Vincent on the sidewalk in front of his house.

Vincent's Autobeat stops its outburst, now going back to normal. He then turns around and sees the 2 figures moving closer as he only hears their footsteps then start to hear one of them start to clap.



"Hey, who's there! Are you doing this?"

We then started to hear a voice come from the fog while the clapping continued.

-Unknown Person 1-


"What a show Vincent...what a show....And no I'm not doing

anything to you, that's all you buddy."

-Unknown Person 2-


"...Come on let's get this over and done with."

Both men move closer and closer until they are out if the fog

-Unknown Person 2/Reed-

"I'm officer Reed"

-Unknown Person 1/Sam-


"And just call me Sam"



"Who da fuck are you two and what is going on? I mean out of all

the time I go out to take the trash, do you know how many times it

was foggy out? None! And do you know how many times I get

passed by 2 shady people while taking out the trash NONE!"

Sam and Reed both look at each other in confusion.



"OKOK! What I'm getting at is you guys must know something

there is no way all of this is coincidence."

Vincent steps closer to Reed and Sam.




Reed starts to light up a cigarette as Sam just stares at Vincent with a smile.


"You son got a big job ahead of you."

-Sam -


"a job...."ha"."


(Raising Eyebrow)

"What's so funny?"



"Be straight with the kid."



".....We are in danger Vincent."



"That has nothing to do with me! Tell me about….."

Reed cuts Vincent off.



"LISTEN! this does have everything to do

with do with everyone...."



"What is this bullshit you're talking about? Who is everyone?

huh? I have NO idea what's going on."


"Vincent....We have a problem. It involves everyone cause

everyone on this planet is in danger. Something did fall

out of the sky on that day you rescued those people Vincent, what you saw wasn't a comet, it was a ship that

was carrying what is known as of 4 months ago as the first

life outside of our planet. But the crash seemed to have

ended its life...we don't know what its purpose was but

it was dead...that's for sure."

Vincent takes a step back while looking a bit overwhelmed.





"Yep...The alien has a weird body, it was almost made of metal

like what we have on earth. Almost like a robot but it was…"

Reed starts to look at Sam with an unpleasant face…



"Oh sorry...yes well you see, the alien was in piece's at the

crash site and those piece's have...well...disappeared."



"Ok so...that means?"



"Yes...That Autobeat, even if it looks like the Autobeats we's not from this world."

Vincent now looks as white as a ghost as he is now looking at his Autobeat.


"So, we have alien technology on our planet

that doesn't belong to us and where ever it

came from..."



"They're gonna want the technology back."




Reed and Sam now fell silent as they tried to speak but just couldn't.


(Mad/Raising Eyebrow)

"So what does that have to do with me? We

have our own technology that can defend us

right? I'm only one person.




"We have been sent to tell you only you have the power

to stop this attack if it is one. With that Autobeat.....well

let's just say, you will find out sooner or later. but for

now i have to tell you what is going to happen in the

next few weeks. You are going to locate the other pieces

of technology that have disappeared and collect them in

hopes that we can master this technology if we wish to use it to

fight off the invasion."



"That is IF they are hostile. What if they are just coming to earth

just to have a chat or something?"




"Better to be safe than sorry. But you are right we really don't know"




(Raising Eyebrow)

"...So you think you're up for this kid?"


"But why me? Why did you put this thing in me? Why

not someone who knows how to fight?"


"We didn't. As of this moment no person put that

in you....let alone have the technology to be

able to do it. That Autobeat, like i said before

May look similar but it is somewhat different

to the Ones on earth."



"...I...See...So...So it attached itself to me?"



"That is the most likely the reason how…"

Vincent now tries to rip out the Autobeat from his chest but it is no use.








"I'm sorry Vincent...We tried to remove the Autobeat as soon

as we heard what it was...but we can't remove it...unless...

you want to die."




Vincent stops trying to remove the Autobeat.


( Mad/Curious)

" knew about this...since i first showed up in

the hospital!? WHY DID IT TAKE YOU GUYS




"Sorry Vincent you just need to trust us.

We told you as much as you need to know."




Reed then shouts, shutting up Vincent and Sam.






"This may be our hope kid...We need you to unlock whatever

power that Autobeat is hiding and the same for the rest of the


We see George and Maggie looking outside the window at Vincent, Sam and Reed. They notice them looking at them from inside the house.


"Your parents are going away for a while."


(Raising Eyebrow)

"What? Why?"


"Don't worry it's for their protection. We are putting them on

a 2 week cruise with a few hidden bodyguards."



"Yep so you don't need to worry about them when you're gone."





Reed hands over 2 tickets to Vincent, Shutting him up.



"Here and shut up!"



"These look like real cruise tickets..."

Reed then hands him his police badge and Sam shows him his ESDRP ID.



"These also look like the real deal."

Vincent then hands Reed back his badge and Sam his ID, He then walks past them towards the sidewalk.



"So, you guys are telling me the truth….huh?"



Vincent then sits on the curb by the sidewalk.




Sam and Reed both walk over and sit down by Vincent




.END. >>>Next Chapter 8 Roaring Rust>>>