"Now look into my eyes" Kage says, gently grabbing my face so I looked into his crimson eyes. "Tell me your true name." His eyes glowed red.
"Get away from me you creep" I say, pushing him away. Not even fazed by his hypnotist gaze. He stepped back instead of his usually relaxed expression there was a hint of surprise and fear.
"No one can resist my commands" Kage thinks to himself. "This girl truly isn't human." Quickly hiding his surprise he sits back down studying her. Her eyes were a deep hazel with specks of gold, hair the color of a bright orange. She was a petite girl with freckles covering her rosy cheeks.
I watch as Kage studies me with wonder. I felt squamish as I felt his gaze.
"Take a picture, it will last longer," I said dryly. He quickly looked away, before he spoke again.
"Take this as a gift, you got the rest of the day off. Be here on time tomorrow morning or you have to suffer the consequences" Kage says, still looking off. Not daring to look at his face, I mutter my thanks and hurry off. Kage was nothing but bad news. I can't believe he tricked me so easily, I should have seen it coming. I want to kick myself for not thinking thoroughly and reading the fine print. I was blinded by the nice job and pay, that I never thought he would be my boss. Since I had the day off, I might as well use it wisely.
It wasn't till late at night before I reached my apartment complex. Carrying bags of groceries in one arm and clean laundry in the other, I shuffle up the stairs to my apartment on the fifth floor. It was nothing new to me to carry up such heavy things, but tonight I started feeling light headed and exhausted. Getting to my apartment door I set down my laundry, now having a free hand to fish through my purse for my keys.
"Ah hah" I exclaim, finding my keys in the mess of my purse. Putting the keys up to my door I see it's already unlocked. A cold feeling encases me, dropping my keys as the whole atmosphere changes. I knew I locked my apartment door this morning, cracking the door open a little bit with the tip of my shoe. I peek inside, glancing at the talismans I placed above the door. They were completely shredded and little pieces were laid by the door.
"Ahh-" I muffle a scream, dropping the bags I was holding. This demon must have been very powerful to break such strong talismans. Instinctively I dropped the bags I was carrying to cover my mouth from screaming out in fear. The warm spring breeze turned cold as my breath lingered in the air. The demon was still here. The only thing I could think of was to run and that's what I did. Turning swiftly, I scramble forward running to the stairs. I heard glass shattering behind me as I took the stairs two at a time. It knew I was here. I can see the last flight of stairs, as the stairwell shakes from the demon's weight. Knocking me off course, I fall the rest of the way. Hitting my head on the sment as I land with a thud. I tried getting to my feet, but my vision was blurry. Blood dripped down the side of my face as I staggered to my feet again. Looking up at the demon that stood before me, made every bit of me want to scream. It made my skin crawl and made me freeze. It stood at least fifteen feet tall, with eyes covering it's paleish grey body. Crawling on it's many arms, it looked like it came straight out of hell. I never have seen such a massive demon before, I have only dealt with small ones no bigger than the size of a large dog. I slowly step back as the demon stops at the bottom of the stairs. I notice the demon has a thick iron chain around its neck.
"That means it has a master near," I thought. Somehow knowing that, even scared me more. I didn't want to meet it's master, at least not today. I was starting to run out of breath as I ran even faster, pushing myself to the brink. I could feel my asthma seizing ahold of me, making it hard to breathe. The demon growled as it chased me, it's arms reaching out, it swung hard. Knocking me off my feet, I fell to the ground, as my body went limp. You can only handle so much until you just break. This my friend was my breaking point, my asthma got so bad that every breath I took made me feel like I was trying to breathe underwater. I could only lay there trying to gasp for breath, as the hidouse demon stood over me. It turned abruptly, throwing me up against the alley wall. Finally I laid still, blood dripping down my pale face.
"I told you not to do that much damage" I tall man says walking out of the shadows, he looked like he was in his late twenties with hair as white as snow . The demon came to greet him only to be scolded. "Look what you did, now Kage would think it's me who did this". The man sighed looking down at the unconscious girl.He reached out to touch a strand of her fiery orange hair only to be burned the instant his hand touched it. A faint light aurora surrounded her as one white feather fell from the sky. "Damit, so you do truly earn your title," He says, holding his burned hand. "Well we'll meet again soon enough, I shouldn't keep you waiting" The man says, turning around, throwing up a hand in a gesture of goodbye, before he turns to face the girl and gives a sly smile. "Angel."