8 - Part B:


Round 2 has started and Aeris has been chosen through the random selector app since we can't decide for ourselves.

Who knew that this app will be useful at times like this.

Anyway, Aeris drafted another plan which is to send someone to check each route out before sending the V. I. P in. That way we will be able to secure the Aeris' safety.

So we divide ourselves in to two groups which is the security group and the scout group.

Those who were chosen for the scout group are Roc, Mathias, Ace, Zack and Wren through the random selector app since we can't decide for ourselves again.

Seriously! This app is useful.

Maybe I should use this app at our upcoming prelim exams if I don't know the answer.

As for the rest, we're in the security group.


"Two hostiles spotted and they're heading towards my direction." (Ace)


"Engaging the hostiles."

Bang* Bang* Bang*

Looks like Ace started attacking them.

Ace is currently at route A.


"They're two Dudes here dude!" (Zack)

Bang* Bang* Bang*


"They saw me dude!"

Zack seems to suck at doing recon.

Zack is currently at route C.


"Two hostiles detected!" (Roc)

Is this really Roc? It almost didn't sound like him at all.

Bang* Bang* Bang*


"What the hell!?"

Now that's better!

Roc sucks at doing recon as well.

Roc is currently at route D.


"They are two little kittens strolling towards me. Here kittty kitty kitty" (Mathias)

Mathias is currently at route E.

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*


"The two little kittens are so feisty!"

Mathias is a perverted idiot as always.


"There's no one here so hurry up and go here before they show up!" (Wren)

Wren is currently at route B.

"What should we do Aeris?"

I asked.

"I think we should wait here for awhile Linel just in case someone shows up at route B."

Aeris answered my question.

Aeris suggestion sounds good.

"I agree with Aeris."

Lokki agreed with her suggestion.

"I say we go."

Kana suggested.

That was surprising for me to hear Kana say that since she's the calm and collective type.

"Me too! Me too! Let's go!"

Maple said agreeing to Kana's suggestion like a hyper little kid.

"Why Kana?"

I asked dumbfoundedly.

Kana fix her glasses in place and answers me.

"There are ten students at class 3 and each four routes has two people guarding them. If you follow this pattern, they are only two people left. Even if they plot an ambush against us, there's only two of them and five of us plus Wren. We can easily over come them."

Kana has a point.

"So what will it be?"

As Kana asked me that, everyone turn their gazes towards me which is making me feel pressured.

I think about it for awhile and made a decision.

"Let's go with Kana's suggestion."

I said my answer.


"Hurry up!"

Wren said in her usual bossy manner.

"We better go before her Highness erupts and throws a tantrum."

I said sarcastically.

"Ha ha ha! Good one Linel!"

Lokki reacted to my sarcasm.


Aeris was trying her best to stop laughing.

"Ha ha ha! Wren is a stinky poopy princess!"

Maple was slandering Wren.

As for Kana, she didn't react.

We proceed to route B.

As we arrive to where Wren is...

"You guys are so slow! Didn't I tell you guys to hurry up!

Wren is seriously pissing me off.

I decided to mock her.

"I'm sorry your highness, we underwent a Democratic procedure called voting in order to decide if we would should go or not."

"Nobody ask you weirdo!"

"Whatever you're highness!"

Wren looks away while her arms are crossed.

"Hmph! Weirdo!"

Suddenly Aeris butts in.

"Um... I think we should all go to the exit now.

"Good idea."

I said agreeing with Aeris.

Wren suddey akes a charge and walks on front of us.

"Follow me everyone!"

I'm seriously getting pissed with her.

Wren walks forward.

Lokki who seems to notice me getting pissed.

"Chill out Linel! Don't let Wren's bossy attitude get to you."

Lokki said and walks forward.

"Wren is a poopy princess!"

Maple said trying to calm me down. After that, she follows after Lokki.

"Don't mind Linel! Don't mind!"

Aeris said to me while swaying her right hand that is turned side wards left and right.

After that, she walks follows after Maple.


Kana just quickly looks at me and follows after Aeris.

I follow after them.

While we were walking towards the exit...


"Everyone be careful! One of the hostiles that I was engaging retreated." (Ace)


"One little kitten has ran away from me. How sad..." (Mathias)

I'm getting a bad feeling about this.


"One of the dudes is gone!" (Zack)


"What the hell! There's a wuss running away!" (Roc)

"Hey let's turn back."

I told everyone.

"Good idea!"

Lokki agreed with me.

"What do you mean turn back!? The exit is just right there!"

Wren said while pointing towards the exit.

"Didn't you hear their warning? Something's definitely wrong!"

I said to Wren while trying to state the obvious.

"Nobody cares about your opinion weirdo!"

Seriously! If Wren wasn't a girl I would have hit her right now.

"Now now! Don't fight you two!"

Aeris was trying to calm us down.


Wren screamed from the top of her lungs.

This girl!


I accidentally use atomic synthesis out of anger.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain like a needle piecing my brain.


I kneel on the floor while squizing my head.


Everyone shouted except for Wren.

"Hmph! That's what you get weirdo!"

This bitch!



I suddenly hear gun shots.

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang Bang*

Since I was still squeezing my head in pain, I don't know what was going on.


"What's your status!"

Was that Ace?


"We've been ambush! Help!"

Bang* Bang* Bang*

Is that true Lokki?

Damn I can't talk!


Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

Maple must be in a frenzy.

Damn I can't do anything!

"This is your fault weirdo!"

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

It's clearly yours bitch!



Damn it!



I felt someone slap me on my right cheek.

I regain my composure and look at the person who did that to me.

It was Kana.

"Are you alright?"

Kana asked me.

"Not really but thanks for that."

I said and slowly stand up.

I quickly look around to see what was goin on.

We are currently surrounded.

Three people were blocking the exit while two people were blocking the path behind us.

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

We are gradually being reduced until Aeris and I are the only ones left.


"Please hold on a little longer! I'm currently heading towards your direction!"


"I'm almost there my dear!"


"Don't die out on me man!


"I'm coming dude!"

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

We still have hope huh?

My barrier hits 49%.

I guessed it's enough to protect Aeris till they get here.

"I'm sorry for this Aeris."

I apologized to her in advance and hug her so I can act as a shield.


And of course she will get embarrass by it since that's the natural reaction but I don't give a crap right now.

"Accuse me for sexual harassment later. Right now your safety comes first."

Aeris didn't respond and continues to get embarrass.

"Kill that lucky bastard!"

One of the guys from class 3 shouted.

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

39% of my barrier's life remaining.

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

29% of my barrier's life remaining.

They haven't arrive yet?

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

19% of my barrier's life remaining.

Where are they?

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

9% of barrier's life remaining.

Damn it!

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

0% and my barrier has shattered still I didn't let go of Aeris even when the repairbot was trying to get me.

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

Damn this hurts!

"Linel it's okay... You don't have to protect me anymore."

Looks like Aeris is worried about me.

Despite the pain, I still continued protecting her.

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

I'm starting to loose consciousness and loosen my grip on Aeris.


I guess she's panicking.

"Linel we're here!"

So Ace and the gang has already arrived.

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

Good! I can let go now.

I lost consciousness...